They Call Us Show Girls


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"Well, I don't know what to order...." Bri said, ignoring the waitress. It didn't bother her someone was flirting with Caden. Okay, that was a lie. She was slightly bothered by it. But only slightly. I mean, this was their first and last date, right? So what if some ugly, whore waitress hit on her attractive date? After taking a sip of her water, Brielle looked back up at Caden and said, "Well, she seemed friendly."

Mei got up and said, "I have to pee again! Hang on guys!" She darted back to the bathroom, and was in and out in a jiffy. "I think I might have a bladder problem," she stated sadly. "Or maybe it's this drink I got... I bet it's the drink." She sighed, and then a different waitress came over. This one was really pretty, with long red hair and big green eyes-- and practically no makeup.

"Candice just got sick in there, so she asked me to take over," she said, smiling slightly at Caden. "I'm sorry for any trouble it's caused you. Are we ready to order?"

Mei said, "You know what guys? Why I don't I just pick what I think you would like. We'll have the house sampler platter, with the portions sized so four people can share. Okay? Okay."

The waitress nodded meekly, then looked over at Caden and smiled again. Then she hurried off, looking embarrassed.

Mei gave a sigh and shook her head. "Geez Caden, it seems like all the girls on the staff are into you or something. They act like they've never seen a male before."

Caden nodded in agreement. The trouble with choosing something was, he thought, that it was a French restaurant. "I don't think the French quite grasp the concept of Vegetarianism, unfortunately," he said, mostly to himself, although it was loud enough for everyone. "But, so long as there's something in there for me, I'm quite happy for what Mei' has in mind." He realised only when the waitress left that he'd been holding his breath almost the whole time she'd been there, her close proximity obviously a bit too forward for his liking, and he let it out slowly before replying, "Too friendly for me, I think." He had to laugh about it, though- at least until she came back, anyway. He didn't mind a bit of harmless flirting, but generally speaking the attraction needed to be mutual, and it could be a bit more subtle.

Edited, Becca got there first last night :L

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Eli raised an eyebrow at Mei. When she brought herself back to theirtable and sat down again he leaned over and whispered. "What in the world has gotten into you tonight?" He couldn't help but wonder what all of these frantic 'bathroom trips' could possibly be about. He definitely noticed that she had seemed to become excentric and very distracted since they had gotten to the restaurant. He didn't Mind that she had ordered for them all, she seemed to be the one who knew what to order. He never really ate out much, and when he did he never ventured out into foreign or ethnic foods. He wasn't adventurous when it came to his food and didn't ever experiment too often with it.

"Sorry," she whispered into his ear. "I've just really had to go to the bathroom a lot." She kissed his cheek, then took another sip of her lemonade. "I'm fine. Really." Then she looked over toward the kitchen and raised an eyebrow. "I really hope that one waitress is okay. I mean, I would hate to get sick on the job, you know?" She dabbed at her lips with a napkin, then placed a fresh napkin on her lap. "So Caden, what did everyone think of the show tonight?"

I find it frankly hilarious that Mei would announce that she might have a bladder problem before everyone at the dinner table xD

Caden had noticed the attentions of the second waitress as well. He supposed that at least she was a little more attractive, and because she was considerably more tactful in her approach. But he wasn't sure quite how to react since he was on a date with Brielle. He tried not to take any notice of it because, frankly, he had an idea of who he'd rather date out of the three of them, and was glad for Mei's question to direct the subject of conversation elsewhere. "Well, a lot of reporters don't tend to give much away before the press release, but I had some great feedback even from them. A few people from the audience stuck around to let me know how good they thought it was, and that it was much more tasteful, enjoyable entertainment than before. All in all, they like the new look, I suppose. They thought you guys did a great job, in short," he replied with a smile.

Mei sighed with relief upon hearing the good news. "I'm glad for that! Honestly, our craft would have died out if we kept the show the way it was before. I, personally, am pleased with our new format and our new goals. I feel like we're actually learning to be better performers, which is key. We all have things we could work on, really." She took a sip of her drink, then relaxed in her chair. "Congratulations on an amazing opening night, everyone. Especially you, Caden." She grinned, then looked over at the redheaded waitress who was coming to the table.

She set down a basket of rolls and gave a slight smile to every person at the table. "I'm sorry for intruding, but I heard that you are workers for the follies? I really think that's great. I had heard that there were going to be some new shows. I'll definitely try to come and see one sometime." She smiled at Caden before saying, "The sampler platter will be out in a little bit, okay? Let me know if you need anything." She walked away and started to check on another table.

Bri raised an eyebrow at Eli when Mei kept getting up to use the restroom. She glanced over at the red head. Dxmn, she was pretty. SHe pushed the little green monster out of her head and joined the conversation. "Agreed." Brielle said, "Seems like we definately owe Caden for saving us from dancing naked. Because we know that's what would've happened if his brother had stayed around." She smiled at Caden before taking another sip of her drink. When the new waitress came back with the rolls, she watched Caden carefully for his reaction. She if he flirted back with her, she was going to scream. Brielle was starting to feel intimidated by all the beautiful girls hitting on Caden, especially this one.

Ahh, Alicia, you're a funny one xD

"Well, I'm just glad you girls are happier with the way things are now. The ideas I had have been playing on my mind for a long time, I definitely thought that making a show that was classier and more dignified was long overdue." Caden waved his hand dismissively and shook his head at the comments that the success was especially down to him, too modest to agree even a little bit, even if he had spent countless extra hours writing directions, music arrangements and endless to-do lists. "Anybody else who'd taken over would have done the same, it's everyone else we have to thank. You girls, for being so patient and talented, and for people like Eli who work so hard without getting even a little bit of the limelight. So, well done, guys. Enjoy every minute of it." When the waitress appeared and asked about the show he nodded and smiled as he said, "Yeah, we just opened the new show tonight. It'd be great if you could come." He didn't mean it to sound like he personally was anxious for her in particular to come and see.. well, perhaps you could say, the work he'd done for it, for example, but those kinds of statements could always be taken in so many different ways; hopefully nobody took it the wrong way.

The waitress nodded and said, "I'll do my best to show up. Now, don't worry, your food will be out in a few minutes. Enjoy the bread!" She beamed at everyone, then walked back to the kitchen to work on other orders.

Mei said, "Well, I hardly think it's fair that you don't get any credit. After all, it takes a special kind of director to take a show that's widely disrespected and make into something really stellar. I think we all can share the glory here! Including you, Caden!" She raised her glass, then brought it to her lips and sipped from it delicately.

The waitress came back with the platter of food and gently placed it on the table. "Here you go, guys! Enjoy your meal!" She glanced at Caden and smiled, then walked away to the other tables nearby.

Bri picked up her fork and stirred her food a little. She had absolutely no idea what it was, nor what was in it. She tenetively took a small bite, swallowing and taking a drink. She set her napkin on her lap, and asked the waitress for some wine. Bri needed a little bit of alcohol right now. "I really do enjoy working with such a talented creative team." she said, beaming. Mostly Caden, not that she'd admitt that out loud.

Caden paused, looking over the different dishes to see which ones he could eat, before putting a little of each onto his plate. He smiled at what Brielle had said. "I know what you mean. We're very lucky to have so many gifted people working with us for this. What we have is probably a lot better than most could ever wish for. Still, I'm glad you actually enjoy working with all of us. I was worried about quite a lot of girls handing in their notice if things didn't get better.." He took a sip of his beer and appeared to be looking at Bri completely as he continued with, "And I wouldn't like that very much at all, if some of you left, I mean." There it was again, as he made eye contact with her; it reminded him of that first time, when she was dancing and he'd watched her, even though their eyes had met for barely any time at all. He cleared his throat and looked down into his glass as he drank some more.

The waitress brought Brielle a glass of wine, smiling at Caden as she set it down in front of Bri. Bri forced a smile, refusing to show that she was slightly annoyed with the service of the resteraunt. She sipped the wine, deciding she'd be getting something stronger once she was home. She became a little flustered when Caden made eye contact witih her. She looked down, nibbling on her lip a little. "So, uhm," she said, addressing Mei and Eli, "What made the two of you realize you had something?"

Through a greater need to relax after what had just happened, Caden quickly drained off the last third of his glass of beer, quickly catching the waitress before she left the table to ask for another one. She gave him another sweet smile as she returned a few minutes later with his order, and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he thanked her and took a sip from his next pint. He was glad that the conversation had moved to put a focus on Eli and Mei; that way, he didn't have to say anything for a little while, and because he could give them his undivided attention; he didn't know what happened when he'd looked at Brielle right in the eyes, but he did know that thinking about her and it only brought back the feeling it had created.

Brielle's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she peeked at it under the table. Jeremy. Of course. Brielle gnawed at her bottom lip and looked from Mei, to Caden, back to Mei and finally at her phone. "I... I have to take this. I'm sorry..." She stood from the table, rushing towards the door as she answered the phone. She looked over her shoulder, pretty sure she met Caden's gaze, before she pushed open the door and stood outside.

Caden watched as Brielle rushed outside to take her phone call. He averted his gaze across to Mei and Eli the instant after he was sure their eyes had met again. There was a moment's silence before he jumped in his seat slightly, his phone vibrating in his jacket pocket. The moment he read the name on the screen, his breath caught in his throat. He hadn't spoken to Maria since they'd moved the last of her things out of his apartment. You're overreacting, he thought, she probably left or forgot something. "Sorry about this. Excuse me for a minute," he said to the others, rising from his seat and heading outside to take the call before he missed it. She said she just wanted to tell him she was sorry. But he was no fool- this was headed somewhere. 'I want us to try again,' he heard her say, as if it was so easy to undo all the things that had happened. "You think that after everything, we could just go back to how it was before? I was ready to marry you," he replied, "and you took advantage of a little time without me, and you ruined that." He would be lying if he'd denied that a part of him had wanted her back, and his answers were not without hesitation. But that was the same part of him that still loved her for the person she had been, but not the person she was now. He knew he would never go through it again. Besides, he thought, as he took a few fleeting glances to his left and saw Bri taking her call as well, could he ever be faithful to Maria again? Wasn't there somebody else he wanted instead, if he really let himself admit it?

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Brielle paced in a little cicrle, listening to Jeremy complain about how he wanted her back, and that they needed to do dinner after her show this weekend. 'I just want to see you walk down an aisle in a white dress. And I want to be the one you're walking towards.' he had told her. Bri swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in her throat. She had wanted to hear that for so long. She glanced over at Caden, wondering who had called him. She leaned up against the wall and said, "Here's the problem with that. I don't want to marry you. You used me for sex." She heard him sigh on the other side of the phone. 'Babe- you have sex with strangers for a living now. I could support you. I could be the only one you're doing that with. Marry me.' "You just called me a prostitute! Why would I marry you?"

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'I was away from you for so long and I was lonely. I met him and he made me feel special; he reminded me of you. I didn't think it would turn out like that, it wasn't what I intended. It all got the better of me at the time and I'm sorry for that,' Maria told him, an audible crack appearing in her voice. The way she sounded reminded him of the times when she was at her lowest, the saddest he had ever seen her, the times when he had held her and told her how everything would be okay way after she stopped crying. He felt his stomach tying itself in knots. For a few fleeting moments, a sentence agreeing to take her back played upon the tip of his tongue. "You could have called or written to me. If you'd asked I would have come to see you in a heartbeat. Instead you barely answered anything, and when you did you didn't give it all of your attention the way you should have," he said at last in reply. "It wouldn't be enough to love you but not trust you anymore. We could have had everything together, moved into somewhere nice, had a beautiful wedding. Anything you wanted." He was raising his voice a little now, frustrated at the thought of how she'd taken advantage of him. "I hope he gives you all of that," he added, before pressing the end call button. It took all of his self-restraint not to throw the godforsaken phone on the floor. He'd never realised that what she'd done to him hadn't just made him upset, but angry, too, until now. He turned his back to Brielle and the restaurant and, for the first time, he even cried a little bit over it. But somehow in that, it seemed, he was finally getting over the last of it. He knew he didn't love her anymore, rather than just telling himself but not believing it.

-sorryit'ssolong- Haha.

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;alskdutoi, It's quite alright, my heart just broke into about a million pieces.

'I-I didn't mean it that way, Bri Bear! I love you! I was wrong before. You know that saying, how you don't know what you have until it's gone? It's real. I would give anything for you to forgive me.' Brielle listened to Jeremy. She was silent for a while, she had been watching Caden. "Well, I'm sorry, but I'm on a date right now, so I'm gonna go." She hung up the phone and put it in her pocket. She took a few steps towards Caden. "Hey." she said quietly, "Are you okay?" She bit her lip a little, and took another step. Brielle was right next to him. She took his hand and whispered, "It'll be okay. I promise..."

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