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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2008
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In my Sock Drawer
Yes. A Labo egg. I'm sure half of you are going... a Labo egg? What is THAT? Welp... I'll tell you.

Its an normal animal themed digital pet. It is offically called a Labo Warming Egg, By Konami. (Yes those sweet people who created DDR/Dance Dance Revolution.) They were avaliable in 2006 in Yellow/Gold, Blue and Pink.... With a white bottom. Seems these are rare and not many people know about them.

It evolves bases on your warmth in the sensors at the bottom of the egg. Which later once you gain points... You can by DNA to help CHANGE your current pet.

By The Way, This toy is Japanese and in the Japanese Language. It uses symbols to talk to you and uses that in the menus.

I'm trying to change that. While I have updates... I will tell you a bit about the Labo Egg.

This is the Labo Egg inside the box.

Back Side

SIZE Image



BTW, Yes I choose a *Burgertime GameBoy cartaridge to compare its size. I'm guessing its likely the same size as the new TamaTown Tama-Go comming out soon. (August)

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Using the DNA image I took a bit ago. I thought I would explain what the symbols are.

The one that looks like a mini Sudoku, Its the GAME Section!

Game 1: Basically a Follow the Leader game. Remember what the creature does in the same order, then you will win points.

Game 2: Slots. Self Explainitory. Win different amount of points with each matched set.

Points: The points can be used to buy DNA pieces to help change your creature.

The pill, Its the DNA Change option!

DNA Pieces: Leaf, Webbed Feet, Feather, Bone, Eye

Purchase DNA: Each point is worth one DNA Piece. So if you have 9 points, you can buy 3 pieces of your choice. There are conbos that you can use to get certain animals/creatures. Its not directly to buy so many, just what you need. They will always be available in the "lab" Each are worth 3 points.

GIVEDNA:This is also where you can give your creature the DNA you buy. You can conbine certain pieces together to either get a "Bad DNA Mix" or a Good DNA Mix. I'll post on this later.

Lightning bolt.... It isn't even a selection right now... I have no idea, still.

Smiley Face, It displays current info, Points and what DNA and how much you have.

The Camera, Its selectable but I don't know what it directly does either.

The Star, Is the clock and date.

The Lightning Bolt and the Camera are not needed to be able to play with the Labo Warming Egg.

One of the options I don't know is an IR connection. So you can communicate with another Labo Warming Egg. It too has an Infared on the back, like a Tamagotchi.


My Labo Egg Just called @ 7:00pm. I warmed him up and a music note appeared after I responded. I responded by touching the sensors and pushing the buttons.

Later, My Labo egg creature fell alseep at 9:00pm.

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Well today started fairly early.

I believe it was 7:00am when it called me this morning. I saw the backlight inside on so I responded. This morning he wanted more DNA. (More like the lab) So I placed my hand over the sensors on the bottom. Then he got more DNA that way. (You can get more DNA specific to the current pet to grow)

Changed from a Bug head to a Worm with a bug head. This point, he won't do much. Just dance around the screen. Remember these don't need food and only want happiness when they call you. Consider the DNA food if you want. Mine just called at 11:00am BTW. I put my hand over the sensor and hit the confirm button when he was "sulking" (Sad...) Then he became happy again responding with a music note. I don't have an image since he moves so fast. (They all do the samething. They dance with a grin, make a little noise, then return to normal animation of spin dancing)

Its hard to catch them in the lens when they are moving! You need to focus your camera inside the lens while trying to get a full image of inside the egg.

Here he is doing the spin dance.

Called again at 3:00pm

He wanted a warm up. So I did and got rewarded a shooting star thing. Its a special item that if you use it in the right conbo, it will help change your creature into a human character. There are 5 or 6 special items I believe that are avaliable.

My worm fell asleep again at 9:00pm.

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Want some video of me trying to play with my Labo Warming Egg? I thought it was okay video but the background sounds.... Well weren't pretty so... I kinda... Used something else. Most of you who watch TV should reconize the music. And yes they are still up on the website I got them from!

I think this will conclude my normal spamming for today. Its all included!

Just images today. My batteries are destined for my new Tama-Go when I get one.

Woke up at 7:00am again. I warmed it up. Then he changed into a butterfly guy. Cute.

Then 3:00pm I got the call. I warmed it up and then recieved 3 points for responding like yesterday and the day before. Then later recieved another shooting star.

7:00pm Last call for the evening. Called to be warmed and I was rewarded with 3p for responding.

Went to bed at 9:00pm.

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Okay guys. Today I decided to not have batteries in my Labo Egg. Not as I'm bored of it, but I don't directly want to figure out codes. Which is annoying to do if you don't play the games often. Generally, I do, but I haven't which makes it harder....

But I hope you enjoyed seeing my little worm guy grow up. I might bring it back up later but it isn't directly priority this second...

Instead... I'll post a bit about my current Music Star since its on...

The design is white pearl with a pink symphony note on it.

Currently my Tama is a Makiko. Although most of the day she has been paused as I've been busy. She plays Asian music and has all the max points. She has been on Music city a few times today though.

I haven't replaced the batteries today. So you get the music star!

Makiko I believe is going to have a "date" later tonight.... That is, if I unpause her. I tend to pause my tamas on the weekends so they aren't forgotten. Otherwise, it will be Tommorrow night she will have the date option. I would rather keep her around.... Its been a while since I've had Makiko. I think it was in my v5 with 17gens.

That one, when I was doing a battery check with all my tamas. (All A-OK!) I downloaded beetween each version to see how far I was. 17 gens was the largest one. Weird.... Thats when I had 3 v5s on and a celeb.

Well I was out and about today. Ended up keeping Makiko paused. I did unpaused her about 4:00pm

Well I added TWO more tamas into my collection too! What did I get? I found yet another music star for $7.00 at one of my Target stores. The green with Drums in the value pack. Which means I have 5 music stars now.... Oh boy. Its still in package though, I don't think I'm going to play with it yet.... I do have 3 other ones to play with that have batteries I can put into them....

Then I found a v4! In a Walmart... Which I found strange. But it was in the clearance isle. but not on clearance. It was the yellow with Binary coding on the shell. (Zeros and Ones) Its awsome, I had to buy it. The thing was it was $14.97 like the other tamagotchi. Yup, the MS weren't marked down yet. So I was very proud to finally find one. I never found one when they came out, I found the v4.5 first.... Oddly enough. I found a v4.5 too, in leapord print design but didn't buy it since the other money I was saving is for my Tama-Go.

I didn't find a TamaTown Tama-Go in stores yet. Not mine anyway... That kinda bummed me out. Its alright though. I found another little purse thing too to place my tamagotchi in so they don't clink.

OKAY.... SO to rehash.

Un-Paused my current Music Star. Makiko is living the band life again... Hoping she doesn't freeze on thr screen again when it comes to performing. (I just reset and download when it happens, no biggy... Its just annouying.)

Pulled my tab to my v4... I know its a Harutchi. ITs very cute. Its a Mame fami tama.

I am a very happy camper for finding my v4. Very. Not so much for not finding the Tama-Go but its okay for now. I figured I wouldn't find one one yet.

And because I know I'll need it again...You can see what I get for the chart if you have forgotten. Its about mid-way down....BTW

:D EST! :D

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Since I worte so much in my last post....

My Harutchi is now a nursery school student. Yay. How cute.... I love my v4 so much already. I still can't believe I found one... I thought they were all gone around here. Besides used and poor condition boxes with claw marks on the screen from them being torn open.

I guess Ill update between them. But my v4 might have the upper hand this second. Its new and hasn't been played with. New-ness. Love it. :D

Little late. Here I am though!

My Makiko in my music star had to get another download. It froze again during performance last night... So I guess I will be missing that performance for good this time around. It will still happen if I let it go... Its annouying so I'll skip the performance tonight. Its always at 7:00pm on the second night. Of being adult.... Then hopfully I can find Makiko a new friend. So its basically catching up for now...

Then my v4 hasn't done much. I'm trying to keep it pretty happy and maybe go for a Mametchi. But I'd be happy with anybody this time around. I'm in love with my v4. Its so awesome. Its probably going to grow into a bigger tama soon. I hope its cute too.

My v4 changed. Yay! He changed into a young mametchi. Tres cute. Looks kinda like a hamster with a hat.... Like Cappy, from Hamtaro. Yush.

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Makiko didn't freeze last night. I missed the concert.... She called for like 30 minutes.... Eh..... I felt bad but I hope just for her to get past that glitch. Then have her a mate' ... I figure today, since she was on all day and all night. She will be able to...


My cute little guy is a young Mametchi right now. Trying to train it well... I have 5 training bars and I don't think missed a call. I missed him going to the bathroom a few times.... But other then that. I've been taking good care of him. Unlocked the games... Those are pretty cool. Oh and he works now. Mr.Trtle I believe is his boss.

I didn't really post last night so I'll add it to this one. ha.

Last night went well. Makiko didn't freeze.... Got a fairly good rank yesterday. My Young Mametchi is pretty much fully trained on the training bar.

I switched the clock back lastnight. (For bed) I usually do since I sleep a bit longer then them. Since they both wake up so early for me. I normally set them about 3 hours behind normal hours.

But ... Apparently I set my v4 at the wrong time. I didn't notice.... Thank god I checked in the middle of the night. He was wide awake.... His happiness was falling as was his hunger. I was like OMG.... NUuuu! But I fed him/gave him snacks... Then reset the time back to 10PM. Looks like I didn't miss anything major. I want that last training bar... I normally miss those calls by them being in my pocket....purse. With the sound off...

My music star was set correctly.... But it wouldn't have hurt as much. I hope she doesn't freeze again so maybe today she will mate. I wonder who she will choose.... Humm.

I also remembered something. I said I hadn't had a Makiko in a while. I will retract that statement. I had a Makiko in another Music Star. My blue one. I named her Demi.

:gozarutchi: I have 5 music stars. Purple/Pink/Flame, Pink/Stars, Blue/City, White/Pink/Pastel/SymphonyNote, Green/Drums/Stars

Hi guys!

My current music star hasn't done anything too eventful today. Just still in band mode... I'm hopeing it just needs to fulfill its Adulthood.... Joy.

Then my v4. He is now a Mametchi! Whooo! Love him. AND I have trained him fully. I haven't changed his job or anything yet though...

Its been a while since I had a Mametchi.... Really. Ya I got some early in my v5s... I haven't directly played with those in a while. But I do plan on it soon.

I made another pouch for my Tamagotchi. It can fit either 3 tamagotchi flat on their backs. Maybe 10/11 on their sides sitting up. Its kinda like a pencil pouch but no zipper. I have many tamas.... hahaha. I can surely carry more around with me that way.


v4: I did it again.... This time I set it for early in the morning and it was 6:35pm when I found it this morning. Gah.... I think I better stop changing its clock.... He was sick, had went to the bathroom a few times and .... He was out of hearts. So I fixed that, fixed the clock. Played some games and moved to my Music Star.

MusicStar: She was still sleeping at 6:35AM So I set her correctly... I moved her clock up 2 hours to normal. Then I played some games with her. So with all the reset/download things I had to do... with her being paused a few ties before that. I'm hoping today is the day. I want a baby tama again.... Or atleast less care for today. Shes been a bit bummed when practicing. Doesn't care or the other instruments. But is ranked #1. With a ton of fans. I have her play instead... Less stress.

Okay... I thought I posted images of my Target's empty spot........ Hummm. It was in General Disscussion of Tama-Gos. I copied and pasted it here.

In other news. MID-Michigan people. (Lansing) Target is going to have them all stocked by next week. My Target has started re-arranging location of toys. (Many toys went to clearance) Emptied the spot where Tamagotchi normally sit. I asked multiple people and they said they are comming. One person actually knew what Tamagotchi actually do and what they are. So they are going to be in stores fairly soon.


Proof.... Images are from my Local store. AAAs are NOT placed there on a normal basis. They are there for the Tamagotchi. The other side of the batteries. That is probably where the figures are going to go.



I'm sure they are getting them here soon too. Within 1-2 weeks I would guess they are out there.

Well Nothing has changed with my tamas.

v4 firefighter as a job.

Ms.... Well still Makiko..... I must have paused her too much..... Hummmm.

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Sitting here eating some Lucky Charms. (For my Tama-Go to be in the store hopefully)

Meanwhile... Nothing has changed.

I'm beginging to wonder if my freeze glitch is effecting growth or something. I've always took very good care of ALL my tamas.....

NOPE. It was just takin' its sweet time. 4:30 finally rolled around and guitartchi showed up with the robo-mametchi.... Im blanking on its name but ... Finally happend. Had a little girl. I'm guessing pausing slowed it way down........

I called my Target. (Yay me! I'm phone shy............) They barely knew anything about it. The person who picked up the phone. I had to spell Tamagotchi for them.... Nothing in stock as of yet for any of my local stores... The very close ones I can walk to. I plan on going there sometime this weekend to do a physical check.... The guy was transferring me to another department but he might have hung up by accident. Maybe I hung up on him.... I called the photo department... hahahaha! Well it is right next to customor service so..... why not? HA. They have a weird answearing machine anyway. I could have pushed Zero for Operator but... Normally that gets me put on hold forever. (Which is probably the thing that gets me creeped out the most)

The next question.... Seriously don't reply..... unless its PMimg........

When shall we call next week...? My usual stocking day of Tuesday or Wednesday? Guh. Waiting sticks sometimes.

My mom bought me CR2032 batteries on clearance. $2.50 Dawgs! hahaha....

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My dad just saved my laptop. I had a major virus that took hold. Took hours to fix it but make sure to keep your virus scans updated. That is a HUGE relief.

Otherwise. Nothing happend between my tamagotchi.

v4: Mametchi got a new job... Collecting balloons? Its fun... But I think he priviously had a better job.... Gah. Oh well.

MusicStar: My Makiko and her husband left. They left their baby girl. I named her Annabell. I think its a pretty name.... She is a Hoshichi right now.

Meanwhile, I made another pouch for my tama. One looks like it can be a dual pouch. To look like a Tama-Craydel... (The clay form fitted things) But in fabric. It looks pretty cool. It can also fit a Tama-go.... Fairly certain. It fits my Labo Egg. The pouch could also be a pillow for my cat if I put spare fabric inside it.

v4: Nothing major.... yet

MusicStar: Yesterday it was a Hidotchi.... Not a Hoshitchi.... Or whatever I said. Ha. Well now she changed into a Itchigotchi. Just got the call to begin the band. Recieved a Sax as an intrament. I have tons of intraments... I got like 3 from Kuchipatchi... One for Makiko. Then the ones from the band and new band from previous Generations..... I'm currently on Gen 5.

MAY go to Target today to check for my Tama-gos to be in stock. I should find some more money so I can get a figure too.... I only have $21 cash. Then .... Well I DO have quarters again. Like $7 (in quarters) then all my lovely other change. But I'd rather not do that to my cashiers. I do need to count Tax 06% michigan sales tax.

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Okay. I can offically Bite myself.

I bought the one tama-go I wanted. I hope it just comes quickly and painlessly.

I paid $21.99, Like $5 for shipping.... But no tax... Whoop. Pretty much the same price that ToyrsRus had when I was trying to buy from them.

I will need to heal my virtual digits though. I find this sad. Worth it.... But sad. Thank god, seems it took that money with no issue.... as far as I see. Please Amazon, protect my future baby in the mail!

MS: Ichigotchi loves her Sax. Joy.

V4: (Mametchi) He might be an oldie before a girlfriend shows up. hahahha.

I had to cancel do to issues with my card I was using. It was the only card I have.... *Sigh* I'll get one in a few days I guess..... In stores.

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