Before I begin my July 1st post, I'd just like to express my sincerest thanks to Pantheratchi, a regular reader, and the one who reached out to me and helped me sort out this 'special characters' business on the iD L (see THIS post) in a manner I could understand the best. Thanks also to binary, as he helped her out with this too, thereby helping me out. ^_^
Pantheratchi does not mind that I share her description of what process she used here. I hope it'll be useful to others as it has been for me.
You need to have 6 different friends in the friend-list on your ID L for this character. Since I only have one ID to connect my ID L with I did the following:
When I got all the tamatomo character stamps on my ID, I connected it to my ID L. This registered one friend in my friend list on my ID L, regardless of the generation/character on my ID. Then I reset my ID and connected to my ID L and this registered a new friend on the friend list on my ID L. Repeat this process untill you have six different friends in the friend list on your ID L......... Then I started the whole process of collecting Tamatomo stamps on my ID from scratch.
So basically I would recommend that you do this when you are fully satisfied that you want to reset your tama. It MAY also work with resetting the +Color, but I haven't tried that avenue [I am assuming that it will work on the +C because it does register as one friend on the iD L]."
According to Pantheratchi also, the characters who need more than 30 connections (Maisutatchi and Giragiratchi) will only need to be connected to the SAME friend (no resetting) each time. I wonder why there are different processes for each group of special characters.
Anyway, it's more clear to me now. Here I was thinking that I had to reset my iD L; it didn't occur to me that when people were saying "reset" that they meant reset the OTHER Tamagotchi with which the iD L connects. No wonder I was so confused. XD I had also heard conflicting information from others, so I wasn't really sure where to go from there. I haven't had a chance yet to try this out myself, but I think I'll try for one of the '30 connections' special characters first, since it doesn't seem we need to do any resetting for that. When I'm ready, I'll probably be resetting my iD after I receive all 11 TaMa ToMo stamps (my +C, though I've had to restart it a couple of times, still has 40+ generations worth of Gotchi Points, items, and other things that I don't feel comfortable resetting) to get the special characters, and I'll connect once to my +C too so that it registers as one separate friend on my iD L. On to the update!
July 1, 2011
Tamagotchi iD L
The battery for my iD L ran out today, so I popped in some new ones. I love this picture.
As it’s the first day of the month, I knew the Ecousatchi were due to make an appearance. I took Kiyoshi to the park and sure enough, there was a recycle bag there waiting for him.
He helped the Ecousatchi clean up the park and at the end of it all, they awarded him with......the bag that gets me 50% off at Tama Depa! Awesome, something new this time (I already have the fork-looking thing that takes off 50% at Tama Café)! It looks like one of those eco-friendly reusable bags that you can take to the grocery store.

Quiet day after that again for Kiyoshi.
Tamagotchi iD
This month is definitely Harry Potter month.

What with the final (ahh, so bittersweet) movie coming out soon, Harry Potter’s birthday at the end of the month, and the fact that my family and I are having a movie marathon in the days leading up to the release of the final movie (we’re seeing an advanced showing!), I thought it would be appropriate to change the wallpaper on my iD L to something Harry Potter-related. I know, I’m a huge nerd, but proud of it!

Looks like Megumi likes it! Anyway, nothing much other than the home remodeling happened today.
Thanks to Ra for the awesome wallpaper!
Longer post today. Props to you if you made it through without eye fatigue! XD Stay tuned...