lol c'mon guys, no harm in a little humor. i found a couple of them to be funny. but i especially found them to be totally misinformative. ive never had a tamagotchi that woke me up in the middle of the night or "beeped constantly". they are programed to wake up at around 8 or 9 in the morning which is when people should be awake anyways. then again i've never owned every single kind of tamagotchi out there. just the second generation and angel and ocean. i had a forest tamagtochi but i dont know what happend to it. recently my mom got me the newest one and you have to admit its a huge step up from the originals. the originals were kind of dull in comparison and always did the same old thing. i think these new ones are pretty neat, still lack a little in graphics (thats my opinion of course). I think with all the technology out now they could do a way better job and we're going to see a lot of improvements. there's always going to be someone who makes fun of tamagotchi though. same with iPod. I love my iPod but a lot of people hate them. i try not to get too offended by it though because i realize everyone's got their own opinion.