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"What is we talk to Belle?" Esther asked.

"The may get nervous with all of us. How about just one or two?" Steffi suggested.

"Thanks for voluntering, Steff." Zoom smiled

"You're coming with, because you volunteered me." Steffigrabbes Zoom's arm and they set off to find Belle.

Belle was in her study. When Zoom burst in she was holding something but hastily put it in her pocket and tried to look evil.

Then Tamalova showed up. "Hey, what was that u put in your cyber pocket?" asked Tamalova. Oh, nothing, said belle. Tamalova asked "You sure? cuz it looked like a small mini nuclearbomb." "Alright, alright, you got me. I am TH's wife... he asked me to put this nuclear weapon-one in each of your stories , tamalova- even those Roe Bott stories- to blow up all of Tamatalk... and everyone's sites as well !!!"said TH's accomplice. "HA HA HA *cough* LOL LOL LOL LOL*cough cough* sory, HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!"

"Um, that sounds scary, don't you think?" Belle said, "OF COURSE!! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE SCARY!!!" Tamalova and the others were crnered, and right on top of the "Tamagotchi Fan Fiction" link, and in their fear, they pressed it.

what happens next?

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Thet were zapped into another page.

"We have to get that thing away from belle!"Zoom said.

"I thimk I could be of assistance,"said a tall girl with sleek black hair and glasses.

"And you are...?"asked Tamalova.

'I'm Mametchi101,but call me Amy.

"So, how could you be of assistance"asked Steffi.

Amy grinned."i think I have a plan..."

Amy tells everyone the plan.They nod.

Amy comes into belle's study. she was setting the bomb.

"Hello, Belle,'she said.

"who are you another goody two shoes?"Bella sneered.

"Nope,"Amy replied. "I am a friend of TH, and I was sent to help you."

"Oh,"Belle said.

"Can I have that bomb for a second?"Amy asked.

"Sure,"Belle said.

Amy took it.She quickly unprogrammed it.

Then she yelled"phsyche!"Amd ran off to the others.

But in her running, Amy accidently re-activated the bomb.... Tamalova, Snowy, and the others said in unision , "NOW WE ONLY 4 HOURS LEFT UNTILL THE @!#$#@ BOMB EXPLODES!!! YOU #%@$%$ CREEP!" "Sorry," said amy "oh, sure, like you actually mean it," said Tamalova. "Hey, I said I was sorry!" The others glared at her.

What will happen next? Only YOU can decide...

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Ok guys, we've discussed this before. on Page 2 we decided no new characters. The only chacters officially in the story are Steffi, Snowy, StarTama, Esther and Zoom. Please, don't turn this into an arguement on how it's 'unfair'. If everyone were admitted, it would be an RP in the team Story Section. Yes, you can post part of the story about the five characters, but no new additions (ex. Saying a character's real name is actually yours as a twist.). PM me if you have anything else to say. Please.

ITS NOT MY REAL NAME FOR GoodneSS sake tAMALOvA yOU MAKE A tOTAl iDIOT oUt Of ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, ido decide.

"Well, let Tamatalk explode then! Im out and not coming back!"Amy cried, her face wet with tears."And, JUST UNPROGRAM It YoURSELF!!!"She walked away, went to the bottom of the page, and disappeared.

sorry, zoom. i didnt see that page. Seriously. My real name is not Amy. Its my pen name

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No prob, I mean, it's 32 pages before here. :gozarutchi: *takes deep breath* Now, let's get back to the story.


Belle peered up at Zoom and Steffi. "What?" She asked flatly.

"What relationship do you have with TH?" Steffi askedm, tying to sound as non-threatening as possible.

"None. he was my friend in school, then he left to become the network's best hacker." Belle replied, keeping her eyes on her desk.

"Don't lie," Snowy said flatly, her voice even and almost calm sounding. "We saw your blog. We're not idiots. We want the truth Belle."

"He is a hacker..." Belle said slowly keeping eye contact with Snowy.

"And...?" Snowy continued evenly.

Belle opened her mouth to answer..

"You can trust us. We're supposed to be your friends." Zoom added evenly.

Belle was silent for a moment, deciding what to say.

Meanwhile, Jack stumbled in the room, saying, "Hello blokes! How are you all on this fine morning?" in a drunken voice.

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"Sober!" said Esther.

"Esther.." Snowy said silently looking at the linen cupboard.

Esther understood. She stood up and pushed jack into the linen cupboard. She locked the door and sat down on her chair again.

"Belle, please, tell us what you know about TH. It doesn't have to get personal or anything, just something." Steffi pleaded, as the others nodded.

Belle looked up. Her eyes glowed red. "WHY WOULD I TELL YOU?!?!?!" She screamed at the girls. And invisible force threw the girls to the other side of the room. Before any of them could move a cage fell on them. Belle stormed out of the room.

"So much for getting Belle to open up to us.." Zoom said moodily.

"Well what now?" asked Esther.

"I don't know." said Zoom. "Anyone got any ideas?"

"Um. Get them together. Let's trick them into meeting. And...we could-"

Snowy spoke up, "Well, we could trick them into meeting once we are out of this cage."

"But how do we get out of it..?" Steffi asked.

Hi my name is wameed98 "i think i can free you" "but how"said snowy."my lazer"Said Wameed98 "get out quickly this started last year i was on my computer waiting for access to run on tamachat but then a virus was on my computer with an avatar DIZZY!"

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Ok wameed98, for the zillionth time it seems, no new characters. You can post things that the real characters DO, but no adding new ones. It's been said on the 34th page, the 2nd page, and probably every other page too.


"We'll just have to wait. Belle will probably end up coming back to her study eventually, and she can't handle letting 5 girls starve and die like TH can." StarTama said.

"Oh my gosh." Zoom whispered. "I bet you all any money Belle stormed off to get TH."

"Yes, I bet she did too. If she can't kill us, she would have known he could've." Snowy nodded.

At that moment Belle walked in the room, followed by TH.

"Girls, you are all grown up! How long has it been? Oh, no matter. This will be our last little meeting anyway." he smiled, taking Belle's hand.

"OK, this is sick." said Snowy.

"W-what are y-y-you going to d-do to us?" Steffi stuttered.

"Tell us now," said Zoom.

"Yeah! Tell us!" Esther piped up.

TH looked at Belle. They both had an evil grin on their faces.

:huh: i need to join please is like im not a member in tamatalk please WAHHHHH! and ive talked to my mom and every other adult and they said everything has to be fare i cant help it you are biend hard on me or should i say too hard and if you dont ill post tt-unite 2

sorry for this interuption

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