I don't understand. Eternal Mametchi Fan posted a picture of a Tamagotchi character, I don't see why I can't^ You're supposed to do a description of how you look like. =u=
"I blew up the room instead of the room blowing up me because of my awesomeness. EUE"
"Nooooooooooo, Tama-Star_Girl doesn't have a FaceBook account!" EMF says. "But guess what, Katy-Sama has a Himespetchi Phone and it can tell the bond percentages of you and your friends! Me and Katy-Sama get 60%... and me and you get... 20%"Dazzmina says "I know what TamaTalker you gave your FB name, EMF...Tama-Star_Girl, it's obvious!"
Then she boredly stabs some pasta.