Boy, this will be a long post...
For starters, we had a GREAT time at Universal Studios/Island of Adventure.

I didn't get to see Nina, though, so I had to take Jack with me and leave him paused in the car. Needless to say, it really screwed up his whole evolution thing.

I saw the little birthday thing on the screen, too.

So cool!
Anyway, it was after we had gotten back, and filled up on cupcakes and pizza (my cousin had a little party), Dad and I went to Walmart. He headed for the laundry detergent, and I headed for the little digital pet section. Lo and behold,
They had Tamagotchi Connection V1's! I was able to get three with b-day money, but was too tired to deal with three screaming Babytchis for an hour, so I hatched them this morning.
Since my sig couldn't hold it, I'll go ahead and tell you the shell colors:
Mona: Dark purple with stickers and light purple buttons
Delia: Pearlized pink with pale yellow buttons
Fiona: Pearlized darkish purple with bluish-purple buttons
Other than that, not much else is going on right now. They're all alseep.

They've also gained one training bar each for being praised after being in a bad mood.
Current Stats
Happy Hearts: full
Hungry Hearts: full
Weight: 10 lbs.
Training Bars: none
Happy Hearts: three full (fill them up when she wakes up)
Hungry Hearts: three full
Weight: 10 lbs.
Training Bars: one bar
Happy Hearts: three full
Hungry Hearts: full
Weight: 10 lbs.
Training Bars: one bar
Happy Hearts: full
Hungry Hearts: full
Weight: 37 lbs.
Training Bars: one bar