They are different forms of happiness. he wrote, Then, I had anything a kid could ever want. Now, I have the one living person anyone could ever want. he smiled slightly at Erin, But I'll never know what would have happened with my life if I hadn't been changed. I was on a good path, and now I'm being chased by the police.
"We're cannibals." *Shot* "We don't need the resources around us."
Erin smiled wide. She had an idea. "We can give the cops memory dust. Hazuki has spares in her house, and I'm sure she's willing to hand over her extras!"
"My dad should have gotten me better schooling." Sam sulked.
Erin nodded. "I'm sure we could do that. Hazuki is to busy mourning Megan's death... how the hell am I supposed to get that dust..." She started thinking again. "I could ask Conner.."
Erin looked at Zurui and giggled. "Megan is my best friend... or was. Conner is her brother, and Hazuki is her mother. They're my only family, really."