You don't have to apologize for being honest, I know all of you are clueless of what it is all about.
Clueless - that's
the word! Thank you!
I wholly appreciate your efforts in joining the community and for taking your time in dealing with our numerous inquiries.
Before the project was offered to me, Tamagotchi LIFE was already conceptualized and approved by JP. I don't really know when and who exactly brainstormed the whole thing... Sorry.
Now this makes complete sense. When the project was offered to you and you started doing the webisodes, haven't you noticed about how "different" the approach was? I'm sorry that you have to be on the receiving end of our criticisms, though we all have to acknowledge that the current backlash happened for a reason - as a Tamagotchi fan yourself, you know that
it's not what we fans are expecting to see.
From a fan's current point of view - the online webisodes do nothing more than promote local businesses and the vintage characters looked like they were only plastered-in just so it could be considered as Tamagotchi-related. Promoting local business is not something the fans are against, but at how non-Tamagotchi-related they are. If L.i.f.e.'s purpose is to "bring Tamagotchi back", then apparently it's going in a completely different direction. I do hope that sooner or later, Bandai JP could at least provide us an insight on how they brainstormed and came up with this concept.
Now that we know Bandai JP is behind this (thanks to you for airing your side of the story

), I think that they are under the impression of North America being all-out into trendy and fashion. While this may be partially true, their real target market (Tamagotchi fans) do not all fit into that sector. It looks they are unaware that most of their overseas fans spend a fortune importing their own native Tama Depa products.
Unless they actually understand what's behind all the backlash that L.i.f.e. is getting, honestly speaking I am afraid L.i.f.e. won't really take off.
After giving us your slice of the story, as I have mentioned a few times - I am very much willing to support L.i.f.e.'s cause, however, being outside of your project's target demographic like myself, how would we do that if the products do not suit us? How can we purchase and patronize them if they're not
"designed for us"? Just as Ra of TamaZone mentioned, not all Tamagotchi fans are completely eager to adopt to the current things that L.i.f.e. is producing.
You have previously mentioned that Bandai JP was made aware of the negative reactions - do you know what are the measures that they are now undertaking to prevent the negative backlash from ever happening again? Because apparently, if they kept on producing the same thing --- in the end they will still get the same [negative] responses, right? It's going to be a big waste of money on their part.
Apologies for the many questions, but I think these are also some of the concerns that the Tamagotchi fanbase have been raising towards Tamagotchi L.i.f.e. Again thank you for your initiative in participating in the community!