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Stop trying to ruin the story. >=-(

Jack and Belle looked at each other hesitantly.

"When you opened up the door to that stupid dungeon, I dropped it and it broke." Zoom admitted, looking from jack to Belle worriedly.

"You're kidding, right?" Belle asked.

"No, I have the pieces in my pocket." Zoom replied, showing Belle the broken pieces in her hand.

"It's useless broken!" Jack said angrily before drinking the rest of the rum in one gulp.

"Um, by the way, what have we got to do with this?" Snowy asked.

"Well, that's what your about to find out.." said Belle.

On the way through the tunnels they saw loads of pictures. A ship, and a weird monster thingy...

"The Black Pearl!" whispered Zoom.

They also saw Elizabeth falling off the ship.

"Wha? That never happened.."

"Oh, it did. In this world it did." Belle nodded.

"How?" Esther asked, confused like everyone else.

"Remember, this isn't Earth. We're in the computer." Snowy reminded.

"Still, how is that possible?" Zoom asked.

"Computers are digital.." Belle said.

" you can digitally edit it!!" Steffi said excitedly.

"Not quite," said Belle.

Jack, who by this time was very drunk walked behind them. "Ack, you lil girlie-wirlies know nuthing. NUTHING." He laughed. "Look, it's me ship... ME SHIP!!" he said scrabbling at the picture of the Black Pearl.

Belle rolled her eyes.

"So that's how it happened!" Steffi exclaimed.

"Yes," said Belle, "Elizabeth fell off the ship because...."

"...she was thirsty..."

"WHAT? Thirsty??"

"Yes. SHe wanted water. SHe was driven mad. And jumped off the boat. It was all made for Turner to rescue her...and it worked. Things were going exellent until you showed up-and broke IT..."

"You breaking the trinket made me drop the jar containing Will's soul." Belle explained. "I was going to revive him but then I heard something bang and jumped." Belle glared at the girls, "Then I found out it was the trinket."

"Why would you need his SOUL?" said Zoom loudly. "I think Will Turner's pretty tasy myself, actu-"

"Shut up, Zoom."

Zoomfound a piece of paper in her pocket. It gave her an idea. "Keep her talkin'," she hissed at Snowy.

"Go on." Snowy pressed.

"Will is brave and cute and that's why I needed him. But he wouldn't come to my side. So...I arranged this...and when he drowned I captured his and Elizabeth's souls on their way to paradise. I am going to give them new bodies....they will serve me..."

"But why would you need them to "serve"you?" asked Steffi, always the romantic one.

"Because they have power. I knew I couldn't gain power by myself, so I took their souls, hoping they could help me." Belle explained. Zoom kept her head down, looking at the piece of paper, seemingly writing down everything Belle was saying.

"What are you doing?" Belle said looking over at Zoom.

"Nothing," said Zoom, "So why'd you want power anyway?"

"Try guess." Belle looked irritated. "To take over the world. I would start with the internet, then work my way across America, and tackle the countries one by one."

Belle opened her mouth and closed it again.

"...Well, everyone wants power. It's a GOOD thing. I could live my life in luxury."

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