Persephone smiled and hugged him one more time, before running off to the house next door to tell one of her older sisters' of her latest achievements.
"Such a child," Ian said, watching her from a window. "I remember when she was little, she had all her names picked out for her children, and all her toys and stuffed animals that she wanted to pass down... When she learned about Punnet Squares she tried to see what powers of hers were going to what child, and what hair and eye color, because she always had her dream man picked out." Ian cracked his knuckles out of habit, and looked towards Hades. "She had an engagement once before, when she was six. That sounds awful, to have a girl married so young... but it was what had to be done. She was going to marry her dream man, who was twenty. He went off somewhere, and never came back. He'd write her everyday for two years, then he died. DEADPIGSWINEFLU"
Sam was all yayyyy~!