The BEST Tama log


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Currently my Tama is lost...................... :puroperatchi: :ichigotchi: :gozarutchi: :hitodetchi: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: :lol: :D :wub: I am looking for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I found It!!!!!!!! After all this time!!!!!!! Currently they are Eggs!!!! (boring) and soon they will hatch!

First i got a Boy Omututchi whose name will be Milton

Next i got a Girl Mimifuwatchi whose name will be Shelly

The Baby of the Family is a Boy Futabatchi and his name will be Fernymcglaicous

They look so awesome together!

Together their family name will be The CHUBS! LOL

P.S. THIS LOG HAS OVER 1,000 views!!!!!!!! THANKYOU FOR VISITING!!!!!!!!

Whats the Biz with the Chubs?

Milton: BLUE

Shelly RED


*Finds a Cookie on the ground and walks inside*La, La, La! This Cookie sure is good!

Shelly walks in and sees FernymcglaciousFErNY! HoWd you get that Cookie?!?!?!?

I Found it *continues to munch the cookie*



Shelly starts to get really angryGIMME THAT COOKIE!!!!!! she is now starting to chase Ferny

Milton walks in Now is this the correct way to slove this problem????

They both blink while they each have their grasp on the cookie

Give me the Cookie, and the problem will soon be solved

Shelly quickly grabbed the cookie out of Fernys hands and gave the cookie to Milton

Now this is how to solve the problem

The younger 2 start staring anxiously to se what Milton does

*Milton quickly eats the cookie like a show off and says Mmm... Thanks for the Cookie Kids!! Then he happily walks away

Shelly and Fernymcglacious look at eachother in disbelief for a long time and then they go after Milton----

Thats The BIZ!

They are still babies and I am waiting for them to change <_<


Milton- Ahirukutchi

Shelly- Sakuramotchi

Fernymcglacious- Mattaritchi

They look really neat! If you want to see the growth chart of the v5 tama to see where they are at, simple! go to this link [ THIS LINK! And there is a different version of the growth chart too on that site : )


They Are now Teens! And the bonding is at 30%

Milton- Bakutchi!

Shelly- Ichigotchi

Fernymcglacious- Mamekatchi!

Im hoping on getting the Mame Family or Violet Family. Ill have to get quite some more bonding if i wish to even get close to getting the Mame Family.

Also, Why don't you PM me! Lets do a vote, should I get the Mame or Violet Family???? :eek:

I had these characters???????

Milton- Uhoytchi

Shelly- Watatchi


Man i got these characters cause it was my Birthday yesterdaay and i was out of the house so the bonding magically dropped... So i got these bad characters.... Oh Well! I could get Makiko now!!!!!!!! :furawatchi:


I have the PETITE FAmILY!!!! WHat do you think, should I turn them back to regular, or keep them? PM me and let me hear your opinion!

After years of not touching my tamagotchis. I decided to go crazy. I bought 6 new batteries and started up 6 tamas! A V3, a V4, two v4.5's and two v5's. I had options to download some of the old characters from a while back, so on some I'm on G6! Not the V5 that i was doing for this log in the beginning though. So as of today here are my characters~~~~

v3- Renee, a Mizutamatchi (he was left by his parents [Dorotchi] at midnight! At the exact Start of 2011! And fireworks were going off nearby, it was really cool.

v4- Kyle, a Young Androtchi

Green v4.5- Oboe, A UraMametchi

Red v4.5- Vesta, a Hitodetchi (His parent left him at the dawn of 2011 at the same time as Renee's! So it was VERY Exciting!

Dark Blue v5- Ernie Family- currently 2 futabatchis! Their parents just got married so they're an easygoing family.

Light Blue v5- Doych Family- Mousetchi, Belltchi, and Mattaritchi. (they should change sometime tonight I'm guessing!)

Not to mentionnnnnn- A green digimon, which is-- Agumon

and a MorinoGotch, which is now Imotchi.

This is gonna be prettty exciting!! For my v5's I am planning for the Doyches to become Kuckipatchi and Hotteachi and either Mametchi or Sukatchi for the 3rd one. And I will have the other to have a Yonepatchi so I'll get the pure Kuchi Family! And Question- can I send the Kuchipatchi over to the Yonepatchi and still be a pure family? Or does the Yonepatchi have to be sent to the Kuchi???

And for Vesta-- I wannttt it to turn into Mimitchi, but I have no clue how since its in the universal family.

Kyle----- will probably just turn into a Mametchi unless I change something with the points.

But check in sooon! This should be exciting!


Renee JUst turned into Piroriroritchi

Kyles the same

Oboe is the same

Vesta turned into Ura Young Marotchi

ernie family is now Tororotchi and Mattaritchi

Doych family is Morokotchi Shelltchi and Mamekatchi

Digi and Morino are the same. Check back sooon!


Renee is the same

Kyle changed in to PYONCHITCHI- whoops, forgot about the skill points on that one haha.

Oboe just got a job as a Music Dancer something er whatever, the game is pretty fun actually!

Vesta = same

Ernie Family is now ChaMametchi and Mamekatchi

Doych family is still the same.

Digi turned into DARKMON. and MOrino- well, my sister reclaimed it, and now i just found where she put it so it's dead. Too bad. i was taking good care of it too :(

Have a good Tuesday!!


The Doych family turned into Sukatchi, Memetchi, and Mametchi! Very coool.

Vesta JUST turned into Ura Zukyutchi.

I really like those v5 characters :) maybe a pure mame or meme family??? 8)

And i just ordered a v6 tama and it should be here in less than a week. So I'll post about that one then!

Ernie family turned into Kuckipatchi and Hotteatchi!

RENEE turned into Tarakotchi?!?!?! I don't believe it. I took pretty good care of it. i let it drop down 3 hearts just once- but isnt Tarakotchi the ultimate worst character? I'm disappointed.

Vesta and Oboe, my v4.5's married yesterday too! It was pretty coool. They they each have 1 girl tsbutchi. :kuribotchi:

And what's funny is that Kyle and Vesta--- I tried to make them get a job, but their skill points werent high enough. ._. whooooppsss. Next generation maybe :mametchi:

It just snowed this morning so now I'm out to shovel <_<

BOTH THE V5's MARRIED. I just got the PURE Kuchi family with the Ernie family. I was planning on getting a smart family with Mametchi and Violetchi--- but its blended because they had 3 kids -_- I'm gonna try and get the Violet family this generation with them though :D

The v4.5's babies are named Emily and Megan. They both turned into Tamatchi.

And i started up another v4. and it was a girl Maskutchi, so that one married Pyonchitchi, and they had 2 girls!

also--------- MY TAMAGOTCHI MUSIC STAR CAME IN THE MAIL YESTERDAY!! The names can have EIGHT letters! wow that's a very nice improvement. Her name is Danielle, is a Tamatchi also- Tone: 143 Rhythm: 165 Original: 240. Not bad i think :)

I am so anxiously waiting until it changes so it can have a band!! It should be veryyyyyyy soon. =D

the V4.5's BOTH (Emily and Megan) turned into UraYoungMarotchi

THe new v4 (Kenya) turned into Harutchi then Young Mimitchi.

The Doych family is now Bakutchi, Ichigotchi, and Mamekatchi

The Ernie family is the same ol' Kuchipa family =')

My ugly tarakotchi on the v3 had a cute little boy.

DANIELLE the new V6 TURNED INTO MIMITCHI! SO glad. the happy hearts had 2 empty just once. I thought that would affect it. Guess not! I wonder what i will be able to do with this v6 and see if it's really worth having it for dozens of generations lol. :D


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Danielle's band became the number 1 in the tamaworld--- so they're concerts were pretty epic.

Danielle got married to a KUROMAMETCHI and they had a son-- who i named Zachary. He is alone safely in my care :D

Kenya the v4 turned into Mimitchi <_<

THe Doych family was Furikotchi, Onputchi, and Mumutchi. They married and now the have Sakuramotchi, Mousetchi, and Tororotchi.

The Ernie family married with the Onputchi, so now they're Ahirukutchi, Belltchi, and Mattaritchi.

Megan the v4.5 is now the one with the big hand. it might be something like Tsukamotchi??? haha idk.

Bob- the v3 is now Hashitamatchi. what fun is that!! ;D

I will let you all know what happens next!
