When people in my year group at school come up to me when I'm on the computer listening to music and start saying stuff like "OMG WAT U LISTENING TO??????" and "OMG ARE YOU ON THAT DEVIANTART THING AGAIN???? OMG I HEARD THERES PORN ON IT??? OMG R U LOOKING AT PORN???????" and I'm like "um no im writing poems go away plz" and they're like "OMG U RITE POEMZ??????????? COOOOOL LET MEH READ THEM ALL".
Also there's someone in my year group who always says stuff like "hey, what's up?" to me and my friend, except she isn't actually being nice because she also says really random weird stuff like "OH MY GOD GUYS, YOU NEED TO SOCIALISE WITH THE REST OF THE YEAR GROUP!!" When WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN IMPORTANT CONVERSATION AND DO NOT WISH TO SOCIALISE WITH THE REST OF THE YEAR GROUP.
TL;DR: my year group at school. ALL OF THEM. Except my best friend.