PKMB: Yes!!!!!! I bought it yesterday... It was great!!! I got it for less than 27€ because it was the sales. I got it for 21.95€ which is like a Tamagotchi + 1€. I also saw new Tamagotchi models, one of which I quite like... (boo-hoo). It isn't like a Tamagotchi where you actually have to look after your pokemon but you have to traijn them and bring their strength level up so they can win and have extra power. If you get a lot of power you can decide if you want it to evolve or not. When I pulled the tab out, there was a Pokemon bobbing on the screen. Then I had to choose between four Pokemons. I chose Pikachu naturally. Then there are four modes.
First of all you see the journey mode. At the beginning you can only visit the first portion of the map. There are 6 portions. There there is the PC which keeps your huntong and batling Pokemons, the storage place, where you store up to 40 Pokemons that you catch, the language option (maybe could be included in Tamagotchis) and the on/off sound option. Then there are exploring areas. You search and 9 out of 10 possibilities, a Pokemopn appears. Press b and you battle, press c, it goes. There is a roulette like in slots. All of them are powers the Pokemon use except for the unhappy face, which does nothing. If you make your enemy run out of energy, you win, the other way round, you lose. If your enemy has little energy, you can also catch it by going to the catch function. If it is weak enough, you get it, if not, Ciao! It goes or may come back if b is pressed repeatedly and it is not too weak (I have discovered this). You can access more parts of the map if you use the battle mode. There are six portions but apparently when you open up all six portions you get an extra special one. So far, I have 5, which is good. There are over 100 Pokemons to catch, Whew!
The second mode is battling mode. A gym badge appears and then the owner. Then you must battle against the owner's pokemons. He throws two. You can have 1 or 2 or 3 depending on who you have on your team. When you win, you win the badge, see the image of the next badge and you unlock a map portion. The difficulty increases bit by bit but by then your pokemon mshpould be strong. My Pikachu got to level 16 and did an evolution noise. You can choose if you want evolution or not. I did so I got Riachu, a bigger version of Pikachu. Oh, yes, in battle mode, I just told you about 1 player game but there you can also have connection. The first option of that is that you battle your pokemon with somebody else's and the other one is to exchange one pokemon for another. But as I haven't connected I don't know anythoing about this.
The third mode is tournament mode but you need to unlock the map and finish battle mode so I don't know. I'll say more about this when I finish battle and complete the map of journey mode.
The last mode is more of a "friend list". Of the characters you've caught and probably those you've met via connection get numbered somewhere on it so you have to scrabble around for the Pokemon. Then you press b and you see the pokemon moving. Press b again and you can see the name of the Pokemon (pikachu, riachu... you don't get to choose it a name though). Press b again and you see its powers (main ones, use the status in journey mode to see the cpomplete thing). Those that you have just met in battle mode or finished off with or have lost with in journey mode but you haven't kept get recorded as a still image and without any weight or length info nor name nor powers.
Also, when you close the ball it discnects the screen so it is useful, to keep the battery going. When you want to catch a Pokemon or are going to battle you shake it to "close in" on the Pokemon or to "wake it up" and get it to fight. For that the ball must be closed as if you wanted the screen to go blank. This is a brief description. I'm afraid the instructions:
1) Terrible English. Frankly, I expected it to be better.
2) The writing is microscopic... Unreadable...
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