SR's Log


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My mom ended up buying me the Tama-Go I was trying to by myself. She let me use one of her cards and it has gone through. Thank goodness.

I got Blue with Memetchi. Estimated Delivery is August 5th. I purchased it from Amazon, Directly.


Meanwhile.... V4/MS are sleeping.

My v4 is 7years... I'm thinking I missed matchmaker. Its been a rather long time since I played with my v4.5 ... So... I'm not 100% I missed her.

MusicStar: Ichigotchi has a band. I got a Kikitchi and a RingoChi.

V4 is 8 years now.... Fairly certain I missed the matchmaker now. Joy. Still Mametchi but ... Only time will tell if he keeps growing. He got a ticket for New York today too. Visited for a bit.

Music Star: Welp. Before the battery died. My Ichigochi turned into Mimichi. Then was going to perform and... Bloop. The chicken appeared. Then I removed the battery and put my Music Star in with my other tamas that are "off duty"

So... I'm just going to leave it off do to me getting a Tama-Go comming soon. I do have the batteries for my MS, but I'd rather just wait. I can't wait for my Tama-Go! It has been shipped and I have a tracking code for it. The delivery estimate is still August 5th. So that is great news for me today!

Processed from Pheonix Arizona! Whoo...!

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V4: Since this is the only tama on right now... He seems to get more attention. He changed jobs again. From Balloon collecter to a sweet shop... cook... I guess. I know he chooses what the costumer orders. I figure he will turn oldie soon... I can't believe I missed matchmaker. He must have been in my little tama pouch in the car when they came. (I have a pouch I bought specifically for my tamas to be in when I go somewhere, then it hangs off my pants so I can get to them easily. Should leave the volume on in that thing....) I don't want to restart but seems like I take so well care ... they wont die. Old age will probably be way later....

Mametchi is now 9years old.... Sigh.... I might reset tonight or ToMo. I love him but..... I was hoping to have a baby by now.

He is now an Oldie. I might tab him... I dn't know. But I figure I'll leave him on for the time being.

Bummed my MusicStar died when it did... I got Mimichi. hahaha. But atleast it decided to do that when it just changed. It didn't go back into time so I'll have to wait before it changes again. I do have more batteries... But chances are, it will be the one off when my Tama-Go gets here. Since the buttons are less responcive...

But... One thing I've noticed about the Music Star buttons. If you have it in a tama cradle that is at an angle. It helps the buttons be a bit more responcive. (About 45* angle) I found I can push my buttons less. I touch them with a gentle push of the tip of my fingers... not my nails. Keep in mind my cradle is fabric, not clay or hard... Its strange... I can hit the buttons once and get passed to the ones I want. Sometimes with me pushing the buttons twice... Normally at the practice/play/praise/disapline selection.... The buttons seem to have a bit of a time lapse... like one second between hitting the last button. Sometimes two... It will help the selction process a bit. You don't need a cradle but the 45* angle is the key and slight firmness to hold it.

I hope that made sense!

LATER: I just checked my tracking code... Its like 1hour away from me currently. So I'm certain I will have my Tama-Go ToMo. So I guess I'll do some comparasion images ToMo. To my other Tamagotchi and my Labo egg too. (The different versions of my tama gens.... 97', mini and connections, music star in a decoratchi cover and my labo egg.) That is very cool.... I'm fairly sure I'll get it ToMo since mail comes a bit later on Thursdays due to garbage pick up.

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v4: He is an oldie. I think I'm going to just leave him in my pouch and let him "go home" Its a sad way to let him go but... I think its time. Normally I think I'd have another adult by now. Or just about anyways.

SO my Tama-Go will be here today. Its "In Route" to my home. The only thing I dislike about today is its trash day.... Which means the mail will be here a bit later so people aren't in each others way.... Maybe it will come early... Sometimes it happends. But I'm so excited! Could barely fall asleep last night. So to chill me out...

I played my CLASSIC Game Boy game.... BURGER TIME! Yup. The one in my Labo egg section.... Its quite challanging since you have so many toppings comming at you when you are trying to make a basic burger. hahaha. I got the pickle on 1-3. I can pass them fairly easy but not last night. That game is awesome.

Then I played Corner Shop 1 for a while... With Memetchi of corse. Her dad showed up like 3 times in the bakery shop and payed a "Bit" extra... I wouldn't call 5000gotchi points extra.... SO got a few upgrades. I'm trying to unlock the other cities since I like those better. I was playing on my other file too with Mametchi for a while too. I have everything unlocked and royal in that file... Well one isn't but its 3/4ths there.

HA. Great use of my Tama-Log eh? Well it works since its mine and my v4 isn't going to update until he's gone so....... Might as well make it interesting.

My v4 guy is retired now.... hahaha... Funny.

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I got my Tama-Go! Its a boy!

So I'll post some commparasion images when I get a chance. This is just too fun right now! That and my camera needs batteries... LOL. :rolleyes:

(I'll probably use my phone camera)

My mom thought I just broke the Tama-Go when I took the clear part off.... hahaha. Nope. I was making sure my eyes where just playing tricks on me.... It looked crooked, the screen part. Nope. Just my eyes.

IT is SO cute!


Now a Ahirukutchi! Duck/somethin/tchi!

My buttons are almost too responcive. LOL. I'll take it! That is strange considering we all are like ... over the music star buttons. The buttons are hard plastic unlike the previous versions. They won't collect fuzzies like the other ones either. Whoo! Good news for someone who makes pouches of fleece and felt.

I stink at playing cradles... hahaha. Oh well. I like Bug Shooter better... For those who grew up on playing Atari... This one is a favorite. Long jump... I need to practice a bit before I debate if I like it or not.

Then went to the park... Found a tama I have no idea who is... Looked like a tama of the Memetchi family... with a tie? I don't know. I'll figure that out. They were swinging together on the swing.

Went shopping, bought some bread. It bought 3 servings of bread and it counts them all together, not separate like the other tamas. Eats at a table, its very cute.

The greyscale is fairly nice too. They actually tried to blend them together not just make them curtain scales of grey in the room/area.

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In the group image, I have included a McDonalds 97 toy, The white version with the red/black buggy lookin' dude with it. Since its size is a bit different too. ....And yes, I took pictures in my bathroom. :D

Sorry, I know the images are small but my phone sometimes shrinks them when I send them to my email.

MY TAMA on a 1984 My Little Pony Sea Pony Intertube






The keychain part is plastic. With thread. Like those metal ball chain keychains but plastic with thread. No more clinking the keychain on the screen. Black with a tiny plastic thing to keep them attached together. It has silver letters that say TAMA in all caps.

Later sometime.... Not directly today. I may make some designs for tamas for others to use. But I will be posting them probably in paint. But I will put them so one in on one normal 8/11 paper. I will probaly put them together in an image later too. That way they are perfect size for the Tama-Go, but you will need sissors.

Well, my tama feel asleep at 8:00pm. When messing with the clock... You can watch your tama sleep after its gone to bed. Otherwise, with the clock, it goes back and forth each second you sit there. I've tried adding my Memetchi on it while on the clock after the welcome message... No special animation for the figure that came with the Tama-Go itself.... I'm sure it animates when you have a "Full" figure attached.

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I think my guy woke up at 8:00am this morning. I'm not 100% sure but when I looked he wasn't missing any hearts.

I've trained him almost all the way. 6/7 training bars are full. (Each bar adds 3 small lines....) I perfer him not to go on the floor... hahaha. I hear they actually use the bathroom when fully trained.

I have a full friendship meter. I got that within fairly early in its life. Goes to the park fairly often and normaly finds someone to play with. Normally comes home hungry from the park or after playing games a few times.

I'm trying to keep his weight down to the base of the tama of the time. So he tends to get hungry faster. I buy fish when I find it since it doesn't seem to make the weight go up. I play shoot the bugs constantly to keep weight down. Normally I get about 70-94 bugs shot.

Now people have described the sound a bit.... But here is my take. It sounds more like an arcade game. (The classic ones....) Maybe like the older Game Boy games.... The CLASSIC ones. When and if I do a video, I'll have the volume on. Sounds different then the other tamas of previous years.

Screensaver comes on after about 15 minutes of no play. Not fairly quickly like the Forest Gotch.

Now I did say my buttons were almost too responcive.... I will retract that. I was holding the button verses just tapping the button. But they are more responcive and move faster. So, in the way, you can scroll to the one you want. Nothing wrong with 'em. Just me once again causing issues.


Hamburger: 3lbs

Fish: 0lbs

Pork&Beans: 2lbs

Kebab: 1lb

Noodles: 1lb

FriedChicken: 1lb

Cereal: 1lb (Kilalatchi fave)

RiceBowl: 1lb

HotDog: 1lb

Sausage: 1lb

BeefBowl: 2lb




Milk: 2lbs

Cheesecake: 2lb

Pear: 0lb

Orange: 1lb

Chocolate: 1lb

Bananas: 1lb

Crepe: 2lb

Cupcake: 2lb

Cookie: 2lb

Juice: 1lb


I'll try to update the food weight. For those who want it.

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My Tama-go just changed into Kilalatchi. Cute. I looked down and it changed... Now 20lbs.

Basic 1 hour until Toddler. For the next Stage....Its 24 hours a Toddler.

So evolution is on the 25th hour of it being alive... Given it wasn't paused or anything.

Took a few pictures of my cat with my Tama-Go. She makes a good holder or cradle as some people call them. Edited it a bit with an anime character, Cure Sunshine from Precure. (Pretty Cure)

She is my Avatar right now...

Playing with Kilalatchi at the park and Bug Shoot. Enjoying my Tama so much right now.

He went to bed a bit ago. At 8:00pm.

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Testing out the food weight still. Found out Kilalatchi loves cereal. Its its favorite meal I would guess due to its face lighting up when its selected.

Decided to help the people who want help with their Tama-Go. Tama-Go Help Forum in my sig takes you to the new help forum TamaMum made for us. I didn't make one as it is a Topic Ban... Boo. But atleast we all aren't hovering in the General Discussion now.

People sometimes can find helpful info in here. I'm making the Weight Chart in here or now. Post it to the outside world later. For now, I'm just putting it in here since I'm adding to it so much.

Now, Size. Put 3 Tamagotchi Connection on top of eachother. You have the thickness. Height is about 5 if them I believe. I haven't quite had 5 out next to it yet, but that's about right if I estimate correctly. Fatness is about 3 Tamagotchi Connections as well.

Screen. The screen inside is the same exact size as the Music Star is. So no more pixels in that way. It is 4 Tones of GreyScale. They blend fairly well and it isn't just random things being random colors on the screen. The buttons are actually plastic, not rubber. Responds well to basic tapping.

My post can no longer be edited so here ya go.


Hamburger: 3lbs

Fish: 0lbs

Pork&Beans: 2lbs

Kebab: 1lb

Noodles: 1lb

FriedChicken: 1lb

Cereal: 1lb (Kilalatchi fave)

RiceBowl: 1lb

HotDog: 1lb

Sausage: 1lb

BeefBowl: 2lb

Drum-Stick: 1lb

Bread: 1lb

Sandwich: 1lb


Milk: 2lbs

Cheesecake: 2lb

Pear: 0lb

Orange: 1lb

Chocolate: 1lb

Bananas: 1lb

Crepe: 2lb

Cupcake: 2lb

Cookie: 2lb

Juice: 1lb

Popcorn: 1lb

ChocolateCake: 2lb

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I didn't directly log yesterday so I'll add it here.

I'm actually writing down the food weight on a notebook right now. So I'll just add it all in one swoop. I am not going to do the ones available in the figures. Since I don't own them. I think I have a good chunk of the food covered right now. Atleast I think so....

Keeping in mind. Some people are downing the "epicness" of the Tama-Go. Well they have had the Japanese Color or Id. For those who don't have one... This is fairly nice. They removed many "extra" things from previous Tamas, like the doorbell ringing from MusicStar or the Mail Function from v4s... for examples. They made room for ALL of the games you can unlock with the Figures. They are all already IN the Tama-Go. People don't relize that and they take up a ton of memory. So some characters were removed to make room also. Its just one of those things you need to comprimise on.

SO now.. I have KuroMametchi as a Character. He went to bed at 8:35pm last night. (Normally I bet its 8:30pm but I woke him up messing around lastnight. He was up for five minutes so....)

I've relized he is adult, was adult at age 3 years... So Date fuction will be avaliable at age 6 years still. But the wait will be longer for us with adults that are 3 years... I'm not sure if its normal. But I see where some of you are asking.

My keyboard is being choosy today... ugh.

I see someone has also devided the help forum in my sig. So I altered mine too to be just a link to the Help for New Tamagotchi Owner section. I figured it was do to them being smashed into one forum and possibly something like a come to me for help which wasn't my intention.

I'll still keep watch in that forum to help you guys out. I'd rather not get PMs for "help" other people might ask the same question.

KuroMametchi woke up I think at 8:00am.

I had the volume on since I sleep in later... He didn't call. He was hungry once so I fed him and left it at that for then. Then I was being "smart" and was holding my Tamagotchi and I was falling asleep again. Then almost asleep, he did a happy beep. Pretty much freaked out and relized I was holding him.

Then I poked him and such and then put him down. After that, he went down where he normally sits while I sleep. Ironiclly, its my baby blanket sittin' there. Yes, a 21 year old that still has her baby blanket. hahahaha. I love that thing, its so soft. So.... Eat my socks. (I'm not wearing any!) You could say I have a bunch of blankets round me, I use them for pillows. They adjust better.

UM. I'm watching you. I see your posts... I'm just hoovering. Jokin'.... Kinda. :)

I love you guys. You guys need a "spam" forum.


Patterns for Faceplates. Save, Print and Trace and cut! Then you got a new design! For free. These are intended for the Tamagotchi Tama-Go.

I used Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Tiny Blue Crystal

Saturn Pattern

Red/White Blur Flowers

Purple Circle Crystals

Red Crystals

Tiny Green Crystals

Rainbow Butterfly Confetti

Many Rainbow Butterfly Confetti

Sunshine Flowers

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More patterns. More uploading.

These I was just messing around with. So enjoy them as you see fit. Just remember, I'm watching you! hahaha. Again, Joking.

Aqua Bubbles

Red Music Notes

Blue Popcorn

Fire Gradiant

Hawiian Blur


Patterned Blue Snowflake

Blue Square Claw

Orange Rose

Purple Tone Spirals

Purple Tone Paws

Orange Splatter

Maroon Smiles

Blue Calm Snowflake

Yellow Starburst

Rainbow Gradient

Rainbow Gradient with Music Notes

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Done with making patterns right now. Back to KuroMametchi. He is 5 right now. So Tomorrow is the day he might marry someone. I predict Fuwatchi or Makiko or a Ninja. Mainly the first two.... Based on who has been in the park....

My Tama-Go

My Tama-Go with a Partial design on it. The top is from HeartCatch Precure.One of my favorite animes. Sunshine is my favorite if it isn't obvious.

Today, My KuroMametchi got Married! To Makiko! Hahaha. I thought so. She was first to show and first to be married to a Tama in my Tama-Go. She seemed to show up at the park the most.

It was about 10:30am when they got married. In a church which some people might think is "incorrect" or something to be on a childs toy.... Well they have babies now... So I think its okay.

People didn't relize they had babies until they "babysat" their children's tamagotchi while in school. Hahaha. I think its quite funny. Its pretty much the "lesson" from a Tama.... Which I find distrubing myself. Atleast its in an Egg.... PUFT. Is that why they have a 8+ age on the box? Because of that? Because of "Small parts?" It can't be the size of the Tama-go.

Its weird. I wore my Tama-Lanyard the other day that has Ichigotchi on it. Then Tamagotchi is fairly large to read. In a bookstore I found a girl who KNEW what a Tama was. STILL loves her original and Dinky Dino pet. (Early 20age) Then I asked her what others she plays. She didn't know of the (new to her) connections. I asked her if she wanted to see on of the newest ones. My Tama-Go. I think shes going to go buy out my Target of Music Stars. I believe if we have them still they are like $4 now.... I haven't seen anymore though.

GAH. My leg fell asleep! Nuuuu!

Oh, I added Cure Moonlight to my partical design. So it has all the current ones on my tama. I got a tiny little amount of sticky tak to keep them in place. Then put them on top of my Memetchi design. I just hope it doesn't do anything to my normal design.I doubt it will but its a thought. So its half HeartCatch Precure and Half Tama. I like the way it looks right now. I'm going to keep my eye out for a slightly better moonlight image though. I used the side image of her, when she was just revealed.


495 veiws? Word.

So My tamas are married now. They kiss eachother at random sometimes. No it seems as they are married, they seem to loose friendship easier. Its okay though. I play with them.

One thing I've noticed. Sometimes when they call you and they jump up and down. Sometimes with the Happy Beep... They will loose a Happy Heart. Then require a snack or play to get it back. So that might be part of the vanishing icon once you respond.

They eat together. Look at eachother after each bite. Very cute.

When KuroMametchi goes to the park, Makiko stays home.... She also stays home when playing games, shopping and the PC too.

Oh and guys, Tamas ARE NOT fully trained when they marry. (Toilet Trained) They still can go on the floor. They will use the toilet if you catch them.... Just adding on cause some people need some more clearing up.

Meanwhile... I bought a CureSunshine PVC Figure. I REALLY wanted it. I bought it on ebay. So much for banning myself from it..... Pufft. I just hope the money transfers to the person without any issue. It says e-checks take about 3-5 days. Given this is also going to be sent Airmail SAL.... Joyfully.... Slow. I really hope so. I shouldn't be buying anything online yet... There I go. I figured, since I was about to buy my Tama-Go that cost a bit more then that.... Figured I should just buy it as the price will start going up soon. The other ones are already raising in price and becomming rare...... OH Dear Heaven let it go through without issue.... I beg you. I don't want to get into trouble or anything.

BTW guys... I Hate my Bank! That is part of why I'm freaking out.... Its the same card I was trying to use on Amazon/ToysRus online....That didn't work. But I haven't ever had issues using it on Ebay... So I figure it will go through to the seller. I am offically banning myself from ebay now.... hahahaha.

For those reading my log, Thank you! ;)

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My Tamas went tod at 8:35pm... I don't think they directly have a standard bed time.... It must be based on the playing of the day and how much you interacted with it. Its a tad weird.

I'm guessing Tomorrow, My KuroMametchi and Makiko are going to have a baby! So, I'm excited about that. I hope its a girl... It most likely will be. Going to go for Lovelytchi. She is SU cute looking.

Other news... Looks like I get a Heart Seed in with my HeartCatch Precure Cure Sunshine figure. Whoo. I was hoping to get one since I don't plan on buying the other things with Heart Seeds in them...Ya... You people won't know what I'm talking about unless you watch it for yourself. But I'm excited and need things to type about so.... Here it is.

Have to wait for the e-check to go though... BLUH. 3-5 days... Then it will be shipped (as long as my bank isn't evil for that.... ) Airmail SAL... Sadly slow. But atleast I won't need to sign for it... I can't wait for the e-check to go through. I will completely freak out at someone if it doesn't go through like I want it to. In a way, this is a test to my bank... I actually curse at it on my "other" blog.... Its interesting.... but with somedays... the language is PG-13... sometimes higher... URG. It makes me so miffed somedays. (About my Bank...) With limited distance I can go... I have to stay there for now, Unfortunatly.

Oh and my Tamas are totally living in a Japanese home. I don't know if I mentioned it but it looks very cool. The room looks like it has text on it. Can't read it... Go figure. Then the bathroom is nice. Its like a steam bath. Then the brush their teeth in another sink room. Not the bathroom. Japanese people are strange...

Thats why I love the Japanese... They are unique. ;)

Hi guys! My Tamas had a baby. A Girl.

She is very cute and destined for greatness! hahaha. I don't know when it happend due to me sleeping. I was up pretty late last night so I slept through some beeps. Woke up and was like... They had a baby. Cute. Then they look at each other at times. Then the baby too. They all bounce sometimes when they happy beep. Then sometimes the baby bounces sometimes by itself. The parents grin happily and continue as normal.

Otherwise.... I wouldn't say much has happend.

Oh... My bank is actually working for once again.... Looks like payment is working. Doesn't look like I'm having issues with it for the time being. Which is VERY good news to me. I will get my Cure Sunshine figure soon after they receive payment. I know I'll be taking images of it like crazy.... :wacko:

BTW, Happy Friday 13th!

My parents look to be trying to potty train my baby. I'm not quick enough to get my camera on them... But I've seen it a few times... Will they be sucessful? Only time will tell... hahahaha. (That reminds me of Sailor Pluto, Oh yes, I'm a Sailor Moon fan too.... hahahaha)

They seem to call a bit more when they have a baby.... Its weird the others don't go anywhere together with KuroMametchi.... I wish they did, they could do so much with that....

I'm going to add a picturre of my Tama-Go with the baby. Then you can enjoy my partical HeartCatch Precure Design... I was too lazy to cut the holes. Didn't want to directly cover all of my Memetchi pictures...

HA. When I was trying to upload I got Kanji symbols. hahahah. Ya right... Those aren't on my laptop dude...

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