Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Cecil was all D=.

"That's sad.."

Nekro sighed a little, "I wonder why he felt the need to journal those things anyway"

Caius slept. He yawned in his sleep.

"It's awkward at best"

"...I don't want to lose her, not again."

"It's a way of venting," she said, and tossed the journal she had hidden in the sofa at him. "You see?"

Faith left, finding no need to watch.

Rochelle began to hum.

Aro appeared. "Hello."

Carlisle looked at Aro, and sighed.

"Read it." Kinsey said.

She was humming We Are by Ana Johnson. Because. Because. When Fani was pregnant for the short time, she used to put that song on all the time.

"I'm the reason Morgaine leaves, Carlisle. Not you," he muttered.

Carlisle looked at Aro. "No, your not... or..." he sighed and hugged himself.

"I'm giving you permission. Read the first page. You'll be interested."

Rochelle finished.

Carlisle went back to his time.

Aro went to drab him, but sighed instead and let his hand stretch out.

June 24th, 2006 - Early morning

Aunt Gin's funeral. Angela came and gave me this journal. She said it would be a good idea let loose my inner feelings, write these thoughts I have on paper. But what can I say? Aunt Gin had cancer, and I couldn't.... I couldn't stop it. Mom and Skye and Aimee... everyone's leaving me. Is this really the case? Angela said to come with her, but instead, I dropped out of school. I didn't want to deal with anymore drama that people had in store for me.

Farther down the page...

June 24th, 2006 - Evening

Terra's missing. I searched for her, and searched, but her trail disappeared. I'm a failure. I let my little sister slip out my grasp. Do you see these tear strains- God? Do you see me broken and disassembled? Hurt? Why me? You made me watch my father die! The last thing he said to me was 'Kinsey, I love you, run away.' You wouldn't even let me say bye to Mother. You made me watch Aunt Gin suffer her divorce, the loss of her baby, and you made me watch Aimee tear herself to pieces and die. Now, you take Terra from me? Don't give me a chance at all? Fine, two can play at this twisted game.

Rochelle smiled. "Thank you."

"I remember my father and mother," he said.

Kinsey said, "Turn the page."

Aro chuckled. "Want to meet my father?" mymothersroleplayernevercomesonanymores

July 2nd, 2006 - Past midnight


I've met a guy. His name is Conrad Dolan. He's a cop... and he offered me a training position with the private investigators. Maybe I found my destiny. To be a private investigator. I have a secret thrill- and I think I like Dolan! He's a great guy...

July 11th, 2006 - Morning


I've met Stacey... and I like him more than Dolan....

Aro took Cecil's hand and appeared outside Aion's. He knocked on the door.

Chrono opened the door and glomped Aro. "ARO!" He said, hugging him.

January 2nd, 2007 - Evening


I married Stacey. I divorced Stacey. I had an abortion. Big whoop.

I miss Terra. I miss Skye. I miss Mom. I miss Aimee. I miss Aunt Gin. I miss Uncle Marcus. *insert a sigh* I have Terra's funeral tomorrow- Dolan came with me to identify the body.

Aro glared at Chrono. "You haven't matured whatsoever," he said, laughing.

Chrono said, "Come in, come in. Be careful Aion doesn't smash heads into tables. He flipped out on Aunt Fiore."

"That's lovely," Aro murmured, sighing.

January 3rd, 2007 - After the funeral


I miss Terra. I remember being the mediator between her and Aimee's fights. Aimee was always the trouble-maker, and Terra the innocent victim. My poor baby sister, and older sister, buried in the ground beside one and other. Right next to Mom and Skye. I never did get around to calling Skye my 'father' or 'dad' it just didn't feel right. I hope he knows now, he is my father, blood and all.


February 11th, 2007 - One of those days

Aunt Angela called. She's coming over with Manoel and Tymber! I can't wait to see them. We have so much to catch up on... Angela says Gran wants to talk... I hope it isn't bad..

Aion was at the fireplace reading.

Chrono said, "Your nephew is visiting, Aion. Along with his friend."

The book ended there.

Cecil made sure he looked presentable.

Nekro closed the book. "...So that's why so many people vent in diaries".

The pinstripe suited guy decided to ditch Calypso and wandered off to the top of Nekro's hut

Aro swept a bow. "Hello, Aion."

Aion closed his book. "How's the Volturi coming?" he asked, smiling.

"Fabulous... our newest member is very powerful, and is carrying the pawn we need to move forward with our plans." Aro sat in the seat beside Aion. "This will have an interesting outcome."

Kinsey nodded.

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