The Super Duper Fancy Awesome Pancake House


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Eleanor joined Alex on the table. "WHO BLEW UP MY PANCAKES?!"

Scott jumped violently. "IDIDN'T! ITWASN'TMEISWEAR!"

Flan giggled and as if answering to Eleanor, blew up the table Alex and Eleanor were on. "KYUUN."

Bieber looked at Ke$ha and then gave her glitter.

Eleanor screamed, flailing as she fell to the floor. "AHHHHH WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"

Getting over himself, Scott got up, picked up the plate L had been using and taking it back into the kitchen before returning.

Flan giggled like a mad girl as she was drunker than heck. Not to mention she was already sort of cuckoo anyway from having been stuck in a basement for 500 years.

After telling Ke$ha off about the song which was already finished, Rebecca turned back to Bieber and said "Should we sing another one?"

Alex growled and stomped over to Flan, smacking her. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?"

L watched as Scott took his plate to the kitchen, nibbling his thumb.


By now Scott had pretty much forgotten why L had yelled at him. Hence why he hopped up onto the counter, frowned and asked "Did you ever tell me your real name?"

Flan responded by instead grabbing Alex's arm after she smacked her.. And then she bit into Alex's arm with her fangs, beginning to suck blood like mad. OH GAWD

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Alex screamed and began trying to shove Flan away with all her strength.

L narrowed his eyes at Scoot. "You ARE Kira....."

Rebecca was still confused about all this so she grabbed one of her pancakes and threw it, yelling "FOOD FIGHT!"

Flandre didn't let go, and kept sucking and sucking and sucking until blood began to run down her mouth. She finally got shoved away, and then laughed. "THAT WAS DELICIOUS!!" She had this big grin on her face, and blood dribbled down her chin.

Eleanor looked between Alex and Flan before screaming and running away.

Scott blinked in confusion. "No! I thought we'd sorted this!"

Alex looked at her arm in shock. "AM I GONNA TURN INTO SOME SORT OF VAMPIRE NOW??"

L narrowed his eyes further. "Stop asking for my name..."


Scott still looked confused. "But you never told me anything! What am I meant to call you, Guy?"

Alex flailed her arm and blood splattered all over. "WHY DID YOU EVEN DO THAT??"

"Call me Ryuuzaki.... Not Ryuzakiki or anything like that..... It's Ree-you-zah-key."

Scott scrunched his face up, frowning. "" He cut off as Eleanor tackled him and L at the same time, screaming "ALEX HAS BEEN BITTEN BY A VAMPIRE OH GOD SHE'S DYING HOW WILL WE RIDE THE ALCOHOL TRAIN?!"

Alex walked over to Eleanor. "My arm hurts..." she said blankly.

L stared up at Eleanor with wide eyes. "Who is Alex?"

Eleanor waved a hand in Alex's general direction. "Thecrazygirlwhotackledyouearlier! She's DYING!" She wailed.

Flan continued to giggle in her drunken state, blood now dried on her chin. She went "Kyuun~" and exploded a coffee cup, laughing at how there was now coffee spilling all over a table.

Lisbeth had been sitting and watching all of this, a little creeped out by Flan. Just in case Flan came for her next, Lisbeth had her gun ready. If she was quick enough, she could fire before Flan could explode it.

Alex sighed and wiped the blood from her arm. "I think I'ma become a vampire." she slurred.

L lookde over at Alex. "Oh.... How unfortunate...."

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