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The girls all jumped into the most obvious place to look, the computer and sure enough there was the woman but Snowy was nowhere in site...

"Why hello girls, I hope you feel lucky." The woman smiled.

"Where's Snowy?" Esther asked, she and the others wanted answers.

"Oh, she's in Tamatalk of course. With me." The woman replied, in a mesmorising yet annoyed tone.

"Jump in the computer, while we can still see her." Steffi whispered, and everybody jumped.

They landed smack bang in a little stuffed room full of papers and sofas....the woman was sitting on a desk.

"WHERE'S SNOWY!" yelled Zoom. The woman ignored her question. "Sit down." She pointed at the squishy pouffes.

The girls sat down. "All right. Now, first things first, Snowy is NOT hurt. I took her as bait."

"Bait?" said Steffi.

"Yes, you heard me. I have a problem, and I need you to help me...I thought you wouldn't follow me if I asked straight'de think I was up to something."

"You ARE up to something." said StarTama.

"Yes....and I need you to help me. The bad guy in this episode isn't's this man."

The woman snapped her fingers and a projector appeared. It started to project (xD) pictures of a man...with one earring....and long hair...and a pistol...and a peg leg...

"Captain Jack Sparrow!!!" Zoom wrinkled her nose. "What the hell????"

The woman sighed. "Yes.....he's the new baddie. Anyway, I'm Snow White's sister, Belle. I know all your, yes, he's the guy we're gonna have to work together to destroy."

"But... but he's hot!" Steffi said.

The others all started laughing at her.

"He took my money. All of it."

Steffi wondered. "How can you let THAT slip under your noise?!?!"

Belle glared at her.

"Well, we're all here so.. can we have Snowy back..? Please?" asked Esther.

"There's something else as well." Belle snapped her fingers. A cage fell open they hadn't noticed and Snowy fell outta it.

"Now....he took something else from me too. My self-respect...and my hand." Belle shook back her sleeve. Her hand was missing.

"No way." StarTama shook her head in disbelief.

"Yes way, and if you want protection from...Tartar Hacker, or whatever he calls himself now, you help me." Belle warned.

"One, it's Trojan Hacker, or TH. Two, how do you know him?" Zoom asked.

"What do you mean? I've never met that man ever in my life." Belle said slowly.

"You said 'Whatever he calls himself now, that means you knew him when he had a different name. Explain, and we'll help you." Zoom recalled, as Belle turned a slight shade of pink.

"I knew 'TH' when we were young. He was most obsessive with Trojan Horse models and hacking into my internet accounts. He was human, you see. He got so fed up with people betraying him for payback, that he made a decision to become immortal, and live a live of internet hacking, and evil.

I was against it, telling him that this was wrong, and he would be leaving hsi remaining friend behind, me. All he did was push me out of the way and say how foolish I was acting. the day before he became a Hacker he told me that I should join him. He said we would rule the web, making people beg for our mercy. I joined him long enough to see him abliterate the first person he saw. I walked off into oblivion, vowing to get revenge." Belle explained, tears coming to her eyes.

"There was a little accident with TH's second hack.He accidentally sent the Black Pearl onto this site and his ship floated behind me when all of a sudden-" Zoom says "Wait, let me get this straight.The BLACK Pearl floated behind you?"Belle answers with a "Yes."

"Well, you think someone would have noticed." Esther said.

"They did, everyone did, but no-one knew how to stop it. The Black Pearl was just... too powerful.." Belle said with a sigh.

"If the Pearl was so powerful then who says it isn't stronger now? How can we defeat it this time..?" Snowy asked.

"This time we have something that we didn't have back then." Belle said.

"Which is..?" Snowy asked.

Belle held up something. It looked like a snowflake.

"What is that?"

Belle touched one of it's edges, and the room started snowing...the door froze.


She touched another-fire started up. The girls screamed, but before it got any larger Belle touched the corner again and it disappeared.

Another tip-a tsunami.

Next one-a lightning beam shot past them and nesrly electrocuted them.

Another one-...nothing happened.

And the next one, twenty birds swooped in and pecked them all.

After StartrTama brushed the birds off her she said to Belle, "What do you want us to do. Jack Sparrow's smart, he's gonna be expecting something like this isn't he?"

"You've got a point.." said Belle, "Especially as I stole this off him.."

"What is it?" Esther asked, as Belle revealed a small trinket, embaring the letter 'T' on the front.

"Ok, what does it mean?" Steffi asked, looking at the elegant letter.

"Tortuga. If you watched any of the movies, they always talked about that tortuga place. I know, it's freaky that I remember this, but I watch too many movies." Zoom guessed, recalling staying up all night watching Pirates of the Carribean.

The girls heard footsteps coming from behind them. "Do you here that?" asked Zoom.

"Yes" said Esther and Belle at the same time. They all turned around. "It's Jack Sparrow!" said Snowy.

"Hello ladies!!" Jack said.

"Get lost Sparrow, you're not welcome here." Belle said sharply, snatching the trinket away from Zoom.

"Well, that's a fine welcome, isn't it?" Jack Sparrow said sitting down in between Snowy and StarTama.

"As I said before Sparrow, go away." Belle said menacingly.

"I suppose Belle told you that I am horrible and evil? That o set the Black Pearl to destroy websites? Hm?" Jack said.

"She did." said Snowy.

"Well I might of hacked a few websites but at least I wasn't the one who killed Will Turner" Jack said. "That was Belle.. and I think murder is a more severe crime, right?" Jack took out a bottle of rum while the girls looked at Belle for an explanation.

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"Got an explanation Belle?" StarTama asked, trying not to gag with the smell of the rum.

"I was angry. Angry at Jack, and TH. THey betrayed me, and I wanted revenge." Belle snarled, as Zoom took back the trinket to look get a closer look.

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