Tamagotchi two, toot toot!


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Thanks fridgos. ^^


Well, my Pyonchitchi doesnt have enough GUT to get a job yet (d'oh!!!) but I bought him some maracas, and it very monotounously played a rhythm. It was fun to hear though. :]


I also unpaused my Angelgotchi - Ginjirotenshii, because I want Charitchi, and to be able to do a group hatch on the 25th for TSS.

I will be resetting my mini also!

Awesome log! :D

Also, I read in your blog.... you went to the Coca-Cola factory?! Wow. And you don't like Coke? I love it! OMG.... the thought of not liking Coke is......................................................................................................... eek!

Lol, well, I don't not like it, it's just I have only tried it once in my life - and I prefer other drinks! ^o^ I know, I have weird tastes!


Well, exciting news!



I reset my Tamagotchi Angel for a group hatch, and I so far have a Maruten, paused, heehee.



I reset him too, and today he became a Masukutchi! It is really cute! ^-^ Cutest character on Mini so far. He has big eyes, and funny little legs. :)



Pyonchitchi never got a job. :) Instead he had a baby girl with a Memetchi, and she is now called TIGER. She is the third generation and is the same panda toddler as I got last time. I am working on her GUT points a lot now - I want her to get a good job!


EnTamas and UraTamas

Well, my Ciào Memecchi went out of batteries. I was going unpause my black one, and the screen went as soon as I pressed a button - so I obviously need new batteries. I played with my Ura for a while too. It is STILL on gen 2. ;)



I unpaused them yesterday. Gozarutchi CADIS got a Hanatchi offer from the matchmaker, but I said no, because he should end up being CADIZ's partner when that Hinotamatchi grows up. He got a load of training yesterday although he already had the bar full up.


Lol, well, I don't not like it, it's just I have only tried it once in my life - and I prefer other drinks! ^o^ I know, I have weird tastes!

You only taste it once :)

heheh, I love cola, but not liking coke is good for your health though, so thats a plus side of not liking it...

my mom always tells me to stop drinking it, lol

woah!You've only tasted it once :lol:

heheh, I love cola, but not liking coke is good for your health though, so thats a plus side of not liking it...

my mom always tells me to stop drinking it, lol
Lol - it is not that I don't like it, it is just I prefer other drinks! Its OK, everyone says the same thing to me, but I prefer Lemon Fanta. ^-^ And Aquarius. And Sprite. Hehehe. Sort of unrelated, but when I brought home some lollipops today for *certain* people, heehee, my mother thought I had bought them for me - and thought I was going through a lollipop fase. :lol: She is the person who barely lets me eat sweets (just as well I have some very nice friends who let me have part of their sharing, hehehe)


The person who DOES like cola however is my V3, teehee, who today became a Debatchi, and probably needs to brush his big teeth a lot to get tooth decay (dang - I have to go to the dentist soon according to my mother *shiver shiver*). My V4 became a Ringotchi, and my Mini "cuted" around on the screen looking like a very nice Tarakotchi, but with the old Masktchi form. :lol:


How are your Tamas doing? Can you take pictures of them?
I'm keeping a log with pics on TSS. :p I'll provide a link tomorrow.


Last night, I was connecting my V3s (My V3 became a Debatchi!!) to see if they would mate, and my V3 cow patch (V3 2) got a no battery sign. So I reset and download, and fed it a love potion, and connected. He went to the other screen and gave Debatchi a nice big kiss. :angry: Then, I connected again, and they mated - and then my V3 2 went on No Battery sign! My first V3 received a little baby girl, and when I downloaded my first V3, it already had a little baby. :lol: Whew!


My V4 only just became a Mimitchi. :eek: It was so cute, though it was one happiness heart down. :( Mimitchi V4 is really kawaii, and I am happy to have found him on my screen, hehe.


Well - my Mimitchi just got two mail orders, one after an another! He got an [!] and a [*]mail - so I read his fortune cookies first, and then went in for a job. :mimitchi: He now works at the hospital.


The hospital game consists of the following:

Its like GET♪ just that instead of musical notes you catch empty and full hearts, and must avoid catching skulls. If you miss a heart or catch a skull, the game ends. Not sure how many I'm meant to catch though. :kuribotchi:


Great pics! I take lots of pictures of my Tamas too.... just haven't had the chance to do anything yet! Boy, I'm bored.... not to mention I'm trying to win an auction on eBay.... well, my mom is!

WooHoo! The big 15,000 views! - I can't believe my log has been looked at so much, lol!. B) [Clickable link to view the nice round figure :p ]


First off - Many MANY M-A-N-Y THANKS to KM for the package she sent for Xmas (and glad to hear my package reached her. :D )

I nice collection of Gotchi Gear:


Tamagotchi related thing:

X Two trading card packets :p

X An orange Mametchi lanyard + Mametchi charm :)

X A pocket pouch of Mametchi, which is so cute. :D

X Homemade sitter made by KM, shiny blue, and fits all 2004+ Tams perfectly!!


So, right now my running Tamagotchis are sitting proudly in their new supports. B) The V4 is proud in the blue sitter. The UraTama is cutely tucked up inside Mametchi's backpack, and the two V3s dangle from their lanyards, which are so soft. :D


So, the other day, Debatchi and Gozarutchi (CADIZ and CADIS) left, leaving two Shiroteletchis. :lol: I named them TAGUS (V3 1) and RHINE (V3 2). As most of you ought to know, they are both rivers. The Tagus (called Tajo in Spain) is the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula. It is "born" in the Sistema Central, and goes out at Lisbon, capital of Portugal. The longest river in Spain is the Ebro, but the Tagus is the longest in the Iberian Peninsula. The Rhine is another long river (Rin in Spain), which goes through Germany. The city of "Coln" (Cologne is it?) is on/nearby the Rhine, and Dusseldorf is near Coln. Just for those who were interested. :p


Anyway, the two babies got looked, after and they became both Tamatchis. B) It's been ages since I last got a Tamatchi - not to mention since first generation I think! I don't dare connect my cowpatch to any other Tamagotchi, the screen is faded because it needs new batteries. A lot of my Tamagotchis are in need of new batteries - 2-3 V1s and V2s, my EnTamas, my V3...


My V4 Mimitchi has played its job game a lot, and got plenty of gotchipoints, which I happily spent on a stereo, which plays the Soldier March of the SugarPlumFairy (I think) and a mirror, so I was able to try out the "Make Up". I made a video of it, so I will upload it to YouTube sometime soon. B)


I began a new generation on my UraTama because my Bikurri character left the baby Memezoku. :D I called it Takeshisan (Ta + Ke + Shi + Sa + N) after Takeshi, the presentor of Humor Amarillo, a programme that I think is emitted on Sundays. I don't really watch it though, I just saw it once, and it looks more fun to act in, than to be watched. :p And -san is a suffix meaning sir/mister, and I used it to occupy all the possible places. :p


For Mimitchi-lovers and those interested: LOGIn password to TamaTown V4














The Youtube Video of Mimitchi:

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My UraTama hasn't evolved yet, but my V3s did. ;) My V3 1 is a Piroriroritchi (TAGUS) and V3 2 (RHINE) is a Nikatchi. :lol: I am so happy with TAGUS, it is so cute, and almost seasonal - Pirorirowhatevertchi is like a Christmas tree!


This morning my Mimitchi got the matchmaker, whom I had to call twice because it disappears after ten seconds!! I got a baby boy and the mate was... *remembering* Can't remember, I'll have to see. :p

My Nikatchi (RHINE - V3 2) keeps running out of batteries. :D My UraTama evolved this morning into a diamond! Its so funny when it walks up, because it has detailed sparkles around it. A girlie character, but nicely pixelised I think. :huh:


My Mimitchi got a chest (and became an old woman), and the king gave her even more make up, and 900p. :S

Well, I decided to see my Mimitchi off early, and I must thank KM for the shop codes, they are so cool! :angry:


Anyway, my 4th JinSei Generation is a boy called CRUMB, not because he is crummy, but because he looked small and sweet, like a crumb!!

He became the panda toddler again though... He is very cute, but I really want another toddler. :angry: Either way, he is the cutest toddler!. :angry:


My Xmas-tree Piroriroritchi got very unhappy today, not sure how though. :S

I also unpaused Masukutchi on my Mini. :angry:

Hey spiffy!I love your log! Very descrptive, heaps of links and photos. :lol:

Keep up the good work!

(lol just received your PM)

Thank you! ^_^


Well, yesterday in the mail a nice Xmas present arrived, and I will have to thank Jiro for it. :p Thank you so much! It's awesome!!

It was a TamaSuku, hehehe, in a nice small box, coming from Jason-store-landia. I was so excited opening the packaging, even though it was a bit complicated, so I used my mothers sewing scissors without her knowing to open up the box. Inside, a TamaSuku inside some cellophane inside some bubble wrap inside a scrunched up piece of cool Japanese newspaper which gave you a head ache when you tried to read it. :p


I "smoothed" out the paper to "read" (admire more like...) later on, and I pulled the box out of the bubble wrap. From there on, I very carefully opened the cellophane, and pulled out the TamaSuku box, which had a cool "TAMAGOTCH'S SCHOOL" notebook attached behind. :wacko: The box, I admit, was hard to open ^_^ . After about a quarter of an hour, I proudly, happily and gratefully held my new green TamaSuku, (thanks again Jiro!! :--D) and then turned my head at the green and orange instructions.


I picked the instructions up. Visual impact made me put my TamaSuku back on the table. I sat down. *scroll page* Don't understand. *scroll page* Same *repeat operation till I get to last page*. Oooo well... I thought after not understanding very much. *Eyes go back to that nice green tama * *picks it up again* *places instructions back on the table* The tab was on its underbelly this time. *Pulls it out* Nothing. *takes screen protector off (I forgot :p )* *puts tab back in* *pulls it out*


Beeee-fancy beep-eeeeep! (that's more like it!) A rucksack saying something in hiragana. I ROFLed, and didn't have enough time to read what it was saying. Then, I had to put in the date, the time, and my birthday. Then it said: ANATANO NAMAE (your name), and I wasn't sure what to put, I was at a stage of brain freeze, so I remembered my Jap teacher told me my name'd be "I NE I SU" which is how its pronounced. Since there was a leftover blank at the end, I added a musical note at the end. :angry: I don't like blank spaces!



Then I think it said something like "Choose a character", so I chose a Mamezoku boy. ^_~

After a while, the king came, gave me points, and a cool character, Bagubagucchi in the character list. I now CURRENTLY have 19 Seito. :) I discovered that every two hours or so (14:00 and 16:00 and 18:00h) you get offered a new character, and it may decide to stay, or it may go. It follows the order of the characters you already have.

The Proud students I have so far

2. Ichigocchi

7. Ura-Kuchipacchi

8. Ura-Zukyucchi

9. Ura-Debacchi

10. Ura-Togecchi

11. Ura-Furawacchi

12. Ura-Mamecchi

13. Ura-Memecchi

14. Ura-Yattacchi

15. Ura-Yangufurawacchi

25. Ojayicchi (downloaded from EnTama)

31. Kuchipocchi

46. Shippokocchi

55. Daiyacchi (downloaded from UraTama)

63. Tsunokocchi

74. Bagubagucchi (from King)

76. Haneocchi

94. Mamepocchi

105. Memepecchi

19 total. :huh: I think when I got around ten, my classroom got bigger, and the blackboard in the middle got bigger.

Out of all the games, my favourite is the fly catch one - full of action!

How to Play each game


1. Moji Moji

It's a type of crossword, and it will have two letters or so in Hiragana, and then the other two are omitted. You have to "read" and deduce which character is missing. At the bottom it will give you a serie of one of the letters. You have 10 seconds to choose the most appropiate.




Ka Ki Ku Ke Ko (Ku correct answer ;--))

Real Appearance:




TSUKUE - table

GAKU - student

You must get 6 to win all 500 Gotchipoints!

2. Toshokan

There is a rectangle in which three "books" fit. When a Mamezoku boy comes, you must put a book before him, but if a girl Mamezoku with a constipated face comes (lol), you must not give them a book.


1. BlahBlahin Katakana with a calculator

You must move the calculator about, and catch the dropping numbers in numerical order.

First you catch 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and back to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and you won 500 Gotchipoints!!

You lose if you miss catching a number/catch the wrong one/catch a baby poo.

2. Chokinbako

There is a piggy bank, and Gotchipoint coins (=10 gotchipoints) will start to go on top of the bank. You must press ( B) when it is directly above the opening, and it will go in. Within every "block-of-ten" a Gotchipoint SACK will appear (=100 gotchipoints), and you must get it in.

If you get 30 "elements" in, you win approximately 570gotchipoints. I like this game, simple and easy. ^_--


1. Jikken

You are creating some kind of potion, and these Erlenmeyer flasks are falling. When a white one appears, press < of the A pad to turn it into what you are making. If its black with a skull on, press > on the A pad so it doesn't go into what you are making. Don't let the flasks stay vertical, or pour them in the wrong place, or you lose! Collect 30 to win 500 gotchipoints. :(

2. Konchuu Saishuu

You are a little "square" occupied by the four angles of a tiny square (9 squares fit on the Tama Screen). There is a fly buzzing about, so in a limited time of about 30 seconds I think it is, you must get your square on top of the fly, and press B to trap it. If you don't nab it in time or you grab thin air, you lose. Catch 6 for 500 gotchipoints. :eek: The last fly is especially hard to catch!!

How to Connect with EnTama and UraTama

This one took a long time to figure out. xD

1. Download Character

1. EnTama -> 3rd option (Dekatama)

UraTama -> 4th option (Dekatama)

2. TamaSuku

2nd option -> EntamaUraTama and then 1st option (Dennyuu)

3. Connect on both sides. The character will spring to your side, and register to your school. ^__^

4. It'll go back, and you will have a new char on TamaSuku, and your Tama will be happy on EnTama/UraTama

2. Get points

1. EnTama -> Last option

UraTama -> Last option

2. TamaSuku

2nd Option -> EnTamaUraTama and then 2nd option (Gotchipoint Okuro)

3. On TamaSuku, choose how much you wish to send

4. Connect, and the opposite Tama will receive the amount

Then there are another 6 types of connection:

*KataKana* which'll be Suku



PC - *katakana*



The items are cool, but of 3 use only. :( Sometimes they bring new students, or happy teachers, etc, etc.

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Thats a nice Guide Spiffy :D

and im happy that you like it :p

hope you have a great time with that TamaSuku and those Japanese newspaper, heheh
