Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Charlotte said, "Now my five year old is getting married. What happens next..." She turned to Amelia. "You get pregnant? Ha.."

Willow's eyes went blood red, lunging at her mother, until Amelia grabbed her and held her tightly.

Nai nodded. "Okay.."

Cecilia opened her eyes and looked at Thul'doon. She let go of the shackles and stared. "...b-but... how..?"

Marin held out his hand, forming a shield between Willow and her mother.

Shadow started walking back home.

Nekro held the doors open for them

"They must've decided i was good for one more Master...guess who that master is = )"

The shackles flew back onto his wrists, snapping shut.

"Thank you!" Amelia said, letting go of Willow. "God dammit, you two! Get along!"

Nai followed, Belinda at her heels.

Cecilia's eyes went wide. "M-Me!?"

Marin looked at charlotte, "You should have a bit more respect for your daughter..she's your flesh and blood at the end of the day."

Nekro yawned, "well im heading back to my hut, goodnight you guys."

"Good night Nekro."

Thul'doon nodded, "you're my new Mistress!"

Charlotte shrugged, not really caring.

"Mom only hated Willow because she wasn't perfect. Born with 7 broken bones... Hey, news flash mom, she's a vampire now."

"'Night Uncle Nekro~!" Belinda cooed, skipping along, holding Raito tighter.

Kinsey was playing checkers with herself at Nekro's.


Marin was irritated with Charlotte at this point, "Born with imperfections so you strive to push her out of your life...We elves have a word for people who do that.. Sk'aru'nela. Meaning 'One who earns nothing out of life'"

Nekro walked into his hut and hugged Kinsey, "Hai~"

Thul'doon nodded again, smiling brightly

Charlotte looked at Amelia, glaring. "You get out too, then."

Amelia grinned. "Thanks. I've been waiting forever to hear that." She grabbed Willow and slammed the door behind her.

Kinsey hugged back. "Hi.."

Cecilia sat up and stared at him. "...w-wow.."

Marin dropped the shield, not moving an inch.

"Who's winning the checker game? x3"

Thul'doon hugged her gently, "my new master..i couldn't have asked for anyone better~"

Charlotte stared at him, then went upstairs.

Amelia and Willow waited outside.

"My subconscious..." she murmured.

"I don't have to boss you around and stuff though, right?"

Marin walked outside, "I feel like setting her on fire...". His fingers were twitching.

Nekro wrapped his arms around her neck gently, "You sound upset..."


Willow laughed. "Don't, please."

Amelia said, "I'm free now. Man, this feels fabulous. So, where are you two living these days?"

"The White House, and Italy."

Kinsey shrugged. "I miss Caius and Cecilia, is that a crime?"

"Okay, good," Cecilia said. "We should go back to Nekro's though... I want Esme x_o"

"And as a backup, Silvermoon"

"Cecilia will come back soon, i know it. as for Caius..."

Thul'doon hugged Cecilia and ported her to Nekro's.

Caius was lost in the SPB Woods, "l-last t-time i e-explore alone..."

Amelia was all ... "What the hell!? White house!? ITALY!? And what the hell is Silvermoon?" She asked.

Willow suddenly fell over laughing.

Kinsey said, "Okay..."

Cecilia burst open the doors. "I'M HOMEEEEEEE."

Esme crawled in, and smiled. "Daddddy! Mommy~!"

Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Neglected Faith was stalking him.

Zero walked into a bank, a masquerade mask on her face. She walked up to the desk, then pulled out her pistol. "Give me the money, or I will have to blow your brains out." She said calmly.

The woman laughed. "Little girl, you really shouldn't be doing that. If you want a piece of candy, I'll--"

Zero shot into the air. "This is a hold up!" She yelled. "I need all of the money that isn't locked away, right now! If anyone makes any sudden movements, or attempts to get help will be shot!" She turned back to the woman. "I'm waiting!" She said cheerfully.

Marin chuckled, "Somewhere far away, Where the leaves are always golden and the streets alive with warm colors."

Thul'doon looked at Nekro, "Nekro..Cecilia is my new mistress. n-no hard feelings right?"

Nekro smiled, "Of course not, she needs you more than i do."

Caius was scared.

Amelia thought. "That sounds... better than here."

Cecilia picked up Esme and looked up at Kinsey. "Mom... S-Sorry I've been gone so long, I ju--"

Kinsey jumped up and hugged Cecilia. "Just as long as your okay, that's all that matters, okay?"

Faith came out of hiding. "Why are you lost?" she asked.

Zero walked down the street, the bag of money in her hand. She was extremely pleased with herself. She got a high out of this, better than drugs. But drugs were still pretty cool with her.

A black van pulled up on the street. "Zero, did you get the money!?"

Zero laughed and jumped in. "Yeah. They didn't put up much of a fight."

"I want to live there though..." Amelia said.

", you two, how have things been?" Kinsey sat down, settling Cecilia on her lap.

Cecilia shrugged. "Good."

Faith's eyes went completely white, then faded normal. "Your sister is home."

Ebil walked past the black van, taking his rifle down to the repair shop

"I can take you there now, if you'd like?", Marin asked.

Thul'doon didnt know if he was being adressed.

"She is? Oh t-thank you...but..which way is home?"

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