Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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"How do you plan to support Persephone?"

Megan looked at Satan. "You have three hits already. I'm going to pretend one of those girls is not Leslie's best friend and deny it," but she didn't deny it.

"You better think about it. Next question. Where are you getting a house, and how do you plan to support her--your--children?" Ian stared him down. "If she ends up like Leslie, I will hunt you down and kill you mercilessly. Only because our god, Sam, made cannibalism legal.."

"...(#U&*#&%*#&_%#*&%^_#*&^%_*#&%*#&%#*&@*&!@%$@#%" She said, then looked at Satan, shutting the laptop. "You have a date with my mom tomorrow."

Hades shuddered, his eyes finally giving up and losing their glow completely.

"Y-yes...i a-assure you i'll t-think this through."

His ears were completely flat against his head now, a sign of fear.

"Tell her im not going."

He casually filed his horns, "I do not need an heir, i do not need a queen. Ok?"

Ian looked at Hades carefully, and leaned back in his seat. "I can help you. I know what happened to Silvermoon... Is anything going to happen to Persephone because of that incident? The children?"

Megan walked up to Satan and hugged him. "...How does this feel, right now, me hugging you?"

"T-the children w-will probably not know o-of the Sin'dorei heritage...but a-apart from that i dont see how a-any lasting damage would come of it. A-as for Persephone she seems calm about the whole ordeal...a lot of the elves were.."

"It feels like you're hugging me to try and prove something."

"I want you to teach them your... their heritage then."

"Not your thoughts, Satan! Your body, and how it's reacting.."

Ian looked away. "Hades, I hope you know I'm proud to have someone like you as a son in law."

"Good. Is this a feeling you'd want all the time? Or maybe.." She burrowed in him a little.

Hades blinked, "Really?"

Satan thought about this, huffing when his mind was made up, "Alright...fine...So i've lacked in affection since the ****er upstairs knows..."

He nodded. "Yes."

"You'll like my mom. I know you will," Megan said, smiling. "She's more towards taking care of the people who died.. more peacefully and didn't need to be dragged to hell. She's up in heaven." Megan looked around and sighed. She backed away from Satan. "I suppose I'm not allowed up to Earth anymore? Considering I end up staying for like, a year, instead of an hour because you can't keep track..?"

"I sure you won't."

"..What if I wanted to be crucified and burned my whole life~?"

"I love you."

"Satan. I'm thirteen. What the hell are you talking about!? I WANT it! I don't want to live!"

OOC: XD, I know.

Erin said, ", which cops?"
Lyle got the flashy lights out and the rave music.


The ones in major cities, I guess, and I'll be fine.



OOC: I told my mom I'm God and I made cannibalism legal and she stared at me and told me I need therapy again.

Sam was all <3 for rave.

Erin thought about where to go first. "We're going to Washington D.C, to see the President."

"You heard me."

Megan tapped her foot.

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OoC: I wanna do that now.

Lyle killed people. While RAVING. mean Dolan?

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