TC House 2!


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Caomi recovers from being a ghost and decides to go do something awesome.

Dazzmina yells "OH YEAH WELL ON TAMAGOTCHI CORNER SHOP 3 ME AND YOU GET 99% AND ME AND FWOGGY GET 88% AND ME AND KATY GET 22% AND I'VE NO IDEA HOW THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE OFFENSIVE BUT IT'S THE TRUTH" at EMF. She is not at all mad because she knows these things are not accurate. Then she plays a joke she recently made on EMF: "I've got a secret...and I'm not going to tell it to you!" Then she adds a bit that is not normally in the joke. "But guess what, I will tell you if you tell me who you gave your FaceBook name!"
EMF sighs. :rolleyes: "Sheesh Dazz, it doesn't matter who knows my FaceBook name! I don't wanna know your dorky secret anyway."

Suddenly EMF goes on a FB rant!

"You are too young to go on FaceBook, Dazz, and anyway you already know my FB name because of my old email but whatever you do, don't look at my profile because I don't want you to see what I look like just yet and besides, in the photos I didn't even make an effort to make myself look presentable. And my Papa usually goes into my account and posts random status updates about math and uploads photos of my idiotic little brothers and changes my profile picture to an embarrassing picture of me with my hair everywhere because of the wind holding some sort of dumb picture I was forced to make."

EMF stops and thinks...

"Besides, anyone can just go to my "Stuff We Draw" topic under non-TamaTalk and find out my FB name because I accidentally wrote it on my Anpandemonium drawing."

EMF ends her FB rant and kills Dazz in case she tries to visit her FB profile.

Dazzmina yells at EMF "I'M NOT DEAD YET!!!!!!!!" and runs away. Then she looks up EMF's FaceBook name and, unable to find anything but some person with a red puppet at their avatar who has the same name as EMF, she kills EMF. Before killing her, she says "I don't actually HAVE a FaceBook account, I just look on it sometimes."

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Zach had a huge musical number to the tune of the song What You Want for no apparent reason. After the musical ended, he said "SRRY 4 B'NG GONE SO LONG BUTT I'M BACK"


Name: Scotty

Age: OVAR 9000!!!!

Gender: Other

Country of origin: (don't question this) Butts.

Looks: (May post pics, if not, description) Butts

Personality: I funny and rude.

One word to describe yourself: Awkwardandsmellslikeafloweratmanytimesthisisonlyonewordokay


Are you up to the challenge of this weird and wacky task?:Nope, Chuck Harvile Testa.

I hope you have fabulous secret powers:I hope I do also!

Blue mumbles, "I'm okay, I think," while picking squished pasta out of her clothes. Then she joins Jeressa and noms on donuts. A **** potato attacks Blue anyway and she runs away screaming. :tarakotchi:

savy randomly comes out throws **** potato plushies at everyone then leaves while laughing

Caomi starts a bonfire at toasts as many marshmallows as she can, but then the fire gets out of control and burns down 1/4 of the mansion... oops

Teri was unaware of what had just happened. She went outside, and set off some fireworks. "PRETTY COLOURS!" she said.

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