Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Suddenly Eponine said, "I can't do this. I can't. I'm sorry." She turned and started running, further into the city, to the bar where she had seen the first person she had loved. She needed to drink her troubles away.

Meanwhile, Scarlet sat down in Leslie's house, nervously. Claire sat on her lap, playing with the bow in her hair.

Leslie was upstairs, desperately trying to make herself look normal. She failed and tied up her hair, smoothing her dress and smiling to herself. She went down the stairs and stood in the door way of the room Scarlett was in. "Please, come with me. You can leave the kids in here."


Eponine said to Shay, "Give me something strong, please. I need it." She sat down and sighed, laying her head on the bar itself.

Scarlet nodded and followed Leslie, looking slightly nervous. She subconsciously put a hand on her stomach.

Blanch was playing with Claire in the other room.

Eponine yawned, extending her arm slightly when people walked by, can in hand. She had almost forgotten what this was like. Begging for money, to stay alive.
Blank huggled him. "My poor son! You went for so long without me!"
"Believe me, it wasn't that difficult." Uriah said, trying to push Blank off of him, and at the same time hoping Kiku wouldn't say anything.

Shay gave her a huge glass of whiskey sour. "Drink up."

Leslie pointed to a room with ultrasound equipment and varies potions scattered everywhere. "Give me a moment."

Little Kinsey watched the two play.

Blanch stood up, then tried to help Claire walk over to Little Kinsey.

Claire looked completely happy as she tottered over, then stood, holding Little Kinsey's legs for support.

Eponine took a large swig, then winced as the drink ran down her throat, creating a burning sensation. "Have you ever had commitment issues? It sucks, not only for you, but for everyone else, too."

Metax asked for a Pina Colada, and waited. He looked again at Eponine, wondering if he should talk to her.

Little Kinsey smiled. "You're so cute."

Leslie came back with a clipboard and stared at it. "Why in the hell would you go to a normal doctor? They can't do ^%&"

Shay shrugged, handing Metax his drink. "I did. It's only a phase. Poor Stacey's girls always die in some mysterious way. He hates people to an extent, and can't stay with someone to long before death happens."

"Thanks." Metax said as he took a sip. He took out his phone. "Of course, no texts. Nobody cares about me." He sighed.

Scarlet said, "Because I have someone who is always trying to kill me, and seems to know everything I do. AKA, Lumina."

Claire laughed, reaching her arms up and waving them, causing her to fall into a sitting position.

Eponine kept drinking, just wanting to get wasted and die herself. "But what if I didn't die? What if I thrived with him!?"

Leslie nodded weakly. "Her. Never met her. But I've heard about her from Do--" she stopped short and shook her head. Leslie reached over and pulled Scarlett's shirt up to the top of her stomach. She set her clipboard down and put the ultrasound jell on Scarlett's belly. "Just try and relax."

Little Kinsey was very tempted to turn to Claire's age and sighed pathetically. "Maybe after I have Frederich Claire, we can do baby stuff together."

"No one does. Even the healthiest and strongest and magicalest."

Metax got frustrated. He got a text, but it was hate mail. He deleted it, and put in his earphones.

Claire just tilted her head and smiled, sticking her thumb in her mouth. She squealed happily at Little Kinsey.

Scarlet took a deep breath, then let it out, trying to clear her mind.

Eponine said, "I'm going to prove them wrong! I'm not healthy, I haven't seen a doctor in years. I'm not strong at all, I barely get to eat or anything. And... well, my powers are crap."

Leslie got the stick and placed it on Scarlett's belly, looking at the screen. " looks perfectly fine."

Little Kinsey patted Claire's head and then tried to stand her up.

"Should have told him that."

Scarlet murmured, "He looks healthy on the outside... but his heart.... is what the doctors say could fail."

Claire eventually got to her feet, beaming. "Up!"

Eponine wobbily got to her feet, and exclaimed, "D*mn straight I should! And I will!" She then ran out of the bar, leaving her meager earnings behind.

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