The BEST Tama log


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YAY!!!!!!!!! Its an Adult!!!!! Its name is Sunny so now He is Sunnytchi!!!

So now bonding is at 100%!!!!! I really Like sunny and her Dad, Orlando.

Hooray! I can use the Dating show now!

And my brothers tama got married earlier and they are toddlers now and they are



Yeah pretty nice eh

Look! Training! lets comopse music Sunny... What? WHAT?!?!?!? Sunny! Y' Y'our The NinjA!!!! oh my gosh! atleast its not affecting Orlando... HUH?? AHHH!!!! THEM TOO!!!! They are the ninja family!!!!! I must get rid of them at once!!!! Oh MY! That Father Orlando has gone through many things in his life. From a berry to Kuro Mametchi having kids and then he turns into Papakuromametchi and then this NINJA?!?!?!? Poor Orlando. I need to change them at once!

I got a item that may work, the whistle and the steamed bun. Ok... I am using the whistle!!!! ITS CHANGING BACKKK!!!!!!! But its only Sunny whos changing, not the parents... Oh well i will use the bun now........... WHAT?!?!?!?!.... They are not changing....9Time goes by.......... they are still not changing!!!! I need Orlando to change back! Orlando is maybe my favorite Tama! Right now, I still need help to get them back please PM me if you have any ideas

My Orlando needs help and his lovely wife, Megan. They need help

Also I dont think I will make Sunny marry untill his Parents get back to normal. I wont be able to live knowing that they are ninjas. Please, The Togas need YOUR help!

I am glad that Sunny is back to normal, and that family bonding is at 100% And do you think I should get Sunny married, and leave his parents ninjas? Or should I save them???? Please answer PM me just a click away! LOL! its not very hard to do! LOL! <_<

So what do you think?

Ive decided... and I wont change the Parents back. They will be the most memorable parents on my Tama ive ever had! So I'll get my Tama married soon.


It was pretty sudden actually. My sister and I decided to walk up our local skihill (YAY!)

And it was a very strenuous walk up. But we finally made it, We saw a wonderful veiw! We stood where the Skilift comes to the top, and it was a best veiw of my town!!! But then a realized that wasnt the true 'peak' of the mountain, so I wanted to see the true 'peak' but wait! My sister was leaving!!! SO i ran as fast I could to the peak and when I made it it was a totally different veiw! It was mostly Rural and it was beautiful!

And then I looked at my Tama... (I had romantic music on my mp3 playing) So then I tried the dating show... It was the Clock so then I accepted! (THe music just got sad) So then Sunny said goodbye to its Parents and her parent flew away. (THe music then gets very romantic) Then they kissed and got married!!! Sunnys new husband will be called... Joe. So then they left and had 3 beautiful eggs.

OMG!!! They are hatching!!!! (The music gets fun and delightful) and I saw them play and have fun it was so sweet, especially with the music and the great view. So then we hiked back on flat ground. During that they got sick and thet took their nap. Soon after more and more walking we got back to the car.

:angry: tamadude64!

Well the hour went by and they changed!!!!! Also the names!

Valerie -Sakuramotchi

Honker- Mousetchi

Jillian- Torotchi

Also I got the bonding up to umb... 0%!!!!!!!!

Another cool thing is that, my brother got KuroMametchi!!!! The Cab family changed a little while ago. Thats All!!!!

Hooray! They changed into the best characters!!!!

Valerie- Ichigotchi

Honker- Bakutchi

Jillian- Shelltchi!

I really do love those characters!

Also bonding is up at 20% I really should try and get it higher.

Well, They are adults!

Valerie-? But changed into...!

Honker- Uhoytchi


Also... When Valerie turned into an adult... I realized i could get Makiko!!!! So i did! Now I have Makikio!

Valerie- Makiko!

Training also got up to 40%! They now jog!

My TAMAGOTCHI married!!

So i wanted my tama to marry my brothers. I knew he wouldnt let me (but he was away at camp!) So i tried it and! they shook their heads no... ??? I guess its because they are not best friends. Lets get it there then... So When I got it there. I got my tama do do accept with Valerie (Makiko) And give on my brothers KuroMametchi (Kuro) And they married!!! It was weird when they did 2 good-byes at the same time! I had to concentrate on looking at 2 tamas saying good-bye! I usually only see 1!) tHEN THEY MARRIED and had 2 eggs. When they hatched i got...

Girl Mimifuwatchi - Yaddle

Boy Omututchi - Poppit

and yay!! They are another generation of Tamaggotchi! WOOHOO! :)

They were toddlers now... I was at my brothers school when my dad picled me up I was running after him!!! Then... I didnt make it... awww. Then I looked at my tama... THEY WERE BAbIES?!?!?!?!?!? What happened?!? I took perfect care of them... what exactly happened??? Was it affected by how fast i was running?!?!?!?! What exactly happened????? So I tried to get the other tamas back then.... they were goners. So I reset my Tama and made a new Family... The COBATS!

Boy Mimifuwatchi- Twister

Girl Omututchi - Tanya

Boy Kuchi thing! - Bobo

So they changed into toddlers sooner or later and they were




Pretty nice if you ask me!

They are now teens!

Twister: Bakutchi

Tanya: Ichigotchi

Bob: Mamekatchi

And now the bonding is at 20%

I am trying to get the Violet family

Well, now they are adults

KuroMametchi YAY!



There they are!!!!

Also bonding is at 40% They jog!

Also go to my awesome TamagotchiForum!GOTCHI FUN! its really neat! we have Growth Charts too!

YES! I got the VIOLET family

I was desperately trying to get that Sukatchi to come up with my bonding at 100% I did it for hours! and days! I was going somewhere in our car, and i tried the dating show, on the 3rd! time or last time, i saw the SUKAtCHI! Then i clicked accept, and there they were! The VIolet family! Sooner or Later the babies turned into Violetchi (Clover) and Kizatchi (Walnut) and thier parents, Mama Violetchi (Violet) and thier new Dad, whichis Papakizatchi (Kilomanjaro) The are really great! And they are gonna live a happy life :)

