Log for day 12/10/2020:
It never occured to me that the tournaments might probably become tougher as your Tamagotchi wins a lot of them. Today, Gaia has attempted to win the Beauty tournament for a second time, and lost! A Pochitchi participated and won the day!
And by the way, speaking of very broken english, I hadn't noticed this:
Of course Gaia's feelings were hurt
but that's the way of life I guess!
Not much has happened in Eternitchi since I was out all day.
However, I've made a lot of progress in my attempt to program my own Tamagotchi. I've managed to implement a very simplified text-based simulation of the game in Matlab wherein the user enters his/her commands such as "feed" or "play" and the Tamagotchi's meters change accordingly. (Actually only the "feed" option is implemented). They also decrease over time and the tamagotchi can die if it hasn't been fed for a while. It also beeps when it gets hungry. After a short while the tamagotchi evolves from Babytchi to... nothing since it was only a test so far. (Upon evolving the program just stops and you've won basically).
This is what it looks like:
The reason for using Matlab is only that I'm the most proficient at it and I'm aware that it's not a good programming language for creating games (or any standalone app in fact).
Then I made this:
and I stared at it for way longer than a sane mind should, thinking about the many directions of implementation that I could be taking.
It never occured to me that the tournaments might probably become tougher as your Tamagotchi wins a lot of them. Today, Gaia has attempted to win the Beauty tournament for a second time, and lost! A Pochitchi participated and won the day!

To be fair, this safari photographer look is a lot less "cute" than this:

This earned him 95 points. The others were like:

(I like the Takochi pose, he's like "I'm soooo beautiful")
And by the way, speaking of very broken english, I hadn't noticed this:

"Entry 2 is winner" lol. So laughter!
Of course Gaia's feelings were hurt

but that's the way of life I guess!
Not much has happened in Eternitchi since I was out all day.
However, I've made a lot of progress in my attempt to program my own Tamagotchi. I've managed to implement a very simplified text-based simulation of the game in Matlab wherein the user enters his/her commands such as "feed" or "play" and the Tamagotchi's meters change accordingly. (Actually only the "feed" option is implemented). They also decrease over time and the tamagotchi can die if it hasn't been fed for a while. It also beeps when it gets hungry. After a short while the tamagotchi evolves from Babytchi to... nothing since it was only a test so far. (Upon evolving the program just stops and you've won basically).
This is what it looks like:

The reason for using Matlab is only that I'm the most proficient at it and I'm aware that it's not a good programming language for creating games (or any standalone app in fact).
Then I made this:

and I stared at it for way longer than a sane mind should, thinking about the many directions of implementation that I could be taking.