The Super Duper Fancy Awesome Pancake House


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Alex tried to pull her leg away(lolol) and sighed. "Um.... Yeah...."

Gotta go D:

Scott looked up and between L and Alex. "Are you drunk too? I like~"

Awhhh byebye~

"Um.... He's kind of acting creepy..." Alex said, still trying to pull her leg away.

L just stared down at Scott. "This is why alcohol is bad.."

the one time where I'm glad Matthew is invisible ; u ;

Matthew sighed, eating more pancakes. "Why can't you guys all calm down?" he asked, frowning.

I will be bringing Daniel Parks from I dunno, the Scottish Rugby Union? to The Super Duper Fancy Awesome Pancake House. AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME.

I will be bringing Ella from herhouse to The Super Duper Fancy Awesome Pancake House. AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME.

Dan casually strolled in, on the edge of screaming at anyone who even MENTIONED the rugby. Unfortunately for him, possibly TT's BIGGEST Rugby World Cup 2011 fanatic was there, Ella. The brunette waved in the Scotsman's direction.

"Dan! DANEYYALL!! HEY, DANNY BOY!"" she called, as the man's eye twitched. "Yes?" he replied, his accent clear.

Ella gave a brief smile. "ARGENTINA VERSUS SCOTLAND, WHERE ARGENTINA WON BY ONE POINT!" she yelled, causing Dan to scream cursives at her.

Meanwhile, Matthew wasn't noticed. As usual.

The craziness was too much for Rebecca and she stood on top of a table and yelled, "EVERYBODY CALM DOWN!"

Bieber joined Rebecca. Then he randomly began to sing "Never Say Never". "I WILL NEVER SAY NEVER, I WILL KEEP FIGHTING FOREVEERRRRR"

Flan threw away the bottle of alcohol, watching it shatter. Amused, she began to throw more bottles of alcohol, even full ones, at the wall. She seemed to enjoy watching them burst.

Rebecca joined in singing with Justin because she likes singing with him.

Dan started screaming at Rebecca and Bieber. "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TWO DON'T SHUT UP I WILL PERSONALLY **** *** YOU IN THE **** *** BANANA **** CHICKEN STIR FRY"he snarled, and Ella was busy dying of laughter. After calming down, Ella grinned. "CAN I THROW ALCHOHOL TOO?" she asked, and Dan glared. "SHUT YOUR MOUTH STUPID ARGENTINE"

"But I'm from New Ze-" "I SAID SHUT UP"

Rebecca ignored Dan and continued to sing because she doesn't care about haters.

Dan stood up on the table and glared down at the american. "F**K YOU YOU STUPID UGLY SL*T, GO BACK TO PRESCHOOL IF YOU DONT EVEN KNOW YOUR F**KING DAYS OF THE WEEK" he snarled, and Ella was crying of laughter. "Thi-This is too funny!"

(I credit gemma for thinking of that sentence for dan to yell)

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Scott's grip loosened and he fell backwards onto the floor, grinning derp-ly (yes that is a word). "Hey, did I ever get your real- OW!" He cut off as Eleanor kicked him, curling up into a ball.

Alex just stared down at Scott.

L frowned, chewing on his thumb. "Looks like he's too intoxicated to make any more cakes...."

Eleanor rolled her eyes, picking up Scott's arm as if to drag him off. "Uh, what are we gonna do with him? I don't trust drunk!Scott..."

"I seriously love you guys... even Shouty Ryuzakiki..."

Alex was sort of frightened of drunk Scott, so she just stared down at him.

L glared at Scott. "Why does he call me Ryuzakiki?"

"Because you won't tell me your-" Again Scott was cut off by Eleanor as she said "Because he's an idiot.", rolling her eyes. "Now, what the heck are we gonna do with him? He's drooling and making random noises and he's freaking me out."


L frowned, resting his head on his knees. "I wish I had more cake..."

Alex thought for a moment. "How about we lock him in the back of the alcohol train?" she suggested.

"And give him more alcohol? Yeah, smart plan, Alex!" Eleanor facepalmed, watching as Scott rolled over mumbling "I like floors..."

Alex sighed. "Well, we have nowhere to put him..."

L was still glaring at Scott. "Yeah? Well, I like cake."

Scott ignored L in favour of singing under his breath. "La le LAA~" Making a small noise, he sat up, rocking backwards and forwards. "I like the word Kira, that's a fun word~"

Eleanor slowly turned to look at Alex. "Did he just say what I think he said?"

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Bieber just stared at Dan, and said, "OW THAT DIDN'T FEEL GOOD" before returning to singing.

Flan blew up a random chair because she was drunk and bored.

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