Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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"I lost my boy too. But.. I had a miracle, and got a boy and a girl. I have four kids. But you'll only ever see three. My old husband ran away with my daughter Kiseki."


"I mean that."

Blanch screamed, "Help! Kinsey's asploding waters!!!! Leelee (her nickname for Leslie), help!"

Claire was confused, and just tottered around, trying to walk on her own.

Scarlet looked in the direction of the room Little Kinsey was in.

Eponine gently wrapped her arms around him. "Okay. Then I'll stay with you, and prove to you that... that I'm resilient, and I'll live."

Metax went back to the bridge. This time he made sure he was at the highest point, and jumped.

Little Kinsey was not pleased. Mostly because she was ready to change her age in a matter of seconds. "H-help."

Leslie raced in and said, "Oh Jesus. Let's make this quick and easy."

Stacey smirked and kissed her.

Blanch said to Little Kinsey, "You will be great! Just focus on being your age, okay?" She took Little Kinsey's hand and kissed it gently. "I'll help you."

Eponine kissed him in return, holding him close by the collar of his shirt.

Eponine pulled back, a triumphant look on her face. "You said it first!" She told him, grinning. "And, to set the record straight, I love you too." She kissed him again.

Blanch said, "Yay for Kinsey! Yay for Friedrich! "

Leslie was holding Frederich, smiling. "He's healthy."

Little Kinsey gave a breathy laugh. She changed ages a few times then went to thirteen. "I feel great! Pain just went right away!"

Stacey stroked her head. "I'm cheesy."

Blanch was peeking up, trying to see Frederich. "Now you can train me, right Kinsey?"

Eponine said, "Somewhat, but... I think that's part of what attracts me to you."

"Well, I can't take him everywhere. And Nekro is busy. And Leslie has enough kids running around here. We should hold off for at least a month. I know I promised Blanch, but it's hard to raise a baby and you can ask your mom."

Stacey chuckled and put an arm around her waist. "We need to get you clothes, make-up, and happy stuff."

Blanch said, "May I help take care of Frederich, pretty please? That way, I can help you, before you help me. And it'll be easier when the month is over."

Eponine said, "Well... okay, sure. That's fine by me. But... could we wait until tomorrow. I'm still a bit tipsy from the bar..."

Little Kinsey smiled and nodded. "Okay Blanch. That sounds like a deal."

Leslie handed Frederich to Little Kinsey. His eyes were a grey-ish gold, if that makes sense. He stared at everyone, flexing his fingers.

Stacey laughed, tossing his head back. "Ah ^&*%. Alright."

Blanch gently moved to sit by Little Kinsey, and stared at Frederich. "He's beautiful! Hi Frederich," she said quietly.

Eponine nodded, smiling slightly and heading for the castle.

Metax walked around. He thought, "If jumping off a bridge doesn't kill me...something else should..."

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