Things that make you feel uncomfortable/awkward/nervous


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When I'm searching through images of harmless stuff like custom MLP toys: I end up seeing someone's **** artwork in the image search and want claw my eyes out. It really makes me feel uncomfortable seeing stuff like that. (i know i know its the internet)

When I'm searching through images of harmless stuff like custom MLP toys: I end up seeing someone's **** artwork in the image search and want claw my eyes out. It really makes me feel uncomfortable seeing stuff like that. (i know i know its the internet)
I'm really glad I'm not the only one who gets uncomfortable about those. I could even say I truly hate it how the people behind the ****-stuffs try to normalize their doings by saying that "Get used to it, it's the internet". It doesn't make any sense, especially when there would be no obstacles with giving some better reason.

I'm really glad I'm not the only one who gets uncomfortable about those. I could even say I truly hate it how the people behind the ****-stuffs try to normalize their doings by saying that "Get used to it, it's the internet". It doesn't make any sense, especially when there would be no obstacles with giving some better reason.
Trust me your definitely not the only one. My friend doesn't even search images to avoid seeing something ****. You can't even search ebay and be safe with the stuff she likes. I've been there when we have searched birthday gift ideas for each other. Something creepy pops up sometimes when we search for stuff she may like. (she likes vocaloids and Final Fantasy 7)

​Most likely things like being in situations you shouldn't be present it. Or being online and someone refers to you as he or she when you haven't identified your gender to the public. 1v1 Roleplays also make me quite uncomfortable.

Eating in public. I always have to make anything I'm eating into small pieces otherwise I just won't eat until I'm alone

forced conversation is the worst

people who bash on things like homosexuality and taxes and stuff too, and when you have to pay in coins instead of cash since you're rummaging around in your wallet and holding up a line

forced conversation is the worst

people who bash on things like homosexuality and taxes and stuff too, and when you have to pay in coins instead of cash since you're rummaging around in your wallet and holding up a line
Omg I hate making a queue. Also when I'm putting what I bought into my bag after all the moneys been exchanged. It seems to take ages for me to even zip up my bag ;-;

When you want to meet someone and then you´re seeing them waiting for you.

and then there are some metres away from your two and you´re just awkwardly looking in your faces with an awkward smile while you walk to him/her

I´ve explained it so weird,I´m sorry

When people in my year group at school come up to me when I'm on the computer listening to music and start saying stuff like "OMG WAT U LISTENING TO??????" and "OMG ARE YOU ON THAT DEVIANTART THING AGAIN???? OMG I HEARD THERES PORN ON IT??? OMG R U LOOKING AT PORN???????" and I'm like "um no im writing poems go away plz" and they're like "OMG U RITE POEMZ??????????? COOOOOL LET MEH READ THEM ALL".

Also there's someone in my year group who always says stuff like "hey, what's up?" to me and my friend, except she isn't actually being nice because she also says really random weird stuff like "OH MY GOD GUYS, YOU NEED TO SOCIALISE WITH THE REST OF THE YEAR GROUP!!" When WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IMPORTANT CONVERSATION AND DO NOT WISH TO SOCIALISE WITH THE REST OF THE YEAR GROUP.

TL;DR: my year group at school. ALL OF THEM. Except my best friend.
You´re not alone

As a dog, I have really sensitive ears. My spine literally tingles when someone scratches smooth paper, like shiny ones. You know, like Eyewitness paper.

Whenever somebody plays something **** in the Tower Unite theatres.

I didn't go to the virtual theatre to see a man yelling screamo music wearing... I should stop talking right now.

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