They Call Us Show Girls


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Caden nodded slightly, although he of course didn't have any inclination as to what it was like to do the other half of her job, nor did he really want to. He'd always wanted to change that about the way the Follies worked, but as director of the show it wasn't anything that he could do something about. He sighed as she pulled away from him to leave the kitchen, having been ready and frankly eager to kiss her again after the last one, but smiled and followed her, glass in hand, to sit on the couch close to the arm she was sat on. He traced a hand down the back of her leg gently before taking a sip of his drink.

Brielle looked at Caden, and said with a smart xss tone when he grazed her leg, "My legs that appealing to you?" She extended them so they laid across Caden's lap. She took another sip of her drink, swirling some ice around in the glass. She grinned and said matter-of-factly, "I've heard they're my best feature." She leaned against the back of the couch. She was surprised with herself. This isn't how she usually acted on first dates. But then again, she hadn't been in a real relationship in a while. To stop herself from thinking too much, she finished off her drink.

"Well, they are... Well, gorgeous. It's probably hard for a woman to understand quite how much men love legs," Caden replied. He tilted is head to the side and sipped his drink contemplatively as he thought about her second comment. He ran his fingers over her legs again just once, before he said, "While they are lovely, I'm not so sure that's quite true." While at the moment they both seemed rather flirtatious with each other, he would always be a romantic at heart. "I think here is better," he added, placing a hand under her chin for a moment to look at her face.

Brielle's face turned rather red when Caden made the comment aabout her face being beautiful. She turned away and cleared her throat and stood up. "Welll, I need another drink. Can I get you anything?" She started to walk to the kitchen again. The comment had obviously caught her off gaurd. Brielle mixed another drink and leaned against the small kitchen table as she sipped. She looked at Caden over her drink.

Caden got up and followed her into the kitchen after a few moments. "I'll have whatever you're having, thank you," he replied, handing her his empty glass. He then said, "Listen, I'm sorry if what I said... If you didn't like me saying that about you. I know it's early and that, well, neither of us are so used to this." When he had a new drink, he took a large mouthful of it, and regretted it when the strength of the alcohol hit his tastebuds.

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"It's fine..." Brielle said, taking another drink. It was delicious, yet all of the alcohol was starting to get to her. She ignored it, and took another sip. "It just caught me off gaurd. I haven't been told something like that in a long time."

Merrrr, I fail.

Eli simply shook his head. Once again he didn't bother arguing with her, he found it easier to simply just give up and let her win or at least think she did. He knew that even if he tried to put up an argument, all he would be doing was wasting his time and his energy arguing with her even though he would end up either losing or simply giving up in the end. "Whatever..." He mumbled.

"You were really good tonight by the way." He told her. "And I do have to admit taking Bri out was definitely a good way of keeping her away from her ex but you do know you aren't going to do that everytime, and I mean eventually he'll give up but from how you've described him I doubt that would be enough to deter him."

Caden nodded, understanding what she meant completely. "Well," he said, "I suppose that, unless you'd like me to pretend to be like a customer with a toe fetish and no regard for much else about you, you might hear it a little more than you're used to." He took another, smaller sip of his drink. He didn't drink much very often- although lately he'd admit that he'd had a good few nights where he'd drunk far more than he should have, and for all the wrong reasons-, but it was nice, and much better with company. Teamed with his beers over dinner, he was definitely starting to feel it taking hold of him, but he promised himself he wouldn't get completely wasted, and so that would be fine. The glass emptied quicker than he'd thought it would, though, and he placed it on the counter again. "That's good stuff," he said, perhaps involuntarily, he didn't really know.

"I have to do what I can to keep her safe," Mei said softly. "I mean... bad things happen to girls like us, whether we're serving strangers or not. I really don't want anything bad to happen to her." She closed her eyes and gave a soft sigh. "I know, she can hold her own normally, but when it comes to him... it changes her. Even mentioning him changes the way she acts. I just don't want her to get hurt."

"Yeah I know... I know you care about her and want to protect her. I just wanna make sure you're not planning anymore crazy stunts or over the top plans." Eli told her gently. He wasn't too sure if he would be able to handle any more of her wild scheming, eventually he knew he would get lost in it all and would be able to remember what was real and what wasn't any more. That, and he isn't a very good liar. This was a fact that he knew, he was simply terrible at lying, he could never seem to keep track of the lies and he always has a hard time keeping a straight face and it becomes quite obvious that he isn't being truthful. Mybe this was part of the reason behind his tendancey to just say whatever pops into his mind.

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind Mei's ear and smiled softly at her.

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Mei grinned at him, then leaned up to kiss the corner of his mouth, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair. "You make me so happy," she told him softly, moving back to get a good look at him. "I'm glad you're here." She rested her face in his neck, giving a very soft sigh. "You're very comfortable to sit on."

Eli let out a satisfied sigh. "I'm glad too." He told her. He then chuckled. "Oh, I see how it is. Pshh, just something comfortable to sit on." He scoffed and tried to look hurt and shocked by her comment. His expression soon changed to a grin. He shifted his hod on her and used the new one to scoop her up and try to toss her behind him over his shoulder, making a jerking motion. He then simply flung her across the couch, tossing her to the other side.

Mei laughed out loud when he flung her onto the couch, then got up and pounced on him, trying to pin him down. "You big jerk!" She said playfully, trying her best to keep him down. She then tried to tickle him, in a sort of game of mercy. "You asked for it!"

Eli laughed at her. Her attacks did very little and he found them more amusing than anything. "Oh, so now I'm the jerk?" He made yet another scoff full of denial. He laughed again and flipped himself over her. He leaned his face over hers, a triumphant smile on his face. "Now what smartie pants?"

Mei pouted, then moved and kissed him passionately, not really minding being the victim-- for now. "I don't know," she told him, laughing. "You're still so mean to me, throwing me around and tackling me!" She kept laughing, trying to wriggle her way free.

Eli smiled and kissed her back. His body instantly relaxed, loosening his grip on her. "That is not fair!" He stated after she had pulled away. He pouted slightly at her. "That is cheating!" He told her, trying to regain his grip on the now wiggling girl.

Mei finally managed to pull herself away from him, and darted to the other side of the couch, creeping from behind him. "Ha ha, it looks like I got the best of you this time!" She giggled, leaning forward a bit to snicker at him. "You'll never get me!" Smirking, she leaned forward and gave him a hungry kiss.

Eli had righted himself again, sitting back on the couch properly. "Wanna bet?" He challenged. When she leaned forward to kiss him he gladly returned her kiss. His arms snaking around her and pulling her to him. "It looks like I already have." He whispered, pulling away just enough to get the words out. He returned his lips to hers kissing her again.

Mei giggled and said, "Well, what if this was my plan all along?" She kept kissing him, then snaked her hands up under his shirt. "You never know..." Smirking, she pulled back to look him over, trying to gauge his reaction.

"Hmm, well in that case, then I guess you're much more devious than I thought. " Eli told her. "And well quite frankly I'm not sure if that's the kind of girl I want to spend my time with..."

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