JIJI & KIKI MATED!! They had 2 little Baby Girls who are sleeping right now! I have no clue what I will name JiJi's daughter, maybe Gia or... San. I don't know! TTYL!
Well, if all goes as planed, the MatchMaker will come tomorrow for Pocky and JiJi will leave tonight. My sister and I have come to a conclusion, I will name JiJi's daughter Freya and she will name Kiki's daughter Chii! Just like the sisters from Chobits! Nothing much has happened with Salt, I'm HOPING he will evolve tomorrow, sure a Hinatchi is cute but after a while he gets old. TTYL!
This is kinda sad but my sister and I just changed the time on our tamas so Kiki and JiJi would leave. It was soo sad! Well, I named JiJi's daughter Freya, oh darn, she just pooed. All better. Freya is such a cute little Babytchi. TTYl! :furawatchi:
Yay! They evolved! Salt evolved into a Dorotchi!! Freya evolved into an Oniontchi!! POCKY HAD A BABY!! Thats right my little Pocky had a baby girl! The MatchMaker came and oddly enough, she brought a Dorotchi, hmm.. Well, I'm going to name her baby Chibi! Isn't that cute? I thought so! Time for a new avvie! TTYL!
Pocky left! I named her Baby, Chibi of course and she is a Teletchi!! I really, really hope that she evolves into a Mohitamatchi!!!! TTYL! :furawatchi:
Chibi evolved! She is now a Teenager!! I bet you can't guess which one! A Nikatchi! The onion with the big grin, boy do I have some strange descriptions. TTYL! :furawatchi:
I Love My Aunt! She works at Toys *R* Us and tonight she is going to buy me a new V3 and a Lanyard that she put on hold for me!! The Lanyard is the red-orange on with Ichigotchi and the Tamagotchi is one of the new designs, it has a stone wall background and it has like graffiti on it! I cannot wait!! I'm going to have alot of Tamagotchis! TTYL!
Yay! I got my new V3 and Lanyard! Well, I hatched and got a Baby Girl Teletchi and named her Nessa, a short while after she evolved into a Mizutamatchi and then went to sleep. I'm break my neck with all these Tamas on one Lanyard! Oh well, I can always put it on my shoulder, it works.
Freya better evolve tomorrow!! She is 4 years old. The MatchMaker should also be coming fo r Salt since she didn't come today. TTYL!
Freya evolved into a Tarakotchi, gosh that is what JiJi was as an Adult. I can't believe that I got the only ugly Adult on a V1 for the 2nd time in a row. TTYL!
The MatchMaker came for Salt! I don't really feel like telling everyone what she brought because that doesn't really matter, what does matter is that Salt had a Baby GIRL! Salt & Sugar, aww! TTYL!
I just had a pretty bad expirence with debugging I debugged Chibi and got a baby Boy, I named him Oi, I kept hyperspeeding him so he had full training and was an adult in 15 minutes, then the MatchMaker came and I relized that going through life fast and debugged with no suprises was absolutely no fun at all. So when Oi had a baby girl, I hit reset and de-debugged, with a quick rub of the eraser, a put it back together and hit download 'hoping' that Chibi might still be there, but I found Oi and his baby girl whom when he left I named Berii. I will never debug again, it's just not worth it.
Well, Berii evolved into a Kutchitamatchi, at least it's something different for once, and went to sleep. Poor Chibi, gone forever due to debugging.
BOSS HAS A BABY! The MatchMaker came with a Tarakotchi and I said yes becasue they are only on the screen for like 5 seconds. He now has a Baby GIRL! Yay! I will name her... hmm... Hamtaro theme... BIJOU! Yea.
FREYA HAS A BABY!! Thats right! She mated with my friends Tamagotchi and had a Baby BOY! I'm kinda stuck between 2 names, Baron or Tombo. I think that Tombo is really cute but I also think that Baron is more suiting for Freya's son. I got Baron from 'The Cat Returns' Baron Humbert Von Gikengin. Yea.
As you can see, I'm not using my Parent & Baby Avatars anymore for 2 reasons, 1. they were getting kind of old and 2. because I just got an Oceangotchi & an Angelgotchi! Here is a link to that log TG4E's Angelgotchi Log I created this one becasue I thought that talking about an Angelgotchi and an Ocean in this log would get really confusing. TTYL!
I have lots and lots of news! Hmm.. where to start..
Salt left Sugar and I named her Sugar (duh) She evolved into a Marutchi and then she went to sleep. Thats all on Sugar.
I have finally decided on a name for Freya's son, I'm going with Tombo. I think that thats my best choice yet.
I GOT A NEW V1! Wow, I'm just loading up on tamas! The V1 is a dark violet color with red-aornge and orange swirlys. When I got it, since it was used I decided to press Download just to see what would happen and a Masktchi popped up! I found out that it was a 3 year old girl named Eevie, I have to decided to raise her as my own. Besides, I'll be able to get to my 2nd Generation faster! TTYL!
Freya and Boss left. I named Freya's son Tombo, he is a Babytchi and is now taking his 5 minute nap, I'll update when he evolves.
I named Boss's daughter Bijou and she is a Teletchi and is now taking her 5 minute nap with her Lion Doll, who I unintentionally bought for Boss. I'll update when she evolves. All of hte others are still sleeping, lazy!
Other News! Sugar evolved into a Nikatchi! What, I don't even like them! TTYL!