Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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"I'm not an icky human." Sam smiled.

Yuzu was all wtf.

Tymber put her hands on his stomach.

Willow frowned. "Marin... take her.."

Beetlejuice groaned, "Im hungrryy...Any beetles around here?"

His stomach was warm, warmer than usual.

"She's just trying to share x3", Marin said, trying not to laugh.

Charlotte stopped and hugged the bottle.

Carlisle threw him a can. "They're roasted."

"...Asher, wake up."

Willow was not happy. "...I'm five forever... and she's going to be able to do all the things I can't..." Willow gave Charlotte to Marin and ran.

"That's true, but you're not from my planet, either." Lyle went into THINKY MODE.

"Roasted beetles? Never tried that."

He poofed into his normal self and scarfed down the contents of the can, crunching on them happily.

Shadow was almost sick at the sight.


Marin sighed.

Charlotte sniffed, she knew something was wrong and her fault

Sam waited patiently.

Carlisle went upstairs.

Yuzu was looking at pictures.


Willow kept running, and she wouldn't stop.

Aro appeared by Marin and Charlotte. "AWWWWWW LOOK HOW ADORABLE SHE IS OMG" He was so his mother's son.

She nodded.

"Feel your belly."

"I know how to make her age.. Tymber taught me. Is that her only problem?"

Persephone was sick. And hiding in the bathroom.

Ian was worried, as well as Leslie and Everett.

"Your pregnant!" She joked.

"Okay," Aro said, making Willow come back.

Ian walked over to Hades. "What the hell did you do!?"

Tymber smiled.

Willow was pmsing.

"...Did you use protection when you had sex?"

*to lazy to use anyone else*

Ian looked at Hades carefully. "...Are you sure?"

Ian rested his hands on Hades's shoulders. "All I have to say, is thank you. Last of her sisters' to marry, last one to have a family. I thought she'd never find love in time," he said. He looked like Everett in a way, always looking out for his daughter even though he'd hurt her deeply. Ian sighed and hugged Hades in a fatherly-way. "Thank you. Just, thank you."

Ian pulled away from Hades and looked him in the eyes. "Can you handle taking care of her?"

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