Agree!its ashame that people abused their privlages. i really enjoyed the chat room i met alot of really nice people on it. i personally never experienced the abuse others have so i guess its good for everyones protection. but its really difficult to only log on on the weekends seeing as i am usually on during the weekdays making it difficult to go into the chat room. but the time i had on it was great. so hopefully people will make it more of a happier experience so days can be added on for people like me who have it hard to use the computer on the weekends. so PLLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE PEOPLE DONT MAKE IT HARD FOR EVERYONE ELSE BY ABUSING SUCH PRIVLAGES OF HAVING A TAMA CHAT. THANX.
Yes, and for New members saying it should be left open, it all costs money, so were sorry, but If we kept it open, the whole site would go down (maybe)Please guys, if you you say you do not like the new idea, please give a reason and maybe a suggestion.
lets just say my favourite part of this "like duh!!!"Jezz u r mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!If u don't like JC then don't post like duh!!!
But u don't post bad things like that it is rude and there are much younger members on here!!!! I no one who is 5!!!!!!!!
I would report u but incase u haven't noticed u were calling a GUIDE a nutcase!![]()
Which is not nice at all!!!
*Ohh now I am angry too*
lets just say my favourite part of this "like duh!!!"
what a dumbstruck teenager!
i also noticed that "JC" is a guide
Can you please open up tamachat on Wednesdays and Fridays otherwise I Can't go onHello TamaTalkers!I wanted to let everyone know that, for now, the plan is to have TamaChat open only on weekends in August.
The chat room has proven itself to be popular... However it has also become a huge source of problems for me and the Guides. We can only keep watch so long and it sometimes seems like every time we turn somebody goes in there and starts cussing up a storm. I have received numerous comments from members and parents of members who expressed shock and outrage at the behavior of some in the chat room... I feel horrible about it can only do so much.
So why go to only weekends?
* Weekends means it is more of a reason to sign in on weekends... It also increases the chances of lots of people being on at the same time so you have others to talk to.
* Weekends also means it is more manageable to have a Guide online more of the time to handle serious abuse/problems
* Bandwidth savings also plays into this... But not as much as before...
This will be a test... Let's see how it goes. If problems keep coming up we can re-evaluate... If it goes really well we can look into adding more days. My hope is to someday have a system that works in a way so as to prevent or limit the abuse of our chat system. I hope nobody is too disappointed...![]()
I look forward to hearing your comments... Please feel free to post if you have any.