The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi


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V4.5 Status:

Name: Adala

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Gen: 11

Job: DJ, yo

V6 Status

Name: Seranna

Gender: F

Character type: Chantochi

Gen: 8

Band: Skybound

Instrument: Harp

Adala: Iiiiiiiiiiit's update time! And fun fact time! Did you know that chickens will never walk on ice? I don't know what this means my inspiring story of the ice-skating chicken that I was writing.

Seranna: Well, skating and walking are two entirely different things.

Adala: Hmm, okay, I can work with that! *dashes off*

Seranna: Well. It looks like I'm alone here.


Seranna: To be honest, I was expecting someone to try and take over the log just then.


Seranna: This is most unusual.


Seranna: Not even ???? is making an attempt.

????: I'm just not in the mood today.

Seranna: Ah. That's disappointing.

????: Yeah. I'll make it up though... with a very huge assault. I might bring in a few tanks.

Seranna: Well that's good to hear.

????: Heh. It'll be great. See ya! *uses the stairs like a normal person*

Adala: *runs in* Woah, woah, woah, was that ???? I just saw?

Seranna: Yes. He came to warn me about a future assault which may or may not involve tanks.

Adala: Oh. Well, I guess I'll just have to kick him in the shin again, won't I?

Seranna: That would be difficult if he is inside a tank.

Adala: Are we talking aquarium tanks or war tanks?

Seranna: He never specified. Either way, his shins will be well-protected.

Adala: Ooh boy, this'll be exciting.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Adala

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Gen: 11

Job: DJ, yo

V6 Status

Name: Seranna

Gender: F

Character type: Chantochi

Gen: 8

Band: Skybound

Instrument: Harp

Adala: Well, hellooooooo, everbody! I just noticed we're on our second page now! How exciting!

Seranna: Indeed. Now for the fun fact.

Adala: Yup! Today's fun fact: there's a pet shop in Japan that sells seahorses with tiny little saddles!

Seranna: I imagine it would be difficult to ride one. One account of then being underwater.

Adala: And tiny. Just like my new son!

Seranna: Aw, he's adorable.

Adala: :( Yeah, he is. I'm naming him Rusav.

Seranna: Say, do you think ???? will start that assault today?

????: Well, here I am! Behold.... my tank!

Adala: ...Heheh...

????: What?


Seranna: Really, ????, you said that this would be a huge assault. You have disappointed us all.

????: What? How?

Adala: You brought in a toy tank!

????: This is a toy?

Seranna: Were you not aware of that?

????: Well, no. I just went to Wal-Mart, I asked some employee where they kept the tanks, and she leads me down this one aisle....

Adala: Why does this situation sound so familiar to me? :mimitchi:

????: Yeah... I thought that tanks were supposed to be bigger, but then again, I've never seen a real tank in my life.

Seranna: It's a shame, though. I thought this would be exciting.

Adala: Yeah, I'm just going to kick you in the shins now, m'kay? :huh:

????: Nooooooooooooo, not again!

Seranna: Hm, I've just thought of something.

Adala: Could you put that thought on hold? ???? runs awfully fast.

????: I knew I should have invested in rocket shoes! Ow, that was my ankle! Hey, that's my face! I thought you were aiming for my shins!

Seranna: Have you noticed that your family was on the fifth generation when my family came?

Adala: Yeah. Hey stop squirming!

FKOD: I'm not squirming. Hey, who's that guy and why are you kicking him.

????: Help me!

Seranna: Anyways, I'm on the eighth generation... just two generations behind you... isn't that odd?

Adala: Yeah, it is. Oh, don't you think you can just crawl away! Take this!

FKOD: Actually, it'd be better if you two go downstairs. You know how creaky this floor is, it may bother everyone else in the house.

????: But if I don't escape then your family will be subject to my frantic cries for help! You may as well just let me go!

FKOD: Okay nameless antagonist. You can go. But next time, be more quiet please. I am trying to negotiate with the wasp queen and she does not appreciate all this ruckus.

????: Yaaaaaaay!

FKOD: I said be more quiet, geez. Kids these days.

Adala: Man, I was having fun. Why did you ruin it? :nazotchi:

FKOD: Do you like it when the wasp scouts get in my room and make lots of buzzing sounds?

Seranna: Just ignore them. They aren't bothering anyone.

FKOD: Except for me! FKOD does not likes the buzzing, no. That's why I'm negotiating with the wasp queen.

Seranna: How's that going?

FKOD: She understands that there is nothing good for the hive in my house, but most wasps are pretty dense, so they just keep squeezing in through little cracks and being unable to escape and then they hang out in my room because it's the warmest place in the house.

Adala: Oh. Good luck with that then.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Adala

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Gen: 11

Job: DJ, yo

V6 Status

Name: Seranna

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 8

Band: Skybound

Instrument: Harp

Adala: Last Adala update, guys and gals. :furawatchi:

Seranna: I'm rather saddened to see you go.

Rusav: Nooooooooooo!

Adala: But I must. :)

Seranna: Well, since we have driven ourselves into depression, let's proceed with the daily fun fact.

Adala: Right-o. In Beijing, there is a government laboratory that uses eels to predict earthquakes.

Rusav: Nooooooooooooooo!

Adala: Okay dear, you can stop being Luke Skywalker now.

Rusav: ....

Adala: That's better. Anyways, Seranna and I went shopping with FKOD!

????: Well, how is that different from any other day?

Seranna: We went to the human shops. Also, when did you get here?

????: I may or may not be a wizard.

Seranna: That explains nothing.

Adala: Oh no, I'm pretty sure it explains everything.

????: Ha.

Seranna: ????, you are a hopeless person with no direction in life.

????: ....;-;

Adala: That was terrible of you, Sera.

FKOD: It's terrible because it's true!

Adala: Okay FKOD, you're not helping.

Seranna: Aren't you the one who beats him senseless all the time? Why are you standing up for him now?

Adala: Attacking a person psychologically is just cruel.

Seranna: And subjecting him to grievous bodily harm isn't?

Adala: ^_^ It's not a perfect philosophy.

FKOD: Let's just forget about this and eat cake.

Seranna: FKOD, you are horrible at conflict management.

FKOD: I think you meant that I am the bestest at conflict management. The solution to all our problems lie with the deliciousness of cake. You will see this (and taste it too, while we're at it) for yourself one day, my child. Baked goods will ultimately bring about world peace and usher in a new era! Every man, woman, and child will wake up, with no worries, because all of the worlds flaws will be smoothed over. All will be prosperous! All will be well! All will be doubleplusgood!

????: I'm all for ushering in new eras with cake.

Adala: Stop talking about cake! You're making me hungry! And if you make me want a lot of cake, then I'll eat a lot of cake, and then I will be fat and we simply can not have that.

Seranna: You're a poet and you didn't even realize.

Adala: Don't you mean "know it?" Y'know, so it'd rhyme.

Seranna: No, I intentionally did that. It's humor, you see.

Adala: Oh. Okay.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Rusav

Gender: M

Character type: Hitodetchi

Gen: 12

Job: Amazing singing preschooler

V6 Status

Name: Seranna

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 8

Band: Skybound

Instrument: Harp

FKOD: Everyone, gather around! It's time for an update!

????: Oh joy!

FKOD: Not you, Extreme Sports Calendar.

Extreme Sports Calendar: Er...

Seranna: Did his name just officially change to Extreme Sports Calendar?

Rusav: The log says it's his name now.

ESC: Oh dear, this is not good.

Seranna: What's going on here?

ESC: It appears that FKOD... has officially given me a name.

FKOD: It's Easter tradition, though!

Rusav: I thought Easter was about finding colorful eggs and eating candy.

FKOD: It's also about watching surreal British comedies and naming people, didn't you know?

Seranna: Well, we'll just make that today's fun fact then, won't we?

ESC: Yeah, I need to share my tragic backstory so that things will start making sense.

Rusav: Go for it, man.

ESC: Well, you see, I'm from the kingdom of Piarnil. One day, I committed a crime.

Rusav: You're a criminal?

ESC: Yes.... I.... I golfed on a Tuesday while wearing a fedora.

Seranna: And.... that's considered a crime?

ESC: Yes. Anyways, as punishment, my name was taken away. Names are very important to us, you see.

Rusav: What was your name?

ESC: I can't remember. Even if I did know it, I wouldn't be able to say it. Of course, now that FKOD has bestowed me with a new name...

FKOD: You will do whatever I say? Oooooh, make me a sammich!

ESC: No, I'm simply obligated to bless you with powers, you know, that kind of thing.

FKOD: Okay, that's cool too. Anyways, as I was going to say until Extreme Sports Calendar decided to interrupt everyting forever, I was going to say that we are going to Washington D.C. tomorrow.

Rusav: How will we update the log, then?

FKOD: Elementary, my dear Rusav. I am bringing a tiny journal that I will write down our log entries for the week in. When we get back, we'll copy the log entries onto the interwebs.

Seranna: Ah, so that's how we're going to make up for lost time.

ESC: Hey, am I going to Washington with you?

FKOD: No.... well, maybe we could sneak you in the suitcase.

Rusav: We're bringing him? I thought he was the ant.. the antagonizer... or somethin' like that.

Seranna: He's more of a sympathetic ineffectual villain, really.

ESC: Heeeeey, no need to be rude. Naturally the (dashing) villain would follow you on your quest to do stuff.

FKOD: "Dashing" is such a strong word...

ESC: What, are you implying that I'm not attractive?

Rusav: You're not ugly, if it makes you feel any better.

ESC: Thank you Rusav. You're a nice lad.

Rusav: No problem, man.

Adventures in Washington

Day 1 (Monday, April 5)

V4.5 Status:

Name: Rusav

Gender: M

Character type: Crackertchi

Gen: 12

Job: School kid

V6 Status

Name: Seranna

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 8

Band: Skybound

Instrument: Harp

Rusav: Argh, long bus ride is LONG.

Seranna: Indeed. Well, we're here now?

FKOD: Omygoshthisplaceissoniceyaaaaaaay!

Rusav: Should we let Extreme Sports calendar out of the suitcase now?

FKOD: ....Is is just me, or does the suitcase feel... lighter?

Seranna: Perhaps he escaped somewhere?

Rusav: Will he be alright on his own?

FKOD: Eh, don't worry. I'm sure he'll be just fine.

Seranna: He's probably better off now than when he was in a suitcase for hours.

Day 2 (Tuesday, April 6)

V4.5 Status:

Name: Rusav

Gender: M

Character type: Crackertchi

Gen: 12

Job: School kid

V6 Status

Name: Phantom

Gender: M

Character type: Kuchitamatchi

Gen: 9

Band: N/A

Instrument: Saxophone

FKOD: I discovered something crazy!

Rusav: She did, really!

FKOD: Apparently if a tamagotchi has a baby around, and the clock is set to a minute before midnight, the parents will leave a little bit earlier. It was an accidental discovery. I had set the clocks so that Rusav and Seranna would be asleep while I was running around through museums and stuff.

Phantom: Well, I get to grow up early, then!

Rusav: Yup!

Day 3 (Wednesday, April 7)

V4.5 Status:

Name: Rusav

Gender: M

Character type: Samuraitchi

Gen: 12

Job: School kid guy and also a samurai

V6 Status

Name: Phantom

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Gen: 9

Band: Wight

Instrument: Singers

Rusav: So, Phantom, I see you've changed instruments... to.... some guys?

Phantom: They're singers!

Rusav: ...Er... That's..... nice?

Phantom: Yeah, I just kind of wave my arms around to make them sing certain pitches.

Rusav: Okay.

ESC: G-guys! There you are!

Phantom: Who are you?

Rusav: Oh, that's Extreme Sports Calendar.

Phantom: ...What? He's some guy, not a calendar!

ESC: I know! FKOD named me that. :[

Phantom: You should get a nickname.

ESC: A.... what?

Rusav: Nicknames are just sort of unofficial names. Like FKOD is a nickname for Gaia.

ESC: That's absolutely ridiculous!

Phantom: What's up with this guy?

Rusav: Idunno.

Day 4 (Thursday, April 8)

V4.5 Status:

Name: Rusav

Gender: M

Character type: Samuraitchi

Gen: 12

Job: DJ/Samurai

V6 Status

Name: Phantom

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Gen: 9

Band: Wight

Instrument: Singers

ESC: :[

Phantom: Why's ESC so angsty?

Rusav: Idunno.

ESC: All this time...

FKOD: He's so crazy! He comes up to me and he was all like Gaia why didn't you tell me your real name what trickery is this blah blah angst angst angst.

Rusav: I guess names really are important to him.

Phantom: Names are just words used to define an otherwise abstract concept! Why should it matter?

Rusav: Well, there are some things you think are important that some people wouldn't care about, right?

Phantom: No.

Rusav: |:[

Phantom: Yes.

Rusav: He just feels that his beliefs aren't getting the respect from us that he would get from his own people, you see?

FKOD: He is very hard to respect, what with all his angst.

Rusav: >:[

FKOD: But I could try harder maybe.

Rusav: That's better.

Day 5 (Friday, April 9)

V4.5 Status:

Name: Rusav

Gender: M

Character type: Samuraitchi

Gen: 12

Job: DJ/Samurai

V6 Status

Name: Phantom

Gender: M

Character type: Mametchi

Gen: 9

Band: Wight

Instrument: Singers

Rusav: We're on the way home today!

Phantom: It's not really like home for me... considering I've lived most of my life either on a bus or in Washington.

Rusav: Well, I didn't spend a lot of time there, but it's nice.

FKOD: And you can meet new people! I'm sure Mr. Margleton and Tiny Optimus Prime will be glad to show you around along with Monroe.

Monroe: Quack.

FKOD: Yes, Monroe, we all know that you are a duck and that you are proud of your duckliness.

Rusav: Why is everyone so angsty lately, anyway?

Monroe: Quack.

Rusav: Yes, thank you Monroe.

FKOD: Yeah, Phantom and ESC are being drama queens.

Phantom: I'm not angsty! I just feel like a homeless vagrant, a wandering vagabond!

Mr. Margleton: Home is where the heart is, Phantom. It doesn't have to be a physical residence.

Monroe: Quack quack.

Tiny Optimus Prime: The duck's right.

Phantom: Well, okay. I feel better now.

Mr. Margleton: Now we just need to cheer up Extreme Sports Calendar.

FKOD: He's in the suitcase.

TOP: That makes things difficult. We'll just talk to him tomorrow.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Rusav

Gender: M

Character type: Samuraitchi

Gen: 12

Job: DJ/Samurai

V6 Status

Name: Phantom

Gender: M

Character type: Mametchi

Gen: 9

Band: Wight

Instrument: Singers

Rusav: Something has just occurred to me!

Phantom: What?

Rusav: We didn't do a fun fact all last week!

Phantiom: A what?

Rusav: Oh, we never told you about the daily fun fact, did we?

Phantom: No. It sounds remarkably silly to me.

Rusav: It is not remarkably silly. I will swear by my samurai honor that it is very serious business.

Phantom: Okay. Wait, I thought you were a DJ, not a samurai!

Rusav: I'm both.

Phantom: Oh.

Rusav: Anyways... did you know that all humans share 99.9% of genetic material?

Phantiom: That's crazy. You're crazy.

Rusav: I will swear by my samurai honor that it is true.

Monroe: Quack.

Phantom: See? Even Monroe agrees with me.

Rusav: No, he was agreeing with me!

Phantom: Ha! In your dreams!

Rusav: Monroe, you were agreeing with me, weren't you?

Monroe: ....

Rusav: Don't feel pressured man. Phantom can't do anything to you if you say yes.

Monroe: ....?

FKOD: Has it even occurred to anyone here that Monroe can't understand English?

Phantom: What's that supposed to mean? You're crazy, Rusav is crazy, Monroe is crazy, I'm surrounded by crazy people! AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH.

FKOD: ESC, can you bless me with powers and stuff, right? I need the power of making people shut up.

ESC: Angstangstangstangst

FKOD: This log is over. I'm going to eat lots of candy and think about the good old days.

Mr. Margleton: Yay for candy!

Rusav: May I come?

FKOD: Gosh darn it, I said the update was over. Ooooooovvvvvveeeerrrrr. Oh, and you two can come along I guess.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Miko

Gender: M

Character type: Hitodetchi

Gen: 13

Job: Pre-school kid

V6 Status

Name: Phantom

Gender: M

Character type: Mametchi

Gen: 9

Band: Wight

Instrument: Singers

Miko: Oooooooh, is this the log? I'm so excited! This is so cool! Oh my gosh, can other people see what I'm saying and stuff? So. Cool.

Phantom: It's not that great. I doubt anyone reads this anyway.

Miko: This one thingy says we have over 300 views though!

Phantom: Maybe 300 people have come here once, decided that they didn't like it, and left.

Miko: You're so pessimistic. You should try to be all happy and stuff. It's fun! Weeeeeeee!

Phantom: Did someone give you sugar?

Miko: No. But I had some ice cream earlier.

Phantom: There is sugar in ice cream.

Miko: Oh. Is that today's fun fact? I heard there was a fun fact. Can I do a fun fact? I have a COOL one!

Phantom: Knock yourself out.

Miko: Why would I knock myself out? I can't talk if I'm unconscious!

Phantom: It was a figure of speech.

Miko: Oooooooh, okey dokey! Anyways, get this... cats always walk on their toes! They just tip-toe everywhere all sneaky! Like... ninjas.

Phantom: That's nice.

Miko: You know a ninja, don't you? Isn't there one in your band? One that looks suspiciously cat-like? Cats are totally ninjas dude, there's no denying it.

Phantom: That's nice.

Miko: Also did you mention that your married I don't think you did Dad didn't say anything about me busy I guess kind of a bummer that I didn't get mentioned what is your wife's name whatcha gonna name your daughter? Alice? Sally? Susan? I like Alice I think it's a nice name but it's five characters and you need to save names like that for my family since we get less letters in our names which is an ultra bummer why do you look kinda funny, like mad but restrained, are you waiting for me to finish talking, I bet you are, you haven't said a lot yet and I'm sorry for being all talky but I have to get it out of my system, you know how it is right?

Phantom: ....

Miko: ....

Phantom: ....

Miko: Oh, you must be done talking for now, okay, that's cool! I kinda lost track of what I was saying before but-- oh yeah names, the ninja in your band is named Lydia right, that's a nice name, and who's the fuzzy guy I forget his name hey did you name those guys that sing with you if not can I name them I think they should be George and Dude those are good names right hey I'm not getting a lot of input from you so I'll just go ahead and name them that if that's cool with you so are George and Dude like your bestest friends you must hang out a lot since you're like roommates does your family like you guys' singing I bet they do, they always look so happy unlike you, you should smile and stuff, and then everyone will be happy forever, and that's great. I think you should have a more positive outlook, it'll make a big difference, and you'll have fun all the time and then we can be BFF that would be cool, right, and then--

Phantom: Please stop talking.

Miko: Okay! I'm sorry if I got carried away, I'm just sssoooooo excited with this being my first log entry and all!

Phantom: Of course.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Miko

Gender: M

Character type: Crackertchi

Gen: 13

Job: Fisticuffs expert in training

V6 Status

Name: Arachne

Gender: F

Character type: Tamatchi

Gen: 10

Band: N/A

Instrument: Bass Drum

Miko: Hi guys!

Arachne: Hi gals!

Miko: We didn't update yesterday!

Arachne: What a bummer!

Miko: Okay, let's stop yelling now. We have fun facts to do.

Arachne: Okey dokey.

Miko: Oooh, let's see... OH DID YOU KN-- wait, I used that one Monday. Oh man this is HARD.

Arachne: Don't give up!

Miko: It's so hard though!

Arachne: But thou must!

Miko: Ummmmm....

Arachne: Believe in yourself!

Miko: Oh, I got one! I think! Maybe.

Arachne: What is it?

Miko: Out of the ten richest people in the world, five of them inherited their money from Wal-Mart, or something like that.

Arachne: Wow! See? I knew you could do it!

Miko: Aw, it was nuthin'.

Arachne: So, uh, do we say anything else?

Miko: Yeah, I think so. I'm in school now!

Arachne: I'm in pre-school. And I play the bass drum! And I have a panda!

Miko: Wait, a panda?

Arachne: A big toy one.

Miko: Ooooooh. You had me there for a moment.

Arachne: Teehee! You're so funny!

FKOD: This log is now so filled with optimism that something may explode.

Miko: Like what?

FKOD: A big cake that will splatter all over everyone. We will lick it off and be happy.

Arachne: Ooh, where's the cake?

FKOD: It's in your heart, dear.

Arachne: ...I don't get it.

Miko: Is this something metaphorical?

FKOD: ;3

Arachne: I still don't get it. FKOD, are you sure there is a cake?

FKOD: ;3

Miko: Is something wrong with your eye, FKOD? It's kind of closed funny.

FKOD: Yes.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Miko

Gender: M

Character type: Matsuritchi

Gen: 13

Job: Fisticuffs expert in training

V6 Status

Name: Arachne

Gender: F

Character type: Chantochi

Gen: 10

Band: Universe

Instrument: Bass Drum

Miko: Oh man we didn't update yesterday! What an ultra-bummer.

Arachne: Oh well. Fun fact time!

Miko: Guess what.

Arachne: Huh?

Miko: Bingo is not a dog!

Arachne: Well of course! It's a game!

Miko: Nonono, I meant the farmer's dog. But apparently the farmer's name is Bingo!

Arachne: Crazy stuff!

Miko: I know!

Arachne: This has changed the way that I look at the world.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Miko

Gender: M

Character type: Matsuritchi

Gen: 13

Job: Weight Puller

V6 Status

Name: Arachne

Gender: F

Character type: Chantochi

Gen: 10

Band: Universe

Instrument: Bass Drum

Miko: S'up dudes and dudettes!

Arachne: Hiiiiii!

Miko: I have an awesome fun fact today: Optimus Prime from the Transformers series was originally supposed to have a Jamaican accent.

Arachne: I can't say I can really envision that.... or... uh..... en-hear that?

Miko: Yeah, but I think a giant robot with a Jamaican accent would be pretty awesome.

Tiny Optimus Prime: What about a tiny robot with a Jamaican accent?

Miko: That would be pretty cool too.

TOP: I had better work on that then.

Arachne: Good luck!

TOP: Thanks!

Miko: So, anyway, I got a job last night after the update! I pull these weights or something like that.

Arachne: I got a 1st ranking award in Asian Music!

FKOD: And Monroe went on a little excursion behind my bed.

Monroe: Quack.

FKOD: Yes, it was very dusty down there. I would know, since I had to pull you out of there.

Miko: Hang on, I thought Monroe couldn't understand English.

FKOD: Yeah, everyone just pretends he does.

Arachne: D'aw, he's so cuuuuute, though! <3

Monroe: <3

V4.5 Status:

Name: Miko

Gender: M

Character type: Matsuritchi

Gen: 13

Job: Weight Puller

V6 Status

Name: Arachne

Gender: F

Character type: Chantochi

Gen: 10

Band: Universe

Instrument: Bass Drum

FKOD: Quick quick quick log guys we're running out of time gogogo!

Miko: Fun fact: Some militaries train dolphins to rescue lost people.

Arachne: Cool. Uh--

FKOD: We're running out of time!

Arachne: Uh, babies! Okay, that's all!

V4.5 Status:

Name: Moxus

Gender: M

Character type: Urayoungmametchi

Gen: 14

Job: Smiley face student

V6 Status

Name: Oberon

Gender: M

Character type: Kuchitamatchi

Gen: 11

Band: N/A

Instrument: Headphones

Moxus: Oberon, are you ready to update this log?

Oberon: Yeah.

Moxus: Okay, let's rock! Okay, what are we supposed to do now?

TOP: You need to do a fun fact and and say anything else you think is necessary.

Oberon: Thank you, Optimus Prime, that was very helpful.

TOP: No problem.

Moxus: So... did you know that mining companies blow up mountains in order to get to coal?

Oberon: They just go boom.

Moxus: Yeah, just imagine how you would feel if you were a mountain and you were just kind of chillin' then BAM, your a pile of rubble!

Oberon: Poor mountains!

Monroe: Quack.

Moxus: I know, right?

Oberon: Uh, what did he say?

Moxus: Idunno.

Oberon: Oh. I guess the world will never know.

Mr. Margleton: It's like the mystery of the Tootsie Pop.

Moxus: But it is three licks! One to start, one to wear it down, and one to eat the stick.

Mr. Margleton: Wait, what?

V4.5 Status:

Name: Moxus

Gender: M

Character type: Urayoungmametchi

Gen: 14

Job: Smiley face student

V6 Status

Name: Oberon

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Gen: 11

Band: Fae.t

Instrument: Headphones

Moxus: We're updating!

Oberon: How can you be so sure about that?

Moxus: Well, you see, we're at the laptop, and we're typing, and--

Oberon: I was just joking!

Moxus: Really? You didn't sound like you were joking.

Oberon: -.-

Moxus: Anyways, fun fact: you know those little funny cobwebby looking things you see in trees and stuff?

Oberon: Those things that look like tents?

Moxus: Uh-huh. Those aren't spider webs, those are things built by tent caterpillars.

FKOD: Oh come on, everyone knows that.

Oberon: Not you. You told me those were spider webs, and when your biology teacher was talking about them in class, you were all like, "Oh."

FKOD: Lies.

Moxus: Well, while FKOD is busy being in denial here, I'd like to know what is up with your band name, Oberon.

Oberon: Well, fae are basically fairies, the t makes it sound like fate, and the period is there to keep any wise guys from being all like, "You spelled fate wrong you got the e and t all mixed up how could you do such a thing."

Moxus: Okay then.

Oberon: And the whole fae thing is because I'm named after the king of fairies. You did know that, right?

Moxus: This is the fourteenth time you told me. I've been keeping count.

FKOD: Pfft, that's nothing, I'm named after the Greek goddess of the earth.

Oberon: Anyways, I'm going to rename my band members Titania and Puck to go with the whole king of fairies motif.

LisaTitania: Wait, when did we agree to this?

Oberon: When you signed the contract.

PaulPuck: What contract?

Oberon: The one you totally signed.

LisaTitania: We did not "totally sign" any contracts. At all.

PaulPuck: No misrepresentation without representation!

FKOD: Hey, Titania is a cool name. And Puck, you are just going to have to deal with it.

PaulPuck: :eek:

Moxus: Hey, Titania is Oberon's wife, right?

LisaTitania: WHAT.

Moxus: I meant in the play.

Oberon: Oh. I guess I'll just have to marry her then.

FKOD: Wait, the Titania in the play or the Ichigotchi formerly known as Lisa?

Oberon: The Titania who's with us right now!

LisaTitania: When did I agree to this? And you had better not say anything about contracts, or I will kick you.

Oberon: You agreed to this when we formed a band.

LisaTitania: Well... I want to unagree with it now!

PaulPuck: Man, I'm glad I'm Puck.

Moxus: You are so helpful, Puck.

PaulPuck: Hey, you started this whole marriage deal thing.

Moxus: I... I didn't think he'd go through with the idea!

LisaTitania: That's because he won't go through with it.

Mr. Margleton: Bum bum BUUUUUUUMMMMMMM.

Oberon: Margleton.

Mr. Margleton: What?

TOP: This is all sorts of awkward.

Monroe: Quack.

Mr. Margleton: Yeah, those were the good old days.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Moxus

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Gen: 14

Job: Smiley face student

V6 Status

Name: Oberon

Gender: M

Character type: Mametchi

Gen: 11

Band: Fae.t

Instrument: Headphones

Oberon: Aaaaaaaaaarrgh.

Moxus: What's up with you, man? You've been kinda angsty.

Oberon: Yeah, so?

Moxus: Don't backtalk me, mister!

Mr. Margleton: Guys, stop arguing!

FKOD: Margleton, stop trying to resolve conflicts in a peaceful manner!

TOP: FKOD, stop trying to make things worse!

Monroe: Quack!

Oberon: Monroe, stop trying to argue with Optimus Prime!

Moxus: Oberon, stop being so pushy!

Lisa: Everyone, quiet!

Paul: Yeah! What she said!

FKOD: Okay. Let's all settle down and talk about our issues.

Oberon: No.

Moxus: Yes.

Oberon: No.

Moxus: Yes.

Oberon: No.

Moxus: Maybe.

Oberon: Okay.

FKOD: You see, Oberon is surly because of a glitch.

Moxus: Oh.

FKOD: You see, he was about to perform for the judges, when all of a sudden, the low battery thing appears.

Oberon: My battery couldn't possibly be low... It's fine right now.

FKOD: So I hit the reset button. I check the status, Lisa and Paul were still evolved into maiditchi and dorotchi.

Oberon: Then I went back to the school, and they evolve again!

Lisa: It was weird. I'm a makiko. I shouldn't be, but I am.

Paul: Well at least you aren't UGLY. Why couldn't I be any other guy than tarakotchi?

Oberon: And just to rub salt into the wounds, we failed the judge's examination! Twice!

Moxus: Oh. No wonder you are bummed out.

Oberon: Yeah! And I practiced so much... I didn't play a lot.... I PRACTICED MY BUTT OFF.

Mr. Margleton: N-not literally, right?

Oberon: >:|

Lisa: *sigh* We're probably going to have to get boring part-time jobs now.

Paul: Like... uh... what kind of jobs are there besides being in a band?

Oberon: We're doomed.

Moxus: Hey, there'll be other chances to wow the judges. It's not the end of the world.

Mr. Margleton: Yeah, the end of the world is December 12, 2012. That's quite a ways away.

FKOD: Nuh-uh. That's when there will be a wide spread spiritual enlightenment thingy that gives us cool psychic powers.

TOP: Geez guys, it's just going to be like any other day.

Moxus: Well, except for the fact that everyone will be flipping out because they think the world is going to end.

FKOD: But I want cool psychic powers!

Oberon: Since when did we all start talking about the apocalypse, anyways?

Lisa: The world ends when the sun blows up. End of story.

Paul: Um.... the sun isn't going to do that soon, is it?

FKOD: Not for a few billion years, no.

Oberon: Could everyone stop talking about the apocalypse, please? It's making me more depressed than I already am.

FKOD: Butter starfish. Discuss.

Moxus: That... that makes no sense whatsoever.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Omega

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungmarotchi

Gen: 15

Job: Smiley face student

V6 Status

Name: Kimosa

Gender: F

Character type: Petitchi

Gen: 12

Band: N/A

Instrument: Trumpet

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Flaire

Gender: F

Character type: Chamametchi

Gen: 1

Band: Red Tree

Instrument: Microphone

Mr. Margleton: Oh wow, it HAS been a while hasn't it?

Omega: Oh... this is the log? I thought it'd be more exiting.

Flaire: But it IS exciting!

Kimosa: :3

Mr. Margleton: Okay, anyway, I'm supposed to do a bit of catching up here. Basically, Oberon's glitch was fixed by changing the battery. He finally managed to go professional with his band. And a couple of days ago, FKOD had her birthday, and she got a new Music Star.

Flaire: That's me!

Omega: Don't forget the part where I was born, Margleton.

Mr. Margleton: Ah yes. Just before we watched Where the Wild Things Are. It was about a furry and a bunch of monsters with anger issues. And Moxus would tell you it was a bad influence on his child.

Omega: He never said that.

Mr. Margleton: Yes he did.

Flaire: Yeah, he totally did.

Kimosa: Yes! Teeheehee!

Omega: Do you want me to headbutt you guys?

Kimosa: Yes. Yes.

Omega: Um.

Flaire: I think "yes" is the only word she knows.

Kimosa: Yes!

Omega: Well, I'll excuse her, since she's so young. You and Margleton aren't getting off so easy.

Flaire: Um... can I convince you to spare me by running?

Mr. Margleton: You can't headbutt me! I'm an only child!

Omega: Well, I don't feel like chasing Flaire around. But you Margleton, I don't think that I care whether or not you have siblings.

Mr. Margleton: I have a wife and child! Please spare me!

Kimosa: No no no...

Flaire: You don't even have a girlfriend, Margleton!

Omega: You're as single as a one-of-a-kind vase.

Mr. Margleton: Um...

Kimosa: Um!

Mr. Margleton: You can't prove anything! What would you know about my relationships, anyway?

Flaire: Tiny Optimus Prime told me.

Mr. Margleton: THAT TRAITOR. >:[

Omega: Watch out, Margleton is a ball of rage.

Kimosa: Yes! No! Um...

TOP: 'Sup guys.

Kimosa: Margleton rage!

TOP: Is that so?

Mr. Margleton: Yes. Yes it is so.

TOP: Why are you all twitchy?

Omega: Blame Flaire.

Flaire: Hey, Tiny Optimus Prime is the one who told me.

Omega: But you told Margleton.

TOP: What's going on around here?

Monroe: Quack.

TOP: Oh. Darn it, Flaire.

Kimosa: Darn it, Flaire!

Omega: Darn it, Flaire!

Monroe: Quack quack, quack!

Flaire: Darn it, Flaire.

TOP: Oh geez, now I'm confused.

Mr. Margleton: Hyah! Take this!

TOP: Oh no! He's out of control! Tiny Vigilante Squad, assemble!

Mini Cthulhu: *eldritch muttering*

Chibi Ichigo Kurosaki: What do you want?

TOP: Help! What does it look like?

CIK: Yeeeah, abou that. Remember the freak accident that left my-

TOP: Yes, I know, your fancy soul reaper sword is stuck to the back of your head. You could at least try headbutting him, though.

Omega: And it would work, with all that spiky hair.

MC: *eldritch scream*

TOP: Cthulhu! There's children in here!

MC: *eldritch apology*

Mr. Margleton: Oh... I... I don't think I'm going to come out of a battle with Cthulhu with my sanity intact. You win this time, Prime, but I'll have my revenge...

Flaire: Bum... bum.... BUM!!!!

V4.5 Status:

Name: Omega

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungmarotchi

Gen: 15

Job: Smiley face student

V6 Status

Name: Kimosa

Gender: F

Character type: Chamametchi

Gen: 12

Band: N/A

Instrument: Trumpet

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Flaire

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 1

Band: Red Tree

Instrument: Microphone

Flaire: Heeeeey, guys.

Omega: Hey.

Kimosa: Hiiiiiii!

Flaire: Sooooo I'm an adult.

Omega: Yeah, we noticed.

Kimosa: I'm a teen! I'm all... uh... whatever teens are supposed to be like.

Omega: Angsty and rebellious?

Kimosa: ...Huh?

Flaire: Ignore her. She's sort of crazy, like an otter that ate too much sugar.

Omega: What?

Kimosa: Bunny, your so funny! Omygosh, that rhymed.

Omega: Oh wow. A natural poet.

Kimosa: Oh, Meggy, do you really think I have what it takes?

Omega: Kim? Have you ever heard of something called sarcasm?

Flaire: Oh, Omega, don't be so rude.

Kimosa: I'm not sure what a sarcasm is, but... MEGGY. DON'T DIS THE KIMMY.

Omega: Um, right. So... Margleton, are you still suffering from loneliness and rage?

Mr. Margleton: Nope! I've finally decided what I'm going to do with my life!

Flaire: Really? That's great! What are you going to do?

Mr. Margleton: I'm going to be a... POKEMON MASTER!

Flaire: Oooh, really? That's great! You'll learn about friendship and teamwork and strategy and stuff!

Omega: And maybe you'll stop a huge organization of dorks who tries to take over the world or something like that.

Kimosa: And you gotta catch 'em all! Bring me back a cute pokeman.

Mr. Margleton: Okay! Now all I need is a starter.

FKOD: Kids grow up so fast, I swear. I mean, your already setting off on your Pokemon journey. How old are you, Mr. Margleton?

Mr. Margleton: Um... can you just give me a starter?

FKOD: Alright. Have this eevee. I have like a billion anyways.

Mr. Margleton: Swwweeeeeeet! I'm going to name him Mr. Fuzz.

Omega: Oh, your so good at naming things, Margleton.

Mr. Margleton: Thanks! Off I go!

Kimosa: ...Meggy, was that a sarcasm?

Omega: Well obviously.

Flaire: I'm so proud of him! Now he can make something of his life!

Monroe: Quack!

Flaire: Huh? I'm pretty sure he already had running shoes.

Monroe: Quack.

Flaire: What? Monroe, that's ridiculous. TVs don't do that!

Monroe: ...Quack.

Flaire: No, he can't talk to puppets. Monroe, you're getting your video games confused.

Monroe: Quack quack!

Flaire: Look, he doesn't need a keyblade. He's not even going to find any heartless, geez.

Monroe: ....Quack.

Flaire: What? What does that even-- Never mind.

V4.5 Status:

Name: Omega

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 15

Job: Kid Counter

V6 Status

Name: Kimosa

Gender: F

Character type: Chamametchi

Gen: 12

Band: Pompom

Instrument: Trumpet

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Flaire

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 1

Band: Red Tree

Instrument: Microphone

Kimosa: Sorry about the update drought guys!

Omega: It's FKOD's fault!

FKOD: I blame society. And video games. But mostly society.

Flaire: Anyways, big news! I'm married to a robot! And I have a little baby boy now! <3

Omega: I'm not even going to begin wondering how that could ever work.

Kimosa: Is he a little cyborg baby?

Flaire: Of course not.

Flaire's husband: BZZT. OF COURSE NOT.

Omega: So... marriage with a toaster. How's that working out for you?


Kimosa: So what do you do?


Omega: Okay then. Hey, is that kid going to have a name at some point?

Flaire: Orpheus!

Kimosa: Wow, that's a cool name!

Omega: That's the name of a guy from Greek mythology, right?

Flaire: Yup.

Omega: Didn't he sort of lose his head at some point?

Flaire: Did he?


Kimosa: Okay, we get it now! No need to talk about decapitation!

FKOD: Yeah, there's kids around. Like Orpheus.

Orpheus: ...?

Omega: I doubt he understands anything we're saying.

Flaire: But it will be engraved on his little subconscious!

Omega: Um...

Kimosa: Quick, everyone talk about positive things!


Orpheus: :3

Kimosa: D'aaaawwww.

Omega: It's cute in a weird sort of way.

FKOD: So adorable. Anyways, Mr. Margleton, how's your training going?

Mr. Margleton: Oh, it's going great. I caught a bidoof, and his name is Bobo.

Flaire: Hey, aren't you supposed to be, like, off on adventures? Why are you still here?

Mr. Margleton: Well, I'm training Mr. Fuzz and Bobo. They have to be strong enough to fight other trainers, you see.

FKOD: Oh yeah, and there's a lot of tall grass around this time of year.

Omega: Er, I've never seen anything in that grass.

Kimosa: I have! I saw a pidgey!

Flaire: Really? I think I saw a weedle once, but I'm not sure.


V4.5 Status:

Name: Omega

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 15

Job: Kid Counter

V6 Status

Name: Kimosa

Gender: F

Character type: Chamametchi

Gen: 12

Band: Pompom

Instrument: Trumpet

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Orpheus

Gender: F

Character type: Kuchitamatchi

Gen: 2

Band: N/A

Instrument: Harp

Orpheus: Log time! Log time!

Kimosa: Yaaaaay!

Omega: Well, I guess know is a good time to say that this is my last time writing here. I'm off to Tamagotchi planet tomorrow. Miren here will take over.

Kimosa: Oooh, Miren is a pretty name! She's so cute, koochi-goo!

Omega: Koo-what now?

Orpheus: Baby talk, I guess. Hey, who's that guy over there?

ESC: Oh, hello. I take it you are FKOD's little pets?

Kimosa: *gasp* It's the escape key guy!

Omega: No, I think his name is supposed to be Extraordinary Sporting Calendar, or something like that.

ESC: No more am I disgraced with such a name. I am now Ryyx, and I am here to destroy you.

Orpheus: Pardon me?

Kimosa: Bwa-bwa-wah?

Omega: Er, what?

Miren: :|

Orpheus: Is there a reason that you want to destroy us?

Ryyx: Oh, it's nothing personal. I just have orders from my master, that's all.

Kimosa: But... do we even know your boss?

Ryyx: No. But she has her reasons, I assure you.

FKOD: Hmm... Crazy grudge against me, remodeling some wimpy guy into a kind of scary minion, sending ants into my bathroom... Oh, I'll bet it's Minya.

Orpheus: Minya?

Ryyx: The Fallen Star, the Great Betrayer, the Lady With Red Eyes, the Exceptional Liar, the Destroyer of Bilinxia, the Queen of Sorrow, the Woman With too Many Titles for Most People to Bother With, the Person With a Sword That Nobody Thought She'd Be Able to Lift Considering Her Build... shall I go on?

Omega: Nah, we got the idea.

Kimosa: Oh, that sounds scary! Um, so do you know her FKOD?

FKOD: Oh yeah. Fourth grade in school. We were like BFF.

Orpheus: What's BFF?

FKOD: Best friends forever. But then one day I got miffed at her, so I demoted her to best friend for life. She was not happy with that.

Omega: So this is all just some childhood grudge?

FKOD: No, I'm not done yet. Later on, Minya joined a group of adventurers called the Arkrinths, who traveled to the land of Aver-Ramas. That place is crazy. And they all became crazy from it, claiming themselves to be goddesses. And Minya, who was now crazy, tried to reestablish her BFF status, but I wouldn't let her.

Kimosa: Why?

FKOD: Because she was being a jerk, that's why. I told you she was crazy, and not in a good way, like me. So, as you can guess, there was a climactic battle, and it was sort of a tie, really. But she swore she'd be back.

Ryyx: Ah, but it's much more than that. After that battle with you, my master decided you were a potential threat.

FKOD: Well not right now I'm not. You would not believe the buttloads of homework my teachers have given me. Now is a bad time, really. Can we work out this whole dispute later? Maybe after--

Ryyx: No. We intend to destroy you and your allies.

FKOD: Oh, I get it. You want to get rid of everyone so lazy old FKOD wouldn't just send in all my friends to put an end to your evil plot.

Omega: Is this even a tamagotchi log anymore?

Kimosa: I don't know!

Orpheus: We're supposed to be the protagonists!

Mr. Margleton: Well, why don't you three fight Minya if you're so concerned about being the heroes?

Kimosa: What?

Orpheus: What?

Omega: Have fun with that, Miren.

Miren: ...?!

V4.5 Status:

Name: Miren

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungmarotchi

Gen: 16

Job: Fisticuffs novice

V6 Status

Name: Kimosa

Gender: F

Character type: Chamametchi

Gen: 12

Band: Pompom

Instrument: Trumpet

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Orpheus

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 2

Band: Cyborg

Instrument: Harp

Ryyx: Okay, you three have been preparing for... 2 days now? Are you ready to fight me?

Miren: Kimosa isn't. She said she had to go get something.

Orpheus: She seems kind of bummed lately, considering that glitch that forced her to reset several times. Maybe she's holding out or something.

Miren: Oh, she'll be here soon!

Ryyx: I tire of waiting.

Orpheus: Shut up, she'll be he--

Ryyx: No more waiting. *punts Orpheus like a football*

Orpheus: Oww...

Miren: Uhhhh... you wouldn't hit a girl, would you?

Ryyx: Oh... normally I wouldn't... but when it comes to the descendant of someone who ridiculed me, I suppose I'll have to make an exception!

Miren: But... but.... I didn't do anything!

Ryyx: Too bad. *begins charging an attack* It looks like it all ends her--

Kimosa: *runs over Ryyx with a car* Hey guys, sorry I'm late.

Miren: Oh, so you had to get your car! I see.

Orpheus: Ugh, you could have gotten here earlier.

Kimosa: Hey, it's not my fault Monroe ate the keys and I had to reach down his esophagus to--

Miren: Too much information! Too much information!

Kimosa: Anyways, it's as my dad always said: "Always bring a car to a knife fight."

Orpheus: We weren't even using knifes...

Kimosa: Um, hello, it's a metaphor. When I said knife, I meant any close quarters weapon. GOSH.

Miren: Oh. Anyways, Orpheus, do you need a doctor?

Orpheus: No, I'll be fin--

Dr. Blobagus: Did somebody need a doctor?

Orpheus: Oh, not reall--

Miren: Yes, he does! Look, he's in pain! Someone has to help him!

Dr. Blobagus: Ah, judging by the fact you're clenching your stomach as if someone kicked you hard enough to punt you across an entire room... indigestion?

Orpheus: No, I got ki--

Dr. Blobagus: When's the last time you had a bowel movement?

Orpheus: A what movement?

Kimosa: He's asking you when the last time you pooped was.

Orpheus: Um... Er.... That's.... Get out of my business, you weird... tentacle... covered... thing.

Dr. Blobagus: What happens in the office stays in the office.

Miren: We're not in an office, though.

Dr. Blobagus: Oh, well, it doesn't make that big of a difference.

Kimosa: Are you a real doctor?

Dr. Blobagus: Of course! I have a degree in medicine right here. See?

Orpheus: >:|

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V4.5 Status:

Name: Miren

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungmarotchi

Gen: 16

Job: Fisticuffs novice

V6 Status

Name: Kimosa

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 12

Band: Pompom

Instrument: Trumpet

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Orpheus

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 2

Band: Cyborg

Instrument: Harp

Kimosa: -.-

Orpheus: -.-

Miren: What's up with you two?

Kimosa: We just noticed some typos in the stats.

Orpheus: Like the one that says I'm female.

Kimosa: And all the ones that say I'm a chamametchi when I've been a chantochi for, like, an eternity or two. Stupid glitch. Stupid resetting.

Miren: Cheer up! Kimosa, you finally got married! And Orpheus, everyone knows your a boy, anyway.

Ryyx: Wait, he's not a girl?

Orpheus: No. No, I'm not.

Ryyx: Well, none of you have any right to complain. I have a car parked on top of me.

Kimosa's husband: Yeah, I was wondering about that.

Kimosa: He was trying to take us out. He had it coming to him.

Ryyx: Well, at least I wasn't planning on parking a car on top of you for a day. Jerks. >:[

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