The Lucid Log


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It kind of reminds me of a Japanese Tamagotchi-like program for Windows 95, which did the rounds online in 1997, including within the English online fandom of that time, which as far as I can remember was called "Nest". Although that one was, of course, a lot simpler, since it was based on the original Tamagotchi devices. :p I would imagine that Nest has been lost to time at this point, though!
You think? I'm pretty sure one could find it; once on the internet, always on the internet lol. However, PC Tamagotchis are difficult to be committed to since you can't have them with you constantly. These are the times when I wish I had a Windows phone!

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Well, it turned out that Tentotchi survived the "sleep by the poop" trial that had gotten 2 tamagotchis way younger than him. He's therefore 21-yo! I'm starting to think he's actually a cockroach in a ladybug disguise. Here he is happily gulping down his breakfast:

Game de Hakken!! Tamagotchi 2 (Japan) (SGB Enhanced)_1602054656097.png

I almost have to fill his happy and hungry meters every 30 in-game minutes! And that mini-game is soooooo boooooriiiiing. 

Game de Hakken!! Tamagotchi 2 (Japan) (SGB Enhanced)_1602057472652.png

You have to scratch one card on each line and find the hearts. The good news is, if you find 3 hearts, the happy meter fills up with 3 hearts. The bad news is, the skull takes hearts away from the total AND from the meter if you only find the skull. So basically a play session can end up depleting your gotchi's happy hearts by one. Now I don't really have anything against the game being luck-based - in the end, all tamagotchi games that fill up the happy meter that I know of are luck-based - but if I'm not mistaken, the odds in this game are slightly against winning, AND the animations are a little slow and unskippable. This has made raising keeping Tentotchi alive an effective pain in the bum. Though to be fair, I'm happy to be able to say that I've beaten my best performance so far by a mile!

I also was tempted to try this:


(I really gotta stop starting new tamagotchis all the time lol). Beyond the GB games most of the Tamagotchi video games have nothing to do with raising Tamagotchis. This one though and the Sega Saturn "Tamagotchi Park", seem to have a gameplay similar to that of the GB games, so there's that. (For some reason I couldn't find the Saturn game anywhere online). So I thought I would give that a shot even though the game looks intimidatingly complex. Someone made a detailed guide on how to play the game with translations of the menus and all (link:, so that's cool; but still, at the moment I don't think it would be reasonable for me to indulge into one more time-eater. I'm going to have a lot of job to do these days... (The keywords being "at the moment" - I'm going through what you could label as the opposite of a hiatus, a "Tamagotchi Craze" these days. I'm wondering when it'll stop!)

At 4 P.M, Gaia evolved from Tamatchi to Ginjirotchi:

Tamagotchi (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)_1602083096105.png    Tamagotchi (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)_1602083105578.png

Honestly I feel kinda disappointed! I was sooo confident it was going to be a Mametchi and that I was taking perfect care of Gaia, I kinda feel a tiny bit upset. On the plus side, that means getting a Mametchi will be more of a challenge than I thought, and I like a good challenge! Besides, I think I like Ginjirotchi more as a character. When he's not fully happy he slides from left to right, sort of like moon-walking. Basically he slides on from left to right and right to left doing like this:

Tamagotchi (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)_1602092797756.png

... and he looks so cool while doing it! He also completely collapses on the floor when he loses at a game, which is funny to watch:

Tamagotchi (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)_1602101842660.png

The tama bucket-list for the Tamagotchi GB version thus becomes:

On Tamagotchi 1 (GB):

 Kuchitamatchi, Tongaritchi
, Hashitamatchi, Mametchi, Ginjirotchi
 (7 and still alive), Masktchi, Kuchipatchi, Nyorotchi, Tarakotchi,  Mimitchi, Pochitchi, Zucchitchi, Hashizoutchi
 (18), Takotchi, Kusatchi, Oyajitchi, Sekitoritchi, Bill
One more!


Apart from that, nothing much happened on the Masktchi front. I'm waiting for her to reach legal age to get married so that I can start a new character, hopefully taking better care of it.

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Is there something I'm missing about how to upload pictures? Am I only allowed to upload a few kb per week/month?

I use! It's free and has unlimited storage (though you can buy a plan if you so choose, it's not required). I know a lot of other members use, but a new account requires a phone number, unless you're creating an account from the mobile app. And I'm not giving out my phone number to these guys just so I can post some images online. XD

I'm sure members who use imgur have only good things to say about it though! I just prefer postimages as it's exactly what it needs to be - you don't even have to create an account to upload photos (though I do recommend doing so, then you can keep all your photos in check!). Other than that, I know both these websites can take as many of your photos as need-be. If you need to, I usually resize most of my photos using the batch conversion feature in IrfanView, thanks to my method of taking said photos producing rather large ones. :D

Hoped I help you out! And a word of advice: never use Google Photos to host your images. It's very fickle with what photos it chooses to show on what browser. Doesn't matter, uploading images on there was a pain anyway!  :p

I know a lot of other members use, but a new account requires a phone number, unless you're creating an account from the mobile app. And I'm not giving out my phone number to these guys just so I can post some images online. XD
Just to clarify, here, just as with Postimages, you don't need an account to use Imgur's services - just go here: :)

... aaaaaaand Tentotchi's gone!


The day when I couldn't take care of it every single hour of the day has finally come. At around 11 AM it got hungry and bored and I couldn't take care of it and that was it! It was 22-yo. That's the all-time highest age for any virtual pet I've gotten so far.


It summoned all of its remaining forces to lay an egg before passing away


Here's its offspring:


And here is its offspring being sent back home. I hope it'll survive the trip since I didn't feed it anything before putting it in the rocket!


As already mentioned, I'm cutting down on the number of Tamagotchis I'm simultaneously raising. It'll make for a slower log but that will last longer too. For now I want to focus on Gaia on the GB game. After Gaia, I think I'll do another run of Tamagotchi 3 (dat 49 character chart is freaking exciting - and I need a break from Tamagotchi 2's "scratch the cards" game!).


Back to Gaia then! It's doing great! It actually won its first Knowledge tournament today!


...aaand that's all that happened today!


About the PS1 game (Hoshi de Hakken), I don't think I'll log about it because it cannot be treated as an actual Tamagotchi. Well, it can, but it's a lot more awkward to do so. For instance, to educate your pet you have take it to a carnival and make it play an intelligence-based game... But an in-game hour only takes about 1 or 2 real-life minutes which means that the ride to the carnival alone will end up taking an entire hour of your day. It doesn't feel true to a real Tamagotchi so I don't think I'm going to log about it for the time being. However I want to stress that I think it's an awesome Tamagotchi video game, way better than the N64 game with its Mario Party feel (and that's coming from a Nintendo fanboy!). You have to explore the map, find eggs, hatch them, take care of them, breed them, and collect all of them. Simple and to the point!
With Tentotchi gone and Gaia being in its final form, the pace of this log should slow down a bit, so expect shorter entries every day or days with no entries at all, but who knows!

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It kind of reminds me of a Japanese Tamagotchi-like program for Windows 95, which did the rounds online in 1997, including within the English online fandom of that time, which as far as I can remember was called "Nest". Although that one was, of course, a lot simpler, since it was based on the original Tamagotchi devices. :p I would imagine that Nest has been lost to time at this point, though!
I'm tempted to start programming my own honestly. 

As expected, there is very little to log about today. <--(yeah right 😄)

Gaia won a second Knowledge tournament:


At first I thought I would attempt to win the highest number of Knowledge tournaments with this character as possible, but then I figured, if I get Gaia into the hall of fame like I did with Hashizoutchi, then I'll get to see a unique sprite that I'll only be able to see at that moment. So I decided to go for an attempt to win every kind of tournament. It shouldn't be too difficult with a good care character right? I mean, after the aforementioned Tentotchi, this Ginjirotchi is sooooo easy to take care of! It can keep fully content for about 2 complete hours; and given my current schedule, that's a good thing.


Constantly content! Keep it up Gaia!​

Just for the sake of completion, I've decided to show you the only remaining Tamagotchi I'm raising that I've never showed you yet


This 19 yo creature dwells on the Tamagotchi Classic Android app and is so silent and easy to take care of that I never even bothered mentioning it in my logs. However, the exact day I decided to introduce it to you guys...


I was so caught off guard by this that for a second I thought the app had glitched or something. But then I realised it was 19 yo already and thought that was about it. I'm still kind of surprised because I thought this Mametchi would at least live for 20 days, and closer to 22 days or something. Besides, just like Birukotchi, it died with all of its meters full!

I was about to hit reset but then I thought "wait, are you sure?". I've been waiting for my tamas to die off for a long time, to keep only one at a time and shift my attention back to other things in life, like... you know... work and stuff! However the original Tamagotchi is so easy to take care of compared to everything I've discovered this last month, I'm thinking maybe I'm going to reset it anyways. So far I've gotten Tamatchi, Nyorotchi and Mametchi, in addition to both teens (Tamatchi and Kuchitamachi) and obviously Babytchi and Marutchi. I'm also planning to get every character in this app too of course; it's just that I'm thinking: "One thing at a time...".

(I feel so frustrated that there actually WAS an app for the P2, that you can STILL find the apk file for it, but that it's sort of established that all it does is crash instantly 😒 . The P2 is the only genuine Tamagotchi I ever gotten as a kid.)

On to the next thing:

I'm still scratching my head over how this works.


Here you see that my Masktchi is 7 years old. However when I visit a friend (a Megatchi) that Masktchi knew at a park, it doesn't offer me a choice of marrying it:


Do I need a specific item such as a ring or something, as I've learned on @Tamacass's log?

Also, there's an option to add real-life friends through their code. I've found a website where people were giving what I understand was the codes for their characters. That's good and all, but I've never managed to do anything with this menu:


Any clues?

Heyyyy! I noticed your coverage of this game, I actually raised a few tamas on this one myself a few months back!

The creator, @SA311, has a Tumblr blog that lists the growth chart (which is a bit complicated to understand at first) and other things for this game (link leads to the page with said tutorials). Back when I was using it, the blog hadn't been updated in ages, so it was kind of a mess. But they updated it some time in-between, which I just noticed while searching it up! You've probably been there yourself now that I think about it, so to actually answer your questions (bolded as to differentiate them better):

Here you see that my Masktchi is 7 years old. However when I visit a friend (a Megatchi) that Masktchi knew at a park, it doesn't offer me a choice of marrying it:

Do I need a specific item such as a ring or something, as I've learned on @Tamacass's log?
SA311 answered this here! But to summarize - you need to interact with that friend/tamagotchi at least 80 times, a bit much in my opinion but you can do it quite quickly by clicking on the park option when choosing to visit said friend and leaving the park as soon as you can. Then the option will open up, no ring required! ((thanks for the mention, by the way!! ;////;))

Also, there's an option to add real-life friends through their code. I've found a website where people were giving what I understand was the codes for their characters. That's good and all, but I've never managed to do anything with this menu:


Any clues?
Easy! It's a bit tricky to understand if you haven't played Tamagotchi PC/Eternitchi before, but this screen can appear whenever you:

  • Make friends from the internet using friend codes
  • Meet up with friends from the internet using specific codes listed beside their friend code (for instance, there is usually a park code provided, or a game code, etc etc)

For context: you are not actually meeting with these people's real Tamagotchis. These are just codes that hold the exact data these people's tamas had at the time, hence why the sample/submitted codes listed on SA311's blog still work. (this may also have been the website you were using, I'm not sure)

Anyway, going by the latter link:

  1. Right-click while you're "in-game" to set your code.
  2. Choose one of the tamagotchis and their code listed in the link. IMPORTANT: if you want to make friends, make sure to copy the code that says 'Add code'! All the other codes are for options such as Games, Visit, etc (as listed specifically on each post). Only use those other codes if you've selected the specific choice/made friends with said tama!
  3. Then... left-click and it should work!

Apologies if this is too complicated. SA311 is always open for asks on their blog as well, so don't be afraid to ask them if this doesn't solve your issue! Good luck! Loving your blog so far!

  1. Right-click while you're "in-game" to set your code.
  2. Choose one of the tamagotchis and their code listed in the link. IMPORTANT: if you want to make friends, make sure to copy the code that says 'Add code'! All the other codes are for options such as Games, Visit, etc (as listed specifically on each post). Only use those other codes if you've selected the specific choice/made friends with said tama!
  3. Then... left-click and it should work!
Thanks for the reply ^_^ My problem is, how do I actually copy the code? I've tried selecting it in chrome, hitting ctrl+c, then using ctrl+v in the app, but to no avail. Am I supposed to write the characters one by one? The app doesn't give any feedback to input 😕

I'll give it another shot when I get home.

(I think the game automatically pulls from your clipboard when you left-click/do the last step? The thought never actually came to me as it usually worked for me. XD I'll see if I can get it up and do some testing myself! Copying the code using ctrl+c works just fine, so you're basically all set... I may be misremembering on whether or not you need to copy, you definitely don't need to write characters one by one to my knowledge hahaha!)

OKAY I JUST TESTED IT OUT - You are copying correctly! The first step is totally optional, as you do not need to right-click to copy your code!

All I had to do was make sure I had the program open, select the option 'NEW' on the connection menu (specifying an online friend), then copy the code listed as the 'Add code' from the provided web page using any method of copying, before clicking back into the game and left-clicking! You don't need to paste the code you've copied at all (no ctrl+v required). I hope this goes well!!! ;A; If you've already tried this exact method before then there may be something wrong with your copy, like a corrupted file? (that I'm not too sure of, so take my theory with a grain of salt XD)

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(I think the game automatically pulls from your clipboard when you left-click/do the last step? The thought never actually came to me as it usually worked for me. XD I'll see if I can get it up and do some testing myself! Copying the code using ctrl+c works just fine, so you're basically all set... I may be misremembering on whether or not you need to copy, you definitely don't need to write characters one by one to my knowledge hahaha!)

OKAY I JUST TESTED IT OUT - You are copying correctly! The first step is totally optional, as you do not need to right-click to copy your code!

All I had to do was make sure I had the program open, select the option 'NEW' on the connection menu (specifying an online friend), then copy the code listed as the 'Add code' from the provided web page using any method of copying, before clicking back into the game and left-clicking! You don't need to paste the code you've copied at all (no ctrl+v required). I hope this goes well!!! ;A; If you've already tried this exact method before then there may be something wrong with your copy, like a corrupted file? (that I'm not too sure of, so take my theory with a grain of salt XD)
Thanks for the detailed response, I'll test it out once I'm home. The most probable hypothesis is that I was copying the wrong codes lol

LOG for day 10/10/2020

Not much has happened today. Gaia has won a Racing tournament (on its first try!). 


I forgot to take a screenshot, so I later took this one just to have something to show.​

I hope the Beauty tournament will be just as easy.

Today's post should be long. (<-- Indeed it is 😅 )

Log for day 11/10/2020:

 Hopefully that will go in your favour. ;)
It shockingly did! It got a score of 90 by doing this weird pose:


I'll admit, I was a little scared when I saw this, but then...​


Phew! That should do it!​

Then came the competition...


Ok, I guess that's his idea of cute. Who are we to judge?​


Uh oh... !​


I was relieved as soon as I saw Tarakotchi arrive...​

See that grade? Wanna know what pose it did to deserve that? ​





...Well, whatever this was supposed to be​

And thus, Gaia was the winner of its first ever Beauty tournament. You were definitely right @Penguin-keeper!!


And with that, Gaia is now a crowned Tamagotchi and will deserve its place as an "Honorary member of something" after being resurrected and taken back to its planet, just like my former Hashizoutchi


Check out that crown B)  It's gold!  (what do you mean "no it's not" ?!)​

From now on, there shouldn't be anything really interesting to say about Gaia. I'm gonna keep it having one tournament every day until it passes away, just to go for a "higher score". 

On to Eternitchi (A.K.A "Tamagotchi PC").

I thought I had to interact with Masktchi's friends 80 times before the "Marriage" option would light up, but then I found a Date Place by messing around in the menus, so I gave it a shot, and Masktchi found an immediate match:


Why yes of course!​

The suitor was a certain "Rexitchi". I don't really like him but Masktchi does; that's all that matters right?


After a short while Masktchi lay an egg and it hatched


I named it Sanutchi because it reminded me of a small sesame seed, which in my country is called "Sanuj". Sanutchi is a small Petitchi.

An exact hour later, Sanutchi evolved into a green Hyurutchi


And that's all that happened today. Honestly, trying to get every character for this Eternitchi iteration could take years, even if I raise multiple characters at a time (384 characters? Really?!)

I'll end today's log entry by mentioning that I've timidly started to prepare the programming for my own fan-made Tamagotchi. All I have by now is a few notes and 2 lines of code x) I'm going to start by making only a text-based simulation of a tamagotchi wherein I act as the time-keeper and all it does is eat to fill a Hunger meter. I'll try to include that in my schedule (probably with mediocre success, knowing myself pretty well by now). If the thing gets bigger, maybe I'll start a separate thread elsewhere in here.

Final thing: I'll be trying to upload a progression of my "get every tamagotchi character" quest once per page. I'll try to make it compact and easy to read.

Sorry for the small pictures ... and my long-windedness!

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...Well, whatever this was supposed to be​
Oh my. It's proudly showing off its stinky feet. :eek:

And thus, Gaia was the winner of its first ever Beauty tournament. You were definitely right @Penguin-keeper!!
Haha, nice to see! :D The game does suggest (in very broken English) that the contest outcomes are influenced by how you've raised the Tamagotchi, so I guess that it makes sense that a better-care character has better odds of winning. :)
