They Call Us Show Girls


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After Bri had sauntered offstage from her solo number, she spun around backstage, loving the rush she got everytime she even looked into the audience. She changed into her corset and ripped skirt for the finale and ran on, oozing sex and anger. The curtain closed and Bri finally broke another smile. She skipped over to Mei, practically tackling her in a hug. "You were soooo good!"

Caden lead the audience's rumbling applause towards the girls first, then the orchestra, followed by off into the wings where the remaining crew could be found, grinning broadly. He then made his way backstage to congratulate all of his girls. They were sort of like a family now, rather than workmates, so it was appropriate for him to give each of them a hug. "Great job, Brookelyn," he'd said as he'd given her a hug and the kiss on the cheek, "You were fabulous, Mei," he'd told Mei as he continued. He hugged Brielle as well, despite the fact that he thought it might be awkward, because he'd thought it would have been more awkward if he didn't if he had done with everyone else. He did, however, give her a genuine smile and he cleared his throat before he told her, "Amazing, that's what you were."

Brielle hugged Caden back lightly, slightly surprised. She smiled back at him, "Thank you." she said sweetly. She bit her lip and backed away, heading to the dressing room to change for the date.

Caden made his way over to the backstage crew, to give them his thanks, followed by chatting to a few remaining members of the orchestra that hadn't packed up already. He then had to give a few interviews to some New York newspapers- the reopening of the revamped show following the directorial takeover had attracted a fair amount of media attention. No doubt tomorrow Caden would be able to see what the critics really thought of all the work everybody had put in. Much to his relief, they seemed incredibly complementary at the time, and they were easy-flowing interviews. He had to cut them off eventually, explaining he had other commitments, and went off to freshen up for the date, the part of the evening he wasn't so sure about. He'd told Mei he'd meet them there at the restaurant, because of his aforementioned interviews, and so he couldn't have had even the slightest inclination before arriving as to who his date would be.

Brielle changed into a strapless pink dress that hugged all of her curves. She slipped on silver heels and sat in front of the mirror, taking off the excessive makeup, but adding a little bit of bronzer and chapstick. She bit her lip again as she brushed her waves out. She stood up and looked in the full length mirror. She looked good, she decided. After throwing her hair over her shoulder, she grabbed her clutch, and walked towards the doors, waiting for Mei and Eli.

Caden decided he was appropriately dressed and presentable for dinner- after all, he'd looked incredibly smart for the show, why change- and so he picked up the few things from his office that he'd planned to take with him to it. He checked himself in the mirror one last time before going to lock everything up. He was doing everything pretty slowly, because he hadn't really allowed the feeling of triumph at how well the show had gone to really sink in. Now that he thought about it, he knew that the show had been what he'd wanted to to be for a long time, way before he'd had any input in its content or how it was run. It made all the hard work feel worthwhile, and softened the blow of some of the less positive things that had happened since his employment as director. With everything finished with inside, he headed out, directions at the ready, to find the restaurant.

Mei grinned at Caden and Brielle. "Thanks loves," she said, still in character. She coughed and said, in her usual voice, "I mean, thanks guys!" She giggled with delight, jumping up and down from the adrenaline provided by the show. "That was soooo amazing!" She gushed, before rushing off to the changing room to get ready for the date. She changed into a little black dress with a slit up the side, and a plunging neckline. There were long sleeves that consisted of sheer lace, and then she put on a pair of bright red pumps. She redid her hair and makeup, then checked herself out. She looked over at Brielle and gave her a thumbs up. "Look at you!"

Bri giggled and spun for Mei. "Look at me? MOre like look at you! Eli won't be able to keep his hands off of you!" Bri twisted her hands together. "Is there anything I should know about this guy before we get there? Like his name?" She nibbled on her lower lip and adjusted her dress.

"I'd rather let him do the whole introduction thing. It's kind of creepy when you go on a first date and feel like they know everything about you already. But, he's really nice, kind of shy. I think you'll hit it off!" She checked herself in the mirror one more time, putting on some red lipstick. "Believe me, you won't be disappointed." Mei then went to get Eli. "Hey babe! We're going on to dinner. You coming with us?"

Somehow, despite his leaving late - he supposed it was because he hadn't had to change, and had kept things short and sweet with the press in order to arrive in at least good time for dinner, while the others would have to get ready-, he arrived at the restaurant before Mei, Eli and is mystery date, according to the waitress at front of house. And so, he waited for them just off to the side of the entrance, feeling his nervousness building. The thought of a blind date was frankly terrifying considering he hadn't really done the whole early dating thing for nearly five years, and at least he'd known who each of them would be before they went out. Plus, he still had that niggling thought in the back of his mind that kept making him ask himself, 'Are you really ready to move on? She did those things to you, but you're finding it hard forget about her..' and so on and so forth. A few people from the audience of the show had apparently had the same idea to go out for dinner afterwards and it was nice that they stopped through their recognition of him, and their high praise for the performance took his mind off things for a little while, until it all went quiet again.

Eli had gone and changed about midway through the show. He changed into a pair of dark black jeans and a clean light coloured dress shirt and black jacket. He had also taken a quick shower to clean off anny remaining lipgloss stains. He was hanging around backstage when Meimei had found him. "Mmm, hey." he said kissing her cheek. "Well, I didn't really think I had a choice." He joked handing her a single deep red tulip. He wasn't too sure what sort of flower to get her when he was flagged down by a shop owner but the lady had told him something about them symbolizing passion and he figured that was pretty appropriate so he just got it for her on a whim. "So where are we going anyway?" He asked her before she could say anything about the little gift trying to change to a different subject.

Bri watched the exchange between the two love birds and winked at Mei. "Oh, look, another detail I don't know." Brielle announced when Eli asked about the location of the date. "Can we just go get this over with?" She asked, standing on the balls of her feet, anxoiusly playing with her hair a little.

Meimei smiled at him and blushed when he gave her the flower. She thought it was definitely sweet of him, and would readily admit she was surprised by the gift. She smirked as he changed the subject, figuring it was just in his nature to not like overly sentimental things. "Well, we're going to the little french restaurant down the street. It's really good (and I'm covering the bill, due to a show well done.) Also... thank you." She got on her tiptoes and kissed him very quickly. Then she took his hand and led him over to Bri. "Well, I think we're all ready to go here."

Brielle nodded, following behind Mei and Eli closely, "You don't need to pay, Mei. I can cover for myself..." She avoided all eye contact with strangers on the way out of the theatre, unless it was a little girl who asked for a picture and said they wanted to be a dancer, just like Mei and Bri. Bri would smile, and say, "Well, keep taking those dance classes, sweetie, and maybe you'll get to be better than us."

Caden rocked back and forth on his heels slightly out of nervousness. There had been a dry spell in people talking to him- even the waitress had been away for quite sometime, and so there wasn't even anybody around to act incredibly flirtatiously towards him to pass the time until they arrived. For a split second he considered bolting out the door, but he couldn't possibly stand the poor girl up, especially considering the shroud of mystery cast around the whole thing by Mei. No, this was important, and he could do it. Maybe.

Eli couldn't be bothered to argue the whole payment issue with Mei at the moment so he just said nothing. He figured he would just let her think she had won this one for a while and then dispute it later so she wouldn't really have time to think of good reasons during their meal to thwart him with. He understood Bri's problem with this situation, he didn't know anymore about the date thing than she did and it was deffinately a very uncomforting thought. He watched Bri with the small girl, it was a moment of pure preciousness as the small child looked up at her parents excitedly with just about the largest smile on her face. It was as if that one little sentence made her whole life. He couldn't help bit smile slightly as the girl dashed off to tell one of the other little children her story.

They had finally arrived at the restraunt. Brielle looked over at Mei and mumbled, "I may just throw up." She stood on her tiptoes to see their table. Was that Caden? The only thing running through Bri's mind at the moment was, 'Holy f`cking sh`t' over and over again. She glared at Meimei and said, "I'm leaving. You are not setting me up with him."

Meimei grabbed Brielle's arm and said, "If I go down, I'm taking you with me." She then used all of her strength to drag Bri over to where Caden was. "Hi Caden! I'm sure you and Bri already know each other, so no need for awkward introductions. Now, my table is reserved, right next to the lovely view of the park over there." She led the unwilling group over to her table, and sat Bri down next to Caden. "Okay! Now, dinner's on me, okay? Consider this a reward for a job well done!"

Caden saw Mei, first, through the window, and then proceeded to squint a little to see if he could make out the girl next to her. She got closer and he sucked in a sharp breath. Brielle. He looked around. There was nowhere he could possibly run to to get out of this. Of course he liked Bri as a friend and a colleague, and he would be kidding himself if he denied that there was definitely something up between them. But dating each other. No, it couldn't happen. Still, he couldn't do anything about it now, what with him being suddenly ushered to the table quicker than he could take in that they had even stepped inside. He cleared his throat and gave Bri a small, apologetic smile as he said to her, "I brought you some flowers; you know, because I think that's what people still do when they go out on a date." He handed them over to her. That was a point. He hadn't been on a first date in five whole years. HE barely knew what to do with himself.

Brielle avoided eye contact with Caden as she accepted the flowers with a quiet thank you. She shot Mei yet another glare, not at all happy with the awkwardness she had just set her up for. Bri reluctantly sat down, putting the flowers down gently. She drummed her fingers on the table, not exactly sure what to say. What was she supposed to say? She was on a date with her boss, for God's sake. She stole a glance at Caden. He looked extremely attractive. But, Bri reminded herself she had to stay professional.

I can't stay away from you guys <3

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