SR's Log


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Last night, I witnessed Makiko and KuroMametchi leaving. They looked at theirbaby girl for 10 minutes... Then the next minute. They kissed her and gently flaoted up out of the picture. The baby girl woke up to find them gone. Crying... I fed her and played games with her. Made her feel much better with some pudding too.

So now she is a Hoshitchi now. I wonder what she will be next? Being the first girl in my Tama-Go.... I'm very excited to see what she becomes. I hope to get her to change into a Lovelytchi. I'm in love with her right now... Very cute.

Meanwhile... I'm going to check on my Cure Sunshine pvc figure I just recently "Accepted" to buy.... hahaha. Considering I don't think the seller has the money yet..... Its not directly mine. But BOY is it beautiful... Saw it and fell in love with it.... Twittled my fingers for 24hours.... Ended up buying it as I didn't think I would....

I'm excited! Whoo!

Finally figured out how to play the other game... It isn't that hard. Its just hard to measure the time when to jump. Its pretty fun, I like it too. I can get about 40-69 on adverage. I just got 85 last time I played.

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Hoshitchi is sneaky... hahaha. Keeps beeping quietly and then... Poo. I think I hear it but I'm not sure. I swear I'm partically deaf in one of my ears.... The time... That was the closest one.

Favorite foods I've either come across or read...

Kilalatchi: Cereal

KuroMametchi: ChocoBar

Babies: Pudding

Belltchi: Cherries

Shelltchi: Cookie

I will try to keep a list of favorite foods too. I will add those to my food added weight list.

Then I will share. I've got a bunch written down but not much of favorites. I'm just trying to see what others get and so forth.

Off to go Shoppin' Whoo!

I should really... Not spend my money.

Insert challenge name here.... hahaha.

We'll see.

Well that challange wasn't accepted oviously... I spent my money. hahaha.

So I bought a Zum-Buddy keychain. Pink with white. Then cresent markings on it.

With that, I then bought a Zooble figure ... thing. Its very cute. Its the orange one that loks like a cat/dog... I don't know directly. Its pretty much a girl Bakugan... (Ba KU GAY mon.... is the REAL name....) Then I got something out of a quarter machine... Rubbery penguin pencil topper.

SO... Hoshitchi changed into a Shelltchi. I don't really want to say I took bad care her or anything but... Eh. It was minimal. I don't know whom I wil get next but I'm excited still.... Necktietchi keeps visiting me at the park...

I'm fairly sure while I got to the park sometimes... KuroMametchi and Makiko visit my current tama. So they aren't fully gone I guess.

My other figure I've been ranting about... OH yes! My paypal expects it to clear Tomorrow! Yay!

Otherwise... By the 19th................ That'd be more then a week. Please no. Then it will be about 2 weeks if it ships on a normal time frame.

HEY GUYS! I found my Blogagotchi! I thought I had one!

My Blogagotchi

Added music, They are at the bottom!

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I'm probably going to be blogging on my Blogagotchi. I found it finally... I knew I had one.

I have Violetchi in my Tama-Go. Shes cute. I swear she was Fuwatchi.... Did someone make a boo boo or name change? I know they've both been mentioned a few times... But are they the same?

Othernews... My payment cleared for my CureSunshine figure! Yay!

I have been blogging at my bloagagotchi! So please feel free to come visit me. Leave a comment. I have two that I post frequently on, so come and join me!
