OldSchoolTama's Virtual Pet Log


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August 15, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

My gal says hello from our vacation spot! She enjoyed the view. :)


After enjoying the fresh air, we came back home and took care of her happy items. She enjoyed flan from Tama Bakery before coming back home to make a performance for her fans. So Madonna-like. :D Her 3rd happy item is the white hat from Tama Mori. So stylish! Now we just need to wait a couple of days for her to earn her last happy sign.





Etsuko evolved into Makiko today (didn't get to take a picture). Thinking of taking the batteries out of my +C during my short break so that I will have time to run other Tamagotchis. She’s enjoying our vacation as well. :)


Stay tuned for more updates! :)

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August 16-18, 2011

Still out of town on vacation (my Tamagotchis say hello from one of our vacation spots HERE :) ) until the 17th so I took as many pictures as I could. I had a slight mishap with my camera, which fell into the shallow pool of a waterfall we visited :p so I couldn’t take pictures for a while but everything’s good now! Nothing much happened on the 16th. I’m still waiting for Sakiko the iD L to earn her last happy sign and I’m leaving my +C to run. Probably going to take the batteries out when I get home. Here’s what happened on the 17th and 18th, after my camera recovered some more. :p

Tamagotchi iD L

Sakiko earned her last happy item on the 17th, so now her character is stored under the book icon.


I didn’t take her to the matchmaker until the 18th. Before going, she made sure to tidy up the house for our new arrival (about halfway through, I realized that my icon background had changed back to one of the previous ones again...so I changed them back to the music notes) and then took a quick bath to spruce herself up for the occasion.



She fell in love with Kuchipatchi and they were married.


Sakiko came home with an egg and out hatched a baby boy! I named him Fumio ("literary/scholarly child").


He evolved into Furutsupantchi, whom I haven’t seen in a while. I think I’m going to go for the teen Happabouyatchi, whom I also haven’t seen in a while.


Now that I’m back from vacation, I’m going to start up some more Tamagotchis soon. I’ve taken the batteries out of my +C for now. Got to take care of several things that I let sit while I was gone and so when things settle down a bit more, I’ll hopefully have more Tamagotchi tales to tell. Until next time!

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August 19, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Fumio needed a bath when he woke up. :p


He evolved shortly after breakfast. I did get the teen I wanted. Here he is in all his cuteness. I love the little berries on his head that appear when he jumps for joy. :)


He looks so sad when he's ill or has a toothache though. =/


I made sure to play with him a lot during the day. He sure lights up the room when he's happy!


Not aiming for any particular adult at the moment, although I would prefer to have anyone but Sunopotchi and Kikitchi (the first two characters in that lineage), since I’ve already had them. We’ll see! If I lose track of how many care misses I’ve had, I could just go all out with the care misses to be safe and get Spacytchi.

Stay tuned for more! I'm going to have another go with my Oceangotch again in a couple of days or so.

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August 20, 2011

I received a request to run my TMGO again (by the way, thanks to superchamagirl for stopping by :) ). I’ve got to admit that the TMGO isn’t a huge favorite of mine but I haven’t run it in a while so I’ll be willing to run it for at least 1 generation. Got to leave room for all the other Tamagotchis I’d like to run (especially the formidable Oceangotch, which I promised to resume running when I failed the first time back during my summer break part I)!

Short entry today and no pictures, unfortunately, because I was running around doing errands for most of the day.

Tamagotchi iD L

My guy evolved into Spacetchi today. Awesome, another unique character! I’ll be getting his happy signs starting tomorrow. Until then!

August 21, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Happy signs for Fumio today! We decided to splurge and go out to dinner in order to get all these happy items. He enjoyed steak at the Restaurant and a little tiramisu (looks delicious!) from Tama Café (which he ate with the fork that was earned HERE). When we came home, I presented him with a gift: a brand new metal guitar, which I got for a fantastic price (thanks to the bag that was earned HERE). I was treated to a great performance by my guy and his band. He’s a star, just like his mom (Madonnatchi :) ). I'm so proud!




Fumio retired for sleep in very good spirits.




What is seen after resetting and before setting the time.

I started up my Oceangotch this evening. Hopefully I’ll have better luck with it this time. I’m going to go ahead and re-post my >>>hatching video (again, sorry for the quality...you'll probably get the idea anyway) and most of the pictures (some will be new) from my previous Oceangotch hatch, since what happens is pretty much the same anyway, at least in the beginning. Since I hatched my Oceangotch (whom I named Neptune, after the Roman god of the sea…here’s hoping he won’t morph into a female-looking character or anything like that!) in the evening, he went straight to sleep after evolving into a toddler.



Planktontchi, the baby.



Kuragetchi, the toddler.


By the way, if you're curious, I do put in some detail HERE about all the Oceangotch icons and some of the neat little features that come with this challenging Tamagotchi.


More adventures to come!

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August 22, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Big day for Fumiko today! He earned his final happy sign in the morning.


After some breakfast and washing up, we headed off to the matchmaker to find my guy a wife. Fumio met up with 3 lovely ladies, but Shigurehimetchi in particular caught his eye. They were married after a whirlwind romance.



Fumio came home with an egg and from it hatched a baby boy, whom I named Hotaka ("step by step").


Hotaka evolved into Kaubotchi after an hour.


To be continued...

Before I move on, I'd like to give a big shout-out to Dale88! Thank you so much for your kind words! :)

August 22, 2011 (continued)


Today was a fantastic day for Neptune! I kept a very close eye on him and rarely let him empty more than one hunger and/or happiness heart. I didn’t keep track of how many times the polar bear made an appearance, but I never let the fuzzy bear get my guy!


Look out, Neptune!

In case you're curious to see what happens when the Ocean character gets attacked by the polar bear, watch closely. NOTE: the following are pictures from my last hatch. I did not subject Neptune to this cruel and unusual punishment. :p You can thank Poseidon, the name of my last Oceangotch character for testing out the waters for the sake of experimentation. =/ To explain what happens, it may be necessary for me to go back and explain the calling/discipline icon.

Calling/Discipline Icon: This icon is used whenever the Oceangotch calls for attention and it won’t accept food or play the game (discipline). If you pay attention enough, the Oceangotch will call so many times that the discipline meter will be filled in one day. After that, it stops calling for discipline (unlike the Osutchi/Mesutchi Tamagotchis, which continue calling for discipline even after the meter is completely full). This icon also serves as a calling icon for when a polar bear is about to attack, that bully. :p Luckily, the Oceangotch beeps when this happens. If you hear a beep and see that your Ocean is snoozing, not paying attention to the fact that there’s a polar bear on the edge of the screen, press A and it will highlight the calling icon immediately (meaning you don't have to scroll to it). Your character should then be slightly alerted (as indicated by the "?" next to the character's head). You would also need to tap the screen to further alert your Ocean and scare away the polar bear. The Oceans are equipped with a motion sensor for this purpose (Tamagotchi Angel/Angelgotch, Devilgotch, Morino also have motion sensors).


If you leave your Ocean alone long enough while the polar bear is poised to strike like that, the polar bear will attack. If you press the A button but don’t tap the screen, the polar bear will also attack. I have a picture of that here.


Never again...at least not intentionally. Unless I'd like to get a clearer picture someday. I don't know if it will get any clearer than that though because it happens so fast. Also, I don't want to subject my poor Oceangotch to that. :p

If you let your Ocean get mauled by the bear, your character will float back onto the screen all woozy-looking and a skull will appear, letting you know that you have to administer medicine. If you press this icon while no discipline or calling is needed, this happens:


Back to what happened today...

What made me feel extra accomplished today was that Neptune didn’t get inked by the octopus. Not once the entire day! I think I might have some sort of a rough theory on how to MAYBE prevent that from happening (at least prevent it from happening as much as usual) but I really think it’s a random thing.


Don't forget to check this and keep the water clean!

Again, I do provide a detailed account of the icons for the Oceangotch starting HERE, if you're interested.

In other news, I caved and purchased another Tamagotchi. XD Not from Ebay this time but from a fellow member. Please join me in welcoming this V1 to my virtual pet family!


I already have two V1s but I currently don’t have any European Connection versions in my collection and, well…it’s blue. XD As strange as it sounds, this particular combination of the 3 colors on the shell have a special significance to me, making this purchase all the more meaningful. :) Anyway, I got a great deal for it and it’s being shipped from overseas. I’m looking forward to receiving it, along with my KeiTama that’s coming in the mail (it’s been a little over a week since it was shipped so it should be arriving in a few days…hopefully!).

Thanks so much for reading!

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August 23, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

My guy evolved into Bokuhoshitchi today.


The only adult that I haven’t yet gotten in that lineage is Shutotchi, so I’ll be going for him next. I made 4 or 5 care misses today. Nothing much going on with my guy after he evolved into a teen. We went outside in the evening to plant a Retro Toys seed. It was raining so it’ll have plenty of water to grow. We’ll check on it in the morning.




Well, I had several errands to run today, which meant that I was less attentive to my Oceangotch than I was yesterday, and it showed. I got inked a whopping 8 times today! Neptune was not happy, but I made sure to clean him up right away and play more games with him.

Here's a blurb on the treasure chest game:

When you select the treasure chest icon, 2 treasure chests appear, both flapping their lids open and closed. The objective of the game is to guess where the treasure is hidden by selecting the “A” button for the chest on the left, or the “B” button for the chest on the right. There are 5 chances to select per game and scoring at least a 3 out of 5 will increase happiness hearts.


Occasionally, an octopus will appear from one of the chests and ink the entire screen, leaving your Ocean character in a murky sea of darkness, filling up the entire water purity/clarity meter (all the skulls will be darkened), and emptying all 4 happiness hearts. Sorry about the blurriness of the first picture; it all happens fairly quickly. The middle picture may look like just a big stretch of black nothingness but you can kind of make out the tiny bubbles on the screen, as if the Ocean character is letting you know that it's still there among all that darkness. I love that attention to detail.


When this happens, I highly recommend that you play the game in order to fill up the happiness hearts before attempting to clean the screen (4 flushes) because it’s possible that the octopus will make another appearance and if you keep cleaning and then go back to play the game to fill up the happiness hearts and get caught by the octopus again and again, it might be an endless, frustrating cycle. Is there a method to the madness, a particular time when the octopus is more likely to suddenly pop out at you? There's a theory that it happens when you lose the game a certain amount of times when you've only got one happiness heart filled when you start playing the game. It may be more likely to happen when you're running empty on happiness hearts, but I personally think it's more random than that. I'm still trying to figure out what triggers the octopus to come more and I think I may have gotten the hang of it. More on that later.

I was more vigilant toward the evening about only letting one heart in each category empty, so that he was satisfied by the time he went to sleep at 7:00 pm. No empty hunger or happiness hearts. I’m glad I made it through the second day. It’s making it through the third day that’ll be the big hurdle. During my first summer break earlier this summer, my precious Oceangotch always seemed to pass on the third day. I’m hoping and praying that such a thing won’t happen this time around. I had a very exceptional day with Neptune yesterday at least and I’m hoping that will make a difference. Keeping my fingers crossed!

I’m already feeling the itch to buy yet another Tamagotchi. I haven’t yet bought one of the new Tamagotchi Nanos that came out this June. It’s likely that it’ll be one of those next. Debating on whether I should get the blue one with flowers or the yellow one with fruits on it. I really love the blue color of the blue with flowers but I like the design on the fruits one a little better. We’ll see. Until then!

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August 24, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

This cannot be! I gave my teen at least 4 care misses but who do I get? Kuishinbotchi…again! This has got to be the third time I’ve gotten him, a perfect care adult, when I clearly made care misses. What am I missing here? I think I read somewhere that if you have a child who is the same gender as the one in your last generation, you have a high chance of ending up with an adult exactly like the one you had the previous generation. This explains why I’ve gotten Furawatchi so many times in the past but it doesn’t explain why I got Kuishinbotchi this time around. I had Spacytchi last generation! It just boggles my mind. If anyone is reading and has some idea of what’s going on, would you please enlighten me? I really, really hope that my iD L is not defective. That would just be very sad.

Well, it’s not that I’m completely unhappy to see Kuishinbotchi. It’s just that I’ve had him several times already when I deliberately made care misses to get other characters. I really don’t understand it. Anyway, I was just a little put off because I was doing so well with getting unique characters (my last 2 were the first unique ones I’ve had for 14 generations…yes, FOURTEEN). Besides this recent development, we checked on our plant in the garden. We ended up growing a kendama, which we already have.


Nothing much happened for the rest of the day. I’m going to take him straight to the matchmaker when the right time comes.


I had to pause my Neptune this morning for a few hours because I was away for volunteering, as usual on Wednesdays. You guys probably already know that I’d rather not pause my Tamagotchis if I can avoid it but leaving this guy alone even for half an hour is absolutely out of the question. I was determined to make it through the third day, the day that seems to be the hardest every time I run my Ocean. After I came home and had some lunch, I unpaused Neptune. I checked on Neptune quite often, not letting him empty more than one heart in hunger or happiness. I think I mentioned above that I think I have a small trick, something I’m doing a little differently this time around, and it seems to be working well. The next important test is to see if what I’m doing differently will finally carry me into the teen stage. The polar bear showed up several times today, but I never let him lay a finger on my precious Neptune. Neptune got sick at 4:05 pm and I only had to give him one dose of medicine to make him feel better. Phew! About 40 minutes later, my Neptune evolved into a teen! This is the first time in the 4 years I’ve owned my Oceangotch that I’ve gotten a teen! Hooray! The discipline meter went back down to a bit under 50%.


I thought it was quite amusing how a little pile of poop follows Neptune around as he's floating there in the water, so I took a picture of it. My boyfriend and I are holding our little one in the picture. :D


My KeiTama arrived in the mail today. I was very pleased about the shipping time (took only 10 days to arrive) and the pristine condition of the Tamagotchi. I put a test battery in and everything works perfectly. I even got this cute trading card as a gift!


Overall, not a bad day. I'm a little worried about my iD L but I'm sure there's probably some sort of explanation for what's happened...I hope. As always, thanks for checking in!

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Thank you a million times over to deliriumrapture and rsylv for checking out my log! I really appreciate your kind words. :)

Wow! I haven’t logged in a little over a week. I apologize for being MIA but I just finished my first week of yet another semester of nursing school and things have been really hectic as I’m slowly coming out of summer mode and into work mode again. Thank you for your patience as I adjust to my new classes and clinical rotations. I’m just going to pick up where I left off on August 25th through the 26th.

August 25-26, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

My iD L ran out of batteries on the 25th.


This made me a little impatient because I knew that when I changed the batteries, the iD L would reset back to the most recent big event and in my case, it was when my character evolved into an adult. So my guy will be heading to the matchmaker one day later than expected. Nothing much else went on with him on the 25th. The 26th was a day as any other for my iD L. Nothing too out of the ordinary.


So I did my very best to care for my precious Neptune on the 25th.


Slowly waking up from his slumber.


Happy and not so happy. :p

He didn’t get inked that much at all today and I saved him from all the polar bears.

Neptune evolved into an adult on the 26th! I was incredibly ecstatic about this because this was my first time getting an adult on the Oceangotch. It wasn’t easy, by any means. It made me feel really accomplished that I could achieve this before I started school.


The best-care adult, KeroPyontchi.

I'll slowly catch up with my logging in the coming days. Hope you enjoyed this entry and thanks for reading!

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August 27, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

I took my guy to the matchmaker today. He fell in love with Nachuratchi and they were married.


Proud papa came home with an egg and out hatched a baby boy, whom I named Arata (“fresh”). Arata evolved into Furutsupantchi after the hour of care.





The rest of my days are devoted to just keeping Neptune alive as an adult for as long as I can. I’m already over the moon about getting an adult, so whatever happens from here on out happens. Doesn’t he look so chubby while he’s snoozing like that? It's cute. XD Saved him from that polar bear, of course!


Stay tuned for more updates!

August 28-29, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Arata evolved into Happabouyatchi today. Nothing much else going on with him for the 28th.


He evolved into Spacytchi on the 29th; I guess I had neglected him more than I thought I did.


As I was cleaning today and bustling around getting ready for school, I heard the beeping that told me that Neptune was about to leave me.


Ahh, it’s been a good and successful run. I’m so glad that I was able to raise an adult on my Oceangotch before school started. I wish he could have stuck around just a little bit longer but I enjoyed my time with him while he was here.

So I paused all my Tamagotchis around this time, and I kept them paused for quite a while, until September 7th, when I resumed running them again. School started back up again for me on August 30th and so I’ve been using that time to adjust to my new schedule. You all know how I dislike pausing my Tamagotchis but I felt so overwhelmed with work these past several days that I felt it was necessary. I’ve missed logging quite a bit. Next time I come back (I won't be too long, promise!), I’ll be resuming logging for September 7th. Until then and thanks so much for reading! :)

Thank you to Orandatchi for checking out my log! :)

September 7-8, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Here’s a picture of Arata as Spacytchi that I didn’t post before I paused my Tamagotchis. He should be ready to go to the matchmaker in a couple of days.



Before I took out the batteries to my +C way back when, my gal had evolved into an Oldie.


She was more than ready to visit the matchmaker when I started her up again. When she got there, she married Ojitchi, the male Oldie, and they had a baby boy, whom I knew would evolve into the special male adult after the hour, Oyajitchi.


I named him Jun ("obedient"). Sure enough, he evolved into Oyajitchi at the end of the hour. He will be ready to visit the matchmaker in 2 days.


I’d really love to start up my iD as well, but I’d still like to reset it so that I can try for some more of the secret characters on my iD L. I think I’ll start up my iD again for a long run after I’ve gotten all the secret characters on the iD L.

Nothing happened on the 8th and both my Tamagotchis won’t be ready for the matchmaker until the 9th.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more adventures!

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September 9, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

My guy visited the matchmaker today.


He and Meloditchi were married and they had a baby boy, whom I named Atsushi (“industrious”). Atsushi evolved from Yurapatchi to Nannokitchi within the hour.




Jun also visited the matchmaker today. He married Marotchi and they had a baby girl, whom I named Ayame (“iris flower”).




She evolved into Memepetchi after the standard hour of care.

Note for September 19, 2011:

Apologies once again for not logging in a while. It appears that I’ve had my Tamagotchis paused for another block of time, since September 10th (I don’t have any pictures after the 9th). It’s been a bit difficult to find spare time for logging around school, clinicals, commuting, and a lot of other things I’ve been busy with this term but I’m making it work as best as I can. I’ve missed running and logging my Tamagotchis a lot. When things settle down a bit more, I’ll get back into it. My goal is to resume running my Tamagotchis on September 21st. Thanks for being patient with me!

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I'm honored to give a HUGE shout-out to graficks! Your kind words are much appreciated and I'm so glad that you could stop by. Thanks again! :)

September 21, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Long time no see, all! Quick recap: Atsushi evolved from Nannokitchi to Bokuhoshitchi, and then from Bokuhoshitchi to Gozarutchi. Looks like Moriritchi celebrated her birthday today.


We took him to the matchmaker and he fell in love with Chamametchi. They went on a date and got married.



They had a baby boy, whom I named Masaru (“victorious”).



Caught him potty-training. :D

He evolved into Kaubotchi after the hour. Not sure which adult I’m aiming for this time; depends on the teen I get. Hoping to get an adult I haven’t had before. I’d like to get unique characters again, it’s been a while!



Nothing much going on with Ayame, who had evolved into Makiko (no pictures today). I’m thinking of keeping her around for a while.

More updates to come! Thanks for reading!

September 22, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

Here’s another picture of Masaru as Kaubotchi before he evolved into a teen today.


He evolved into Bokuhoshitchi.


Looks like I’ll be going for Shutotchi, since I haven't had him out of that group before. He needs 4 or 5 care misses. Here’s hoping I don’t overshoot it like I usually do!


I’m still keeping Ayame around for a while. She's still a Makiko. I promise I’ll get a picture of her up soon!

Short update today. Till next time! :)

Here's to ApertureGotchi and phnx0313 for their continued support. Thank you both again for stopping by! :)

September 23, 2011

Tamagotchi iD L

I got the adult I wanted! He evolved into Shutotchi as I was driving home from class today. I will work on his happy items soon.



I don’t why I’m keeping Ayame the Makiko around and not taking her to the matchmaker. Probably because I’ve been pretty busy as of late. I don't want to hatch a baby and end up neglecting it. I promise I’ll put more interesting posts up soon enough. I'm often very busy with school, clinicals, and other things but I have no intention of stopping now. Please bear with me!

Thanks for sticking by me, all. Until we meet again! :)

September 25, 2011

Hey, everyone! I'm back for more logging, finally! Nothing happened on the 24th; I was just waiting for the matchmaker on my iD L and I was still keeping Makiko on my +C around. I wanted to get the happy items for Shutotchi on the 24th so that I wouldn’t bombard you all with a ton of pictures today (because I will also be taking my iD L to the matchmaker), but I never got around to it. Here they are now! :D

Tamagotchi iD L

Took care of all of Masaru’s happy items today. He enjoyed fish and chips at the Restaurant, tried on this silly-looking afro, and then went for a car ride in said afro. XD As it is 48 hours after becoming an adult, he also earned his final happy sign today.





To be continued...

September 25, 2011 (continued)

After all that, I took Masaru to the matchmaker, where he met and courted the lovely Giragiratchi. Yes, I asked him to leave his afro at home. XD



They got married and had a baby boy. I named him Hisao (“long-lived man”). He evolved from the adorable Yurapatchi to…Kaubotchi again after the hour.



Caught another pee-pee wiggle dance. :D



Here’s a picture of Ayame that I’ve been meaning to post. I’ll be taking her to the matchmaker in the near future.


I’m expecting to become quite busy over the next few days (big surprise, right? :p ) but I’ll do my best to log here and there. Thanks for reading!

October 23, 2011

Hey, everyone! Long time no log. XD I know I’ve kind of fallen off the face of Tamagotchi Planet for a little while but things have just been so hectic lately with school and clinical rotations and so I’ve had my babies on pause for the past few weeks. Lately, I’ve been getting some serious Tamagotchi itch though and so I’ve started them up again. I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but I’m feeling quite content, nostalgic for Tamagotchis, and very much ready for the holiday season (I know, it's a bit early). :D I’m going to try and ease myself back into the Tamagotchi groove so when the Tamagotchi 15th Anniversary Hatch rolls around (see my signature; I will be participating :D ), I’ll be fully ready to rock ‘n’ roll! I’ll try and bring you up to speed on what’s been going on. It’s not much but I did crank out some low-key Tamagotchi days before I put them on pause.

So I’m taking a look at the pictures I have. My camera is a bit glitchy so it didn’t record a time stamp for the pictures; I might be doing a little guesswork here. It seems that I somehow neglected my iD L and +C to the point where they both ran away from me. =/


I remember now: I was out for the day and I had the sound turned off for both, silly me. Quite unfortunate but I decided to start up my iD L again first. I was iffy on whether I wanted to start up my +C again, as I was starting to become much more busy than usual. I held off on starting my +C. I can't ever stay away from it for that long though, as it was my very first Color Tamagotchi.

So I hatched my iD L and out of the egg came a boy! Here he is as Yurapatchi. I named him Eiji (“eternity”).


He evolved into Nannokitchi after the hour.


The next day, he evolved into Bokuhoshitchi. I didn’t get a picture of him as a teen but I will post one in the coming days as I catch up.

Another exciting thing happened in the past few weeks. I got in touch with a fellow TamaTalk member, graficks, and he was able to hook me up with the Shimashimatchi and Makiko figurines for a bargain! I now have all of the wave 2 TMGO figurines thanks to him. :)


That’s all for now. I’ll try not to let there be a huge gap between posts the next time. Until then!

EDIT: Forgot to post the picture of the figurines. :p

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