Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Zero whispered, "Shh.. Ebil... don't apologize. You d-don't... need to...."

Zero pulled back, wincing with pain. Some of her friends started to stir. "Go..." she murmured.

A drove up in his black car, rushing out to take Zero in his arms. "C'mon, we have to get you out of here..." He put her in his car and drove back to the base.

Marin followed.
"nono not that. It's cus she's my new master now =D"

Caius whistled happily

Ebil stood still for a while and then shot at the vans tires. He took flight.
Amelia looked around. Curious.

"Good." Kinsey smiled gently, and kissed the top of Cecilia's head. "Well, I trust you to take care of her, Thul'doon."

Faith was quiet.

Marin looked around too. The streets were quiet today but the palace hall was alive with chatter, "Sounds like the King is giving one of his speeches..."

Thul'doon nodded, "No harm shall come of her."

Caius was happy for once, almost at Nekro's

Amelia took Marin's hand in a sisterly manner and walked to the hall.

She thought a long moment. "You two should get a place with Esme... then make a life with each other... Just, please take care of Cecilia.."

Faith was still very quiet.

Marin resisted, "I dont wanna listen to his drivel...every word he speaks in my ears is a lie"

"Sounds like a good idea = )."

Caius looked at her, "you dont talk much do you?"

Amelia grabbed him tighter. "Please Marin?" she asked, her eyes shifty.

Cecilia looked at Kinsey. "Can we live in your old house? In Santa Theresa?" she asked.

Kinsey shrugged. "If Thul'doon likes the heat and ocean."

Faith shook her head. "I'm dangerous."

Amelia started walking.

Cecilia jumped up, holding Esme tight. She waved to Kinsey. "Good-bye. Tell Caius he can drop by and visit~" She grabbed Thul'doon's hand and teleported them like, to upper California.

"I can see.. things.. It's scary."

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