Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]


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Willow laughed. "No your not."

Avril kissed back again too. OH. BURN.

Are sooooo. you could have at least said he was at my house! D;


Willow laughed. ", when should the wedding be?"

Avril stopped. " what.."

Cecilia walked up behind Thul'doon and wrapped her arms around his waist. "...hello"

Willow waited, but then said, "Aro's going to want something big and fancy..."

She thought. "Hmmm. Let's go visit Shadow and Nai~"

Cecila asked, "and how are you?"

"...because he wants you to meet my family..." Willow had just realized this herself, and it made her want to cry.

Avril danced off to whatever hospital they were at.

Belinda was awake, and reading the Bible. Trying to process the words.

Cecilia thought. "We should take a nap!" she suggested.

"Ah i see.", He said, feeling very nervous.

Drokka followed, skating on icey mist.

Shadow was sleeping.

Nekro was reading the bible with Belinda, curious to everything in it.

"that sounds like a plan"

Willow thought about that for a long time. "My sister, she's normal. My mom... My dad... I don't know. Dad was supportive..."

Avril walked into the hospital. She made her way to Nai's room without asking where it was.

Belinda looked up at Avril. "...who else haven't I met that's in this family?" she asked. "My family was never this big..."

Cecilia let go of his waist and laid down, closing her eyes.

"Phew..i shouldnt be nervous then?"

Drokka poked his head into the room

Nekro was all O_O, "What's he doing here?"

Thul'doon lay down on his stomach next to her.

Willow shrugged.

Avril said, "He promised not to kill anyone. So. Relax. Your safe. He's mine." She looked over at Nai. "How's she doing?"

Cecilia snuggled close to Thul'doon and smiled.

Willow took his hand and squeezed it. "Want to meet them...?" she asked.

Avril nodded. "Who's she?" She looked at Belinda curiously.

Belinda looked down. She didn't like the attention.

"T-Thank you..."

Zero had managed to get back home, and was playing her violin sullenly. Izzy was sitting next to her, looking just as glum.

Willow thought. "...They live in Vermont. Want to take a plane, or run there?" she asked.

Nai finally woke up. She sat up and yawned. "I still feel awful," she murmured.

Avril laughed. "That's what labor does to you."

"Henry... wasn't this bad..."

Cecilia kissed his nose and giggled.

"I could use the exercise, lets run!"

Shadow was still asleep

Drokka chuckled, "The child has fight in him"

Thul'doon bit his lower lip, "Cecilia...there's something i have to tell you.."

Willow bent over. "Hop on my back, then."

Nai laughed a little. "Violence... taking after my mother," she said quietly.

Avril suddenly squeezed Nai's hand. "Come on now. Be positive. Three beautiful children, and your niece and nephew. It's not that bad, is it?"

Cecilia looked at Thul'doon, her eyes were sparkling. "Anything," she whispered, burrowing her head in his chest.

Marin shook off a dirty thought and carefully sat on her back

Drokka piped up, "And a great Warlock as a father and guardian"

"im..coming to the end of my lifespan...Master has no more use for me and im becoming useless.."

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