Things that make you feel uncomfortable/awkward/nervous


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people asking why I'm photographing dolls when I'm in the middle of a photoshoot.

People thinking that drawing nude nudes in university is weird when I'm in fine arts... And making uncomfortable questions about it.

People questioning why my games that I make are so dark and what the meaning behind my characters are and trying to psychoanalyze me based on that.

Anyone glancing at my more questionable games and comic books... Heaven forbid the rp logs...

When I pass someone I don't know in the street, and they say hi to me, or when a stranger sits down beside me on the bus. Especially if I have to make contact with them when I'm getting off. I live in Sweden though, so these things don't really happen very often... :p

I have an eating disorder and my best friend knows it (though I have only ever mentioned it once and I try to be secretive about it), last week in art class my table suddenly started talking about eating disorders. I wanted to crawl out of my skin and die I was so uncomfortable. He went to a mental hospital once and he was talking about all the "freakishly skinny anorexic girls" in his unit and I was about to die because I'm not even close to being thin, I'm just regular old slim. I can't stand that kind of talk....

people asking why I'm photographing dolls when I'm in the middle of a photoshoot.

People thinking that drawing nude nudes in university is weird when I'm in fine arts... And making uncomfortable questions about it.

People questioning why my games that I make are so dark and what the meaning behind my characters are and trying to psychoanalyze me based on that.

Anyone glancing at my more questionable games and comic books... Heaven forbid the rp logs...
I'm applying to some fine arts colleges in my senior year of highschool (junior year currently) and I do a lot of art with the human figure...mostly I look up Greek and Roman statues and I have a sketchbook filled with drawings I've copied from the old masters....once my friend's mother opened up one of my nude sketchbooks, she immediately told me I was viewing "inappropriate content for someone your age" (I'm 17 lol) and gave me a lecture on nudity and being conservative. Like really? Nudity scares you that much? It's also a drawing, you can just close the dang book if you don't like it...

It really bothers me when strangers try to give my baby food they have been eating. How gross is that? And when random people touch her face. I dont know when they last washed their hands. It mamkes my skin crawl. People are so stupid and thoughtless these days.

I moved to this account because something that happened recently made me uncomfortable with my name so I can add that to the list

Also, since I have Social/Situational Anxiety, that acts up in certain situations, so yeah

It really bothers me when strangers try to give my baby food they have been eating. How gross is that? And when random people touch her face. I dont know when they last washed their hands. It mamkes my skin crawl. People are so stupid and thoughtless these days.
My friend's mom has an 8 month old girl, and we were all in a mall last week and sitting eating pretzels, when some woman comes up to us and says "She is so PRECIOUS!!! Can I hold her?"

Like....NO???? Why would someone willingly hand their fragile child to a stranger? They could drop the baby or take off with it....

My friend's mom has an 8 month old girl, and we were all in a mall last week and sitting eating pretzels, when some woman comes up to us and says "She is so PRECIOUS!!! Can I hold her?"

Like....NO???? Why would someone willingly hand their fragile child to a stranger? They could drop the baby or take off with it....
At least she asked! 80% of people dont ask, they just do what they want with my child.

Surprisingly, when anybody irl finds my social media accounts(i.e. TT, Insta, dA, Tumblr). I tend to post a lot of content I wouldn't want people knowing about, like my drawings and interest with Love Live! + Tamagotchis :p

Religious/conservative people and beliefs. Also, waiting for someone for a long time, or waiting for something to happen.

When customers come to me with complaints. I work at Gamestop and 9/10 when a customer has a problem they yell and cuss first and then let you speak.

Most people don't ever read our return policy, so when they bring up an open new game and say "I don't like it, I want my money back." Sorry bro, you opened it so we can't take it anymore, should have bought it preowned, 7 day money back if you don't like it.

When people in my year group at school come up to me when I'm on the computer listening to music and start saying stuff like "OMG WAT U LISTENING TO??????" and "OMG ARE YOU ON THAT DEVIANTART THING AGAIN???? OMG I HEARD THERES PORN ON IT??? OMG R U LOOKING AT PORN???????" and I'm like "um no im writing poems go away plz" and they're like "OMG U RITE POEMZ??????????? COOOOOL LET MEH READ THEM ALL".

Also there's someone in my year group who always says stuff like "hey, what's up?" to me and my friend, except she isn't actually being nice because she also says really random weird stuff like "OH MY GOD GUYS, YOU NEED TO SOCIALISE WITH THE REST OF THE YEAR GROUP!!" When WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IMPORTANT CONVERSATION AND DO NOT WISH TO SOCIALISE WITH THE REST OF THE YEAR GROUP.

TL;DR: my year group at school. ALL OF THEM. Except my best friend.

Lots of explicit sexual stuff (especially relations to bdsm) or things that make sexual relationships sound like it has to be a normativity. i.e. "sex is vital in a relationship and adds a new dimension"

Hell I read this one fanfic and basically this dude was trying to fit in as a human and he said something like "isn't sex a normal thing for humans? Isn't that what people do?" and I just started crying and the voices in the back of my head wouldn't stop talking crap about me

Be careful who you date, kids. they could be a piece of garbage who doesn't believe asexuality is real and will have a group of friends to back up their statement and make you feel like a horrible person for feeling no sexual attraction

When the bus is very full and I am literally squashed between strangers (every morning, HALP)

When I am sketching and people come up behind me, look over my shoulder, and ask me "WHATCHA DRAWIIIIING?!"

When people ask me for my opinion on Serious Topics like politics and current news items. I'm not a very profound person and I get embarrassed because of that.

when i say something normal like "hey, when's the maths homework due in?" and the entire class starts giggling because apparently i accidentally said something that vaguely resembles something that is a code word for something dirty

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