OldSchoolTama's Virtual Pet Log


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Aug 9, 2007
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Hello and welcome to my first virtual pet log! I’ve been meaning to start this up for ages and decided that now is a good time as any since I’m on winter vacation at the moment. I do plan on running more virtual pets as I move along in my log. I’m especially eager to start up my two TMGOs, which I’ve had sealed for a few months now. :p That being said, here’s a fairly recent picture of my virtual pet family:


I plan on updating the picture in the near future, because it doesn’t include the second Music Star, another P1, the UraTama, King of Games Home Deka Tamagotchi, and the new TMGO figurines that I’ve received since taking this picture. I’ve also got a few other items on the way but more about those later. Here’s a little bit of info about the Tamagotchis I happen to be running:

I’ve been running my blue TMGC+C since I first got it in July 2010. It’s currently on the 27th generation. The character is a 12-year-old Otokitchi and she’s sleeping at the moment. When she wakes up, I’m going to take her to the matchmaker.

I re-hatched my Music Star, which recently ran away on me. This is particularly frustrating, as I had accumulated a lot of money on it. It’s not my favorite version but I do like the fact that it revolves around music (I myself have been playing the violin for 10 years and counting). The character is a boy whom I have not named yet. I’m going to wait until the morning so that I can start afresh along with the new baby I will get on my TMGC+C after my Otokitchi visits the matchmaker.

I can’t log about my King of Games Deka, of course, but I just thought I’d mention anyway that I’m running it, especially since I recently purchased my first UraTama and so I will be connecting the two, should I decide to run my UraTama. I’m really fond of the UraTama design I have, mostly because it’s blue. I do go out of my way to collect as many virtual pets with blue in the shell design as I can, as it is my favorite color. :)


Anyway, this is just going to be my humble little corner of TamaTalk where I can log about my virtual pets but if anyone out there sees something in my pictures that they’d like me to log, please feel free to make a request and I will do my best, schedule permitting (I do expect to get busy as my winter vacation comes to an end so please bear with me). Also, I’ve had a Blogagotchi for a few years now and am interested in keeping that up-to-date as much as possible (see my signature). It’s probably going to be a lot like what I put in my log on here, except less stats-oriented and maybe you’ll get a chance to learn more about me along the way. My Blogagotchi entries will always have something to do with virtual pets though…I’m hoping it won’t turn into a personal journal (that’s what my Blogspot log is for). Advice, questions, constructive criticism, and any other comments are most welcome. Please do so by sending me a PM or leaving me a profile comment, as entries in logs made by members other than the log author aren’t allowed (see specific log guidelines HERE). Thanks for reading!

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I apologize for the update delay but I actually didn’t start up new generations on my TMGC+C and Music Star until today. Yesterday was just way too hectic and I felt that I could better give my Tamagotchis undivided attention today. In the middle of the jam-packed day though, I did manage to get some much needed R&R at the beach. My Tamagotchis enjoyed their time out there as well. :)


Did I mention how much I love blue? :D Without much further ado, here’s a little update!


I took Otokitchi to the matchmaker today and immediately upon arrival, she met up with Ojitchi. It was love at first sight.


They had a baby boy. I know the TMGC+C doesn’t have a naming option but I tend to give the ones without that feature names anyway. I decided to call him Hiro. I fed him (I normally just do 3 of the Omurice, which fills in 2 hungry bowls each, to fill up everything) and got as many of the happy signs as possible, considering the weather (it's raining outside).


Hiro got sick about 15 minutes later so I gave him some medicine. In the meantime, I was running around doing other things but I managed to catch him doing the pee-pee wiggle dance once. I love the animations. It’s too bad the potty-training option wasn’t introduced until the Tama-Go.


Hiro settled down for a nap around 20 minutes later. About 10 minutes after he woke up from his nap, he got sick again, poor thing. Hiro evolved into a Oyajitchi. Whenever you mate two Oldies on the TMGC+C, their boy will evolve into Oyajitchi or their girl will evolve into a Gorippatchi, completely bypassing the toddler and teen stages. I had forgotten that this happens so it was a pleasant surprise to see Oyajitchi looking back at me after the evolution. Hiro is moving around the screen enjoying life at the moment.


It seems I have reached my limit for picture uploads. :p I'll be back later for my Music Star update!

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January 18, 2011 (continued)

Music Star

I finally named my baby boy, thus starting him up. So after I fed Nathan, I went to the status meter icon and just looked through everything. As I mentioned in my introductory post, my Music Star had previously run away from me (that’s what I get for having the sound off and being caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life :p ). What I saw was expected but it made me very sad anyway. Even all my special items previously housed under the chest icon were gone, including the very expensive café, toy shop, and music shop I purchased. Oh well, c’est la vie! Just have to work toward them again.


I played around with the instruments a bit because I noticed that the drums weren’t his favorite instrument. He got excited when I selected the turntable. I started him practicing right away. About 10 minutes later, he got sick and so I gave him medicine. I was lucky to catch Nathan doing the pee-pee wiggle dance afterward as well.


About half an hour after hatching, he took a short nap and evolved into a Kutchitamatchi about 40 minutes in. The pre-school teacher has already visited him and gave him a pirate ship. I took him to school once so far, where Nathan jump-roped with Hoshitchi. Right now he is practicing on his own about every 15 minutes, and I’ve been giving him praise for doing so, that good boy!


Here are some of his stats at the moment:

Nathan [Kutchitamatchi] 1G

0 years old

15 lbs

Stress: 00

Tone: 36

Rhythm: 46

Original: 42

Genre: Hip-Hop

Instrument: Turntable

GP: 3000

That’s all for now! More updates to come. I’ll try to include pictures as much as I can and I hope I get better at taking pictures along the way. Anyone have tips for lighting so that the camera doesn't reflect as much on the Tamagotchi screen? I guess I'm kind of a n00b when it comes to that. XD

January 19, 2011

Small update for now. I just got back from volunteering at the hospital and I normally don’t like to pause any of my Tamagotchis so I left them alone for a few hours.


There isn’t much I can do with Hiro at the moment, since he’s already an adult. The only things left to do are care for him and wait until the matchmaker option is available. I’m not able to get any of the other happy signs at the moment, due to the weather (at least it’s not pouring rain this time, but the sky is gray and cloudy). I am trying to see what each day without a bath looks like. Silly, I know, but I’ve always wanted to try that out. :D I will eventually clean him up. He's brown at the moment.


Music Star

Nathan was just fine after I got back, despite having been left alone for a few hours. The door icon lit up after a while and the Gotchi King came by to deliver 2000 GP. Hooray! Still a long shot from the +100 million I used to have but we’re getting somewhere!

About an hour later, Nathan evolved into Kikitchi, much to my delight. The band manager came by just now, which means that I can now use the ‘Away’ option under the door icon and start the band practicing. I decided to call the band ‘Gleeks.’ Yes, named after the TV series and yes, I adore that show. :D You know, I don’t know what it is about that game (when a Tamagotchi practices with their band as teens) but I still haven’t quite gotten the hang of it yet. I must be doing something wrong because I’ve only heard the ‘happy’ tune (after successfully playing it) once out of all the times I’ve played that game. Tips, anyone? :p


Nathan [Kikitchi] 1G

1 year old

20 lbs

Stress: 07

Tone: 48

Rhythm: 92

Original: 72

Genre: Hip-Hop

Instrument: Turntable

GP: 5000

I’m toying with the idea of tabbing my Music Star up after this generation. I love the games and the whole concept behind the Music Star but I’m thinking that it might be about time I try something else out. I have been running my Music Star since August and I’ve got many others to choose from.

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll be back later for more updates. Thanks for reading!

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Special shout-outs go to phnx0313, Violetchilluvr3, and mimitchi ^o^ for tuning in. Your kind words and feedback go a long way and I just wanted to let you guys know that I appreciate it very much! :) Without much further ado, onto the log!

January 20, 2011


As expected, Hiro woke up as dirty as ever, sporting a grayish tinge to his skin. He looks ghastly, doesn’t he? :p


I decided to take him to the matchmaker today. She presented him with a couple of potential mates before I realized that in his excitement to get to the matchmaker, he forgot to take a bath and make himself presentable to the ladies! Finally, the matchmaker presented Hiro with Marotchi and they decided to get married. Aren’t they a cute couple?



They had a baby girl. I’ve always liked the name ‘Midori,’ which means ‘green,’ so I decided to call her Midori. The following is a list of times and the events that occurred, just so that I have it written somewhere (I never seriously logged my Tamagotchis so I never really kept track of all this stuff, even though I always have a rough idea of when things occur). Hatched at 1:46. Got sick at 1:56. Went to sleep at around 2:16 for 5 minutes. Got sick again at 2:31. Evolved at 2:46. Since it’s the odd generation (29th), Midori evolved into a Sakuramotchi (and received 100 GP). I’m going to go for Memetchi, since I haven’t gotten her in a while.


Music Star

Not much is going on for Nathan today other than the fact that the Gotchi King brought by the usual 2000 GP and a pear for him to eat. I went to the shop to get some food since Nathan is a teen now and no longer takes just baby food. I tend to buy the least expensive items and if I get lucky, I occasionally find my character’s favorite food. From what I’ve read, the favorite foods tend to be a bit random but I’ve kept a list of the ones I’ve discovered so far, just for my personal reference. I'm not much for experimenting usually, and I just find most of these by accident.

Gozarutchi: Hot Dog

Kikitchi: Bananas

Mimitchi: Fries

Onputchi: Sundae

Tarakotchi: Fries

I successfully played the teen band game, much to my pleasant surprise. Guess I just needed to pay attention more. :p Thanks also to mimitchi ^o^ for sharing some tips in response to my question posed in my last log entry! The game appears to only affect his Original skill points. After this, I decided to play some more games with Nathan so that I could start bringing up his skill points.

Nathan [Kikitchi] 1G

2 years old

20 lbs

Stress: 06

Tone: 210

Rhythm: 218

Original: 205

Genre: Hip-Hop

Instrument: Turntable

GP: 3080

Hmmm, the pictures are still a bit grainy. No matter, I'll keep experimenting. I promise to get better at this, folks! That’s it for now. More updates to come!

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January 20, 2011 (continued)


Midori is living a very quiet life at the moment. One of the things that I love most about the TMGC+C is that there is a very clear-cut way of getting each character via care misses (which is defined as the attention icon, when lit up, going out 15 minutes after the initial calling without tending to your Tamagotchi’s needs). It can be as low-maintenance as you want. Since I’m trying for Memetchi (a good/perfect care adult) this generation, the only thing I need to do is get 3 or fewer care misses when she is a toddler (to get a good teen) and no care misses when she is a teen.

There is never a dull moment with the TMGC+C though. I took Midori to the temple because I haven’t been there in a while. This is done by purchasing a white transit pass from the TamaTamaMarket and selecting the first option from the third screen under the door icon. She entered the temple, was greeted by the shrine maiden, prayed, and received her fortune. It was good!



I love the Buddha statue in the background. :)

Shortly after coming back from the temple, Midori went to sleep at 8 pm.

Music Star

It’s amazing (not necessarily in a good way, in my opinion) how fast the new Connection Tamagotchis evolve. Not long after I returned from dinner, Nathan evolved into an adult at a ripe old age of 2 years. :p I heard the evolution music and looked in time to see him morph into Mametchi. Big surprise, since I don't feel like I particularly tried, but I was happy to see him nonetheless. :)


I figured I’d go to the door icon and pick the away option just to see if I could pass the judges with the amount of skill points and practice I gave him thus far. Thwarted! It’s always that last judge on the left. Never one to be deterred, Nathan and his band went on to give a concert, though there was only one fan at the time. The Gleeks reconvened straightaway and practiced together for the first time as an adult band to prepare for the next judge visit.


Practicing paid off because they passed the second time around! The judges came to see the band's progress shortly after the first concert.


The Gleeks received their first paycheck of 10,000 GP. Nathan hit the sack about an hour later.

Nathan [Mametchi] 1G

2 years old

30 lbs

Stress: 11

Tone: 427

Rhythm: 421

Original: 412

Genre: Hip-Hop

Instrument: Turntable

GP: 13,180

Till next time. Thanks so much for reading!

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January 21, 2011


I welcomed new additions to my virtual pet family today. I received a blue Home Deka Tamagotchi and a Tamago-chu set, all in excellent condition and perfect working order. I am very excited to have them. Many thanks to atashi over at Tama Zone for these lovely Tamagotchis! She even sent me one of those awesome Tamagotchi lanyards, which I enjoy collecting as well. :)


Here are the items I received. I also did a little 'line-up picture' for size comparison (with my TMGC+C and Music Star thrown in the middle there).

More updates to come!

January 21, 2011 (continued)

Small update for tonight because I’ve got to hit the sack soon (early day tomorrow). Besides, there wasn’t much going on for me today in the Tamagotchi world, other than receiving a few items in the mail (see my previous post :) ).


My plan to get Memetchi is working fine so far, and I hardly even have to watch her. Midori evolved into Chamametchi in the late afternoon and now all I have to do is not have any care misses to get the good adult. This is actually more difficult than it sounds, especially when you’ve got a hectic schedule and can't watch it for long stretches of time. Sweet Midori is sleeping at the moment, with the snow falling peacefully outside her window. I love the Japanese traditional style of the home remodeling for the bedroom.


Music Star

Nathan and the Gleeks are ranked 8th at the moment. Guitaritchi came by this morning to deliver 500,000 GP. I think I’m slowly weaning myself off of the Music Star because I barely played with it today (other than to make sure that he didn’t go hungry or remain unhappy). I think I’m going to get the Gleeks to 1st, marry Nathan off, and then tab up my Music Star. What I run next will depend a lot on how busy I get.

Nathan [Mametchi] 1G

3 years old

35 lbs

Stress: 74 (ooo, quite high!)

Tone: 553

Rhythm: 643

Original: 472

Genre: Hip-Hop

Instrument: Turntable

GP: 513,180

Random blurb: I finally got around to watching Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and I must say that I highly enjoyed that movie. It’s definitely one of my new favorites.

Well, as Porky Pig would say, “that’s all, folks!” Until next time!

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January 23, 2011

Not much has happened with the two I’m running at the moment. Yesterday was really uneventful and though I did bring my Tamagotchis with me everywhere, I was out of town with friends for most of the weekend so I just mostly made sure that my Tamagotchis were fed and happy. I did play a lot of the games with my Music Star to bring up the skill points. Now onto the updates!


Midori evolved from Chamametchi into Memetchi today, as planned. I don’t know what it is about this character but I’m not a huge fan of her. I think it’s the eyes that kind of creep me out. :p I don’t know whether I’m the only one who thinks this way. She looks cuter with her eyes closed anyway. In a couple of days, I will be able to take her to the matchmaker.


Music Star

All quiet on the Nathan front. I think today was the first time I’ve changed the unit’s battery since I first got it, which means that the batteries I have last a good 5 months. Not bad. I think the battery animations are really cute!


The only thing that slightly confused me today was that I noticed Nathan had this sad look on his face while he was practicing his instrument. I found that odd because the turntable is supposedly his favorite instrument. I went through the entire instrument selection to make sure this was the case (he made his usual happy face when I selected the turntable, so all good on that end). Wonder why he doesn’t look too pleased when he was practicing, then.


Maybe it has something to do with the stress level (it was pretty high during the time…40-50s range, if I remember correctly) or how I’m caring for him at the moment? I’m looking at him practicing right now actually, and he looks fine. If anyone could shed some light on this matter, I’d appreciate it!

I’m close to tabbing up my Music Star. All I need to do is get the band up to 1st ranking like I said I’d do before tabbing it up. I might find him a mate as well. I’m typically busy in the evening and often miss out on concert calls, which is why I’m thinking it's about time to move on to something else soon. Anyway, the Gleeks did attend a couple of concerts today and boosted their stats. They are currently ranked 6th.

Nathan [Mametchi] 1G

5 years old

64 lbs

Stress: 00

Tone: 999

Rhythm: 999

Original: 999

Genre: Hip-Hop

Instrument: Turntable

GP: 1,209,040

That's all for now. Until next time!

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February 6, 2011

I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates lately. Activities of daily living are keeping me the busiest I’ve ever been but a lot has been happening in the Tamagotchi realm for me as well so I thought I would pop in and make a quick update. If I don’t do this now, I feel like I’m never going to get around to doing it and I am positively bursting with things to say. :D I have good news and bad news.

First, out with the not-so-good. My Music Star, Nathan, ran out of battery a little while back and I don’t have a replacement battery at the moment. To be honest, this is alright with me because I’ve slowly been weaning myself off of the Music Star. It was getting to be a little too high-maintenance because as you all know, I usually don’t like to pause my Tamagotchis and I like to do my best to attend concerts, practice with the band, get the skill points up, etc. While I’ve been acclimating myself to my new schedule, I found that it wasn’t possible for me to keep up with all this, especially since I tend to have a one-track mind while in class and while I'm doing work (rightfully so--I have little room, if any at all, for making mistakes in my field of study) and end up missing the times anyway. This being said, my Music Star will most likely be inactive for the time being. It’s time to consider something different anyway.

Speaking of being highly engrossed in class and my tendency to not pause, I was so focused that I forgot to check on my poor TMGC+C all day on Friday. Normally, I was pretty good at it and it’s low-maintenance enough for me to just check up on it quickly, clean up after it, and feed it without any lasting negative effects (even after hours of neglect) after it has evolved into an adult. Sadly, things didn’t work out this time. Midori, my sweet 13-year-old Otokitchi, departed on Friday. This was particularly devastating because I was on the 29th generation and I had been raising my TMGC+C non-stop ever since I first got it back in July 2010. Here are a couple of pictures. The first is what I currently see on my TMGC+C, in case any of you ever wondered what the goodbye scene looks like (though I would never wish this on myself or anyone). It's a sad-looking ghost hovering in front of what appears to be an altar. When I press the A button, this second screen with the stats pops up.


I do plan on starting it up again soon because I really enjoy the TMGC+C. It’s a bummer that I’m going to have to earn all the money again, purchase all the items, and things like this, but I like the idea of starting fresh and revisiting all the old memories I’ve had with this one. It'll make for some nice logging as well.

Now onto some good news. I recently scored a few items on Ebay that I’m excited to receive.

First is a Tamagotchi lot I managed to get for $15.50 plus a few more dollars for shipping. Everything is in great working condition, though the Akai Keitai seems to have some minor cosmetic issues. I'm especially pleased to have a second UraTama. I'm not too crazy about the pink in the shell design (I try to avoid this color as much as possible when selecting Tamagotchis to purchase) but there's mostly blue in there, so it's all good!


The second is a vintage Tamagotchi case that I purchased for a mere $8 (I can’t believe these guys normally go for $30 on Ebay!). Thank you again to DragonSparke for pointing this one out! I've really been looking forward to getting one of these at a reasonable price.


That’s all for now. I’ll be checking in from time to time with more updates. I'm hoping to get an updated picture of my collection up soon, since I have acquired quite a few new items since my last picture, which was taken in October. As always, thanks so much for reading! :)

I'm in the process of updating at the moment. Just wanted to pop in real quick and share that in addition to all the Ebay items I've purchased recently, I bought a couple more things from atashi over at Tama Zone because she still had some Tamagotchis for sale after that first round of sales. I received those items from atashi today, as well as my vintage case. I will post pictures when everything else arrives. It was a nice day today. Volunteered as usual at the hospital, completed my pharmacology assignment, and hatched my TMGC+C again. I'll be back shortly!

I'm taking a break from my reading for a bit to talk about Tamagotchis. :D This update is going to be a little shorter than I thought because something strange (at least to me) happened with my TMGC+C.

So I hatched it for the first time after my very long run, which lasted about 7 months and spanned 29 generations. Haven’t seen this little egg in so long.


The egg hatched, revealing a baby girl! I named her Sayuri. As usual, she beeped for attention and so I fed her, and got as many happy items as I could, considering the weather (it's snowing).


Here’s where it gets kind of odd. She didn’t empty hunger bowls at all after that first feeding, nor did she poo. I thought that maybe she wasn’t getting hungry because she wasn’t going to the bathroom and she wasn’t going to the bathroom because I wasn’t feeding her as many snacks as usual (I got the snack happy items fairly quickly so overfeeding was unnecessary). So I loaded her up with snacks. Still no poop on the screen. I tried feeding her food but she wouldn’t take it at any time in her hour of being a baby, meaning that her hunger bowls weren’t emptying.

After the hour, she evolved into a Sakuramotchi and went straight to sleep.


Rather uneventful, save for the not eating nor pooing part. :p This is why there's not really much to my update. I wonder what happened. She got sick and evolved at the typical time! It’s been a while but I’m trying to think back and remember if the first generation was this low-maintenance. Has anyone else experienced this, by any chance?

Anyway, that’s all for now. I’m toying with the idea of starting up another Tamagotchi. Maybe I shouldn’t, considering how much schoolwork I’m going to be doing. I’m going to be starting up my Osu/Mesu pair for the Valentine’s Day hatch anyway, so stay tuned for that! I’ll be updating as best as I can. Thanks again for reading!

February 9-10, 2011

Special shout-out to Pantheratchi! I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your comments so much and that I am honored that you have had the chance to check out my log. Many thanks! :)

I’m going to try and play catch-up here and there’s quite a bit to tell, so please bear with me! :) Just wanted to share pictures of my most recent purchases and give an update on my TMGC+C, among a few other things.

I don’t know how it turned out this way, but I’m glad that it did. Everything came at around the same time (between Wednesday and Thursday), despite ordering everything at different times. First to arrive were the vintage Tamagotchi case from Ebay and the two Tamagotchis (a blue CYOI EnTama with instructions and the Kaien Chibi) I purchased from atashi over at Tama Zone. The case is in fantastic condition. The two from atashi are in pristine condition, as usual. I scored a great deal for these ones. She also sent along a couple of bonus items and I love them so much (cute stickers, another Tamagotchi lanyard, and an adorable Violetchi “backpack” that holds one Connection Tamagotchi snugly). Here's a picture of that lot and then featuring the two Tamagotchis.


Last to arrive was my lot of Tamagotchis from Ebay. They generally look great; some of them might need a little surface cleaning but I am happy about the way they look overall. I tested them all out and they work wonderfully. As the seller mentioned, the Akai Keitai’s screen is a little hard to see and when I was fiddling around with it, I found that the buttons were a tad unresponsive, much like the ones on the Music Stars. There is also a small vertical line of pixels missing. The seller did mention that he purchased these at various garage sales so maybe I’ll open them up and do a bit of cleaning and tinkering around if need be. One other thing that captured my attention when testing everything out is that the UraTama has a very noticeable "heartbeat"! This is actually the first time I’ve heard one for myself, as I didn’t start collecting any of the connection ones until recently. Here's a picture of the second lot and then everything altogether.


Ahh, I’m so pleased. Nice haul once again. EnTamas can connect with UraTamas but can only marry with self so I am especially happy that I now have pairs of EnTama and UraTama out of all this. :) Onward!

TMGC+C (February 10, 2011)

Well, when I looked at Sayuri’s screen in the morning, there it was, a pile of poo waiting for me. After cleaning it up, I tried feeding her something and it worked! I guess that maybe what happened before was just a one-time thing, exclusive to the baby stage in the first generation? I'll look out for it if I ever start back at the first generation again. Anyway, I was glad that she was going to the bathroom and eating again.


I took Sayuri outside in the morning to play in the snow and a lovely sight greeted us. We could see the snowy Gotchi King castle (I’m assuming) in the distance!


Nothing much else happened for the rest of the day. I’m not aiming for any particular character at the moment, and all of them are pretty cute anyway, so I’d be happy with any adult character.

I don’t think I’ve mentioned it at all yet, but I have been “running” my Pikachu pedometer since May 2010 (I have a bit of a background story to this guy and I'll be sure to tell it the next chance I get). It's a simple little pet and I like it because his mood and attitude toward his caretaker changes based on how many steps are taken. I hadn’t been attaching him to my jeans lately and accumulating steps, so when I finally picked him up again, he was hiding away from me in his little Pokeball (we’re "Strangers" =/). After racking up some steps, he finally came out but he had his back to me. Current attitude toward me: apparently, I’m a "Meanie." XD He'll come around.


I’m going to end it here since the post is getting to be a bit long. Be back later with the rest of the update and stay tuned! I did hatch my Osu/Mesu pair yesterday (the 12th) for the Valentine’s Day hatch (which I'm also doing over at Tama Zone; it started a bit earlier than the one happening over here); I just haven’t had the chance to write up an update yet. Till then!

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February 11, 2011


Not much happened this day. I attribute it to the fact that I had an exam in Health Assessment so I was preoccupied on the 10th and most of the 11th (on Fridays, I have lecture from 8 am, and I commute from about 40 minutes away, until 6:30 pm…it is an accelerated second Bachelor's degree program after all @_@). I did make sure to feed Sayuri and keep her happiness meter up. I think sometime during the night on either the 11th or on the morning of the 12th, she evolved into a Chamametchi. Didn't catch a picture of her until the next day. Pretty short update for the 11th.

February 12, 2011


Oh boy. I've gotta be honest. I didn't watch Sayuri much on the 12th. I was under the impression that I had no care misses though because I made sure to check her every so often, feed her, keep her happy, and clean up after her. That's pretty much it for my +C.


Osutchi and Mesutchi


Well! It's been a while since I hatched these two but I thought it would be appropriate to use these in the Valentine's Day hatch. They're nice and vintage too, so that's a bonus for me. I got lucky with these and bought the pair for a bit more than $15 back in 2007, before prices started shooting up like crazy. They're in fantastic condition and have not caused me any problems since. Anyway, onto the hatch!

I placed new batteries into my Osu/Mesu pair and started them up. As with pretty much all vintage Tamagotchis, it took 5 minutes for the eggs to hatch.


As you can probably tell by the color scheme of the backgrounds, the smoky-colored egg is the male (Osutchi) and the clear-colored egg is the female (Mesutchi), even though when they both hatch, they look the same in the baby and toddler stages. Just in case there are any readers out there who don't know what these guys are all about, Osu/Mesu are the first mate-able Tamagotchis. Instead of using infrared though, they physically link up at the top (the little caps come off and they connect up there). They only go as high as 3 generations. I love how dynamic these guys are for their time. More about that later.

So I fed them, played games with them to keep their weight down (if it goes up to 99, the character turns into a very chubby character…I don't feel inclined to demonstrate at the moment
), and since I hatched them late in the evening, they went to bed soon after they evolved into MohiTamatchi, the toddler character. Pictures of the actual character to come in the next entry. This is a picture of the male playing the game. I have not picked out names for my Osu/Mesu yet.


Here he is, playing the game.

Pikachu is still angry with me.

More to come later!

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Still trying to catch up. I better update while I can. I feel like I’m going to get very busy soon and I've got a gnarly 15-chapter exam to study for, so I'll try and make this short. Here we go!

February 13, 2011


This morning, Sayuri evolved into a Marotchi.


I was a tad bit surprised because, as I mentioned in my previous post, I was under the impression that I had no care misses but I guess I was wrong. I like her, she’s cute. :) I wish I had taken better care of her though. I’ll be taking her to the matchmaker soon. It was a quiet day for Sayuri.


Planting a tree in the garden. It's still snowing outside in Japan (one of the awesome things I love about the +C is that it reflects current weather patterns in Japan). I expect the weather will clear up next month.

Osutchi and Mesutchi

I decided to name the boy Mickey and the girl Minnie. XD As promised, here's a picture of the character, MohiTamatchi.


Anyway, nothing much happened with the two today except that they called for discipline. One of the interesting things about the Osu/Mesu is that they call quite often for discipline, often exceeding the max (though no more than 12 tick marks are “recorded” in the meter). It’s only been one day and the meter was already three-quarters of the way full. It would have been completely full had I not missed a call in the early evening. Pretty uneventful day, as it included the regular feeding, occasional game-playing, and cleaning.


They look so sad after I discipline them!

February 14th and 15th, 2011

I kept my TMGC+C running, since Sayuri had already evolved into an adult, but I had to pause my Osu/Mesu on these days. There just wasn’t enough time. Besides Fridays, Mondays and Tuesdays are my among my busiest days and I had skills testing to worry about, so there was no way I could keep an eye on Mickey and Minnie. I even had to postpone my Valentine's Day plans in order to prepare myself for testing. It was worth it though, I passed with flying colors. :) I un-paused them today, the 16th, and will resume logging them tomorrow. I will also take Sayuri to the matchmaker tomorrow. Until then and thanks for reading!

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Might have to split this update a few times because I’ve got a lot of pictures coming and each post only accommodates 10 pictures. :p Here we go!

February 17, 2011


Sayuri visited the matchmaker today, hoping to find love. When she got there, the Matchmaker presented her with Kuchipatchi. Sayuri agreed to the match, they got married, and had a baby boy! I named him Takeshi. Sorry about the color/lighting on a couple of the pictures--I was experimenting with Auto-Correct. :D



I was happy to find that my TMGC+C drops hunger bowls and poos as normal. Maybe it really was just a “baby phase in the first generation” thing but again, I’d have to look for it if I ever go back to the first generation.


Takeshi evolved into the even-generation male toddler character, Ahirukutchi.


Be back later with the February 17th updates on my other pets!

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February 17, 2011 (continued)

Osutchi and Mesutchi

Nothing much going on for Mickey and Minnie. They were still in the toddler stage on this day. Since I had been feeding them snacks instead of playing the games to keep their happiness hearts full (no time), I had nearly reached the “chubby” weight of 99 for both, so I decided to play around a bit and take a few pictures along the way. DISCLAIMER: No Tamagotchis were harmed in this experiment. I turned them back to normal by playing games with them until their weight hit at least 89. :p


In the process of morphing into Debutchi, the overweight character that takes up the entire screen.



Morphing back to normal.

Later that day, Minnie evolved into Hawaikotchi, a few hours before Mickey evolved. I forgot to mention that when I paused my Osu/Mesu pair a few days ago, I must have bumped them around in the little bag in which I was carrying them because somehow, the time was resumed again for Minnie, putting her ahead by a few hours until the next time I checked up on these two. Anyway, after Minnie evolved, I put her on pause and waited for Mickey to catch up. He evolved into Obotchi. They look so cute together. :)


Pikachu is no longer as mad at me. I continued to accumulate steps, play the game with him, and gifted him a whole lot of watts (for every 20 steps walked, 1 watt is earned). He finally turned a bit and now I can see the side of his face. It’s an improvement! We are now “playmates.”


That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates...

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February 18, 2011


Nothing too exciting happened with Takeshi on the 18th, except that he evolved into Kikitchi. Nothing against Young Mametchi (the “good care” teen), but Kikitchi is so adorable. I don’t really know why he would be considered the “bad care” teen but someone’s gotta be, I suppose. The weather is clearing up a bit. It hasn’t been snowing for the past few days but it’s either been raining or very cloudy, so no happy items (other than the usual three that are not weather-dependent: involving the tea, popsicle stick and hapihapi), which is fine. Sometimes a little delayed gratification is good. It’s going to be nice seeing the blue sky again soon. Again, I love this little feature on the +C, how the weather on the Tamagotchi itself matches current weather conditions in Japan. I love the attention to detail with the different shades of gray that color the sky. :)


Osutchi and Mesutchi

I paused these two on the 18th. One word of explanation: Friday (if you're still curious about what I'm talking about, feel free to check out my other Friday updates, especially the one involving Midori ♥). :p Also, I had a huge exam this day (ended up getting an A on it :D ) so my mind was elsewhere. Had to prioritize!

That’s all for now. I may be back later for today’s (February 19th) update but if not, just know that I will be at least taking pictures along the way and will come back to log as soon as I can. In other related news, I’m thinking about getting an iD in the near future (gosh, I have spent so much on Tamagotchis in the past couple of months XD). As always, thanks so much for reading!

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February 23, 2011

Finally get a chance to update. I’ve been pressed for time so much lately, including now, so I’m going to do my best to just hit the highlights and let the pictures do most of the talking (don’t be surprised if I do end up writing a lot though, it’s in my nature XD). I haven’t forgotten about my little ones, always making sure to check up on them and take pictures along the way. :)

First things first, a big shout-out to Pink Hippopotumas for checking in. I am always open to feedback and I’m glad you took me up on that. Thanks again!

I received a request to start up my Angelgotchi, which I will most likely accept. Angels are pretty low-maintenance so I think I’ll be able to squeeze it into my schedule. I haven’t run one in a while anyway. I’m going to start it up once I finish my Osu/Mesu run because low-maintenance or not, I don’t think I can handle more than 2 or 3 Tamagotchis with my schedule. On with the updates!


Just when I think the +C can’t surprise me with something new, it does. :) So when Kikitchi was still around, I planted a tree. Rather than using the nyokinyoki (the instant tree-growing elixir), I left it so that every morning for the next few days or so, I would go outside of the house and the tree would grow a bit each day. Well, I went outside with Takeshi on one of the days, and it was snowing again (so much for the weather getting better :p ). On this particular day, the last day, when the tree was to blossom to its full height and produce “fruit” of some sort, it did this (most likely due to the weather) and Takeshi looked most displeased. It just kind of sprouted to its full height and then twisted upon itself. Weird-looking, eh?


Since my last update, Takeshi evolved into this sleepy-looking guy, Nemutchi. Kind of expected since I’ve been taking horrible care of him (sorry, Takeshi!).


After a couple of days, he visited the Matchmaker, married Furawatchi, and they had a baby girl. I named her Mai. She evolved into the odd-generation female toddler, Sakuramotchi. On the way to the Matchmaker, I noticed that the sky outside was red-orange with some light clouds, which made me wonder if the weather is clearing up again. After Mai was born, I took her outside to have a look and the sky was indeed clear. The deformed tree that was still there gave me the creeps a bit so I planted a new one. :D


I finally got Pikachu to face me by keeping him attached to my person while I was volunteering at the hospital today (in addition to all the steps I made in the past few days), where I do a lot of walking, and gifting him a lot of watts.


Be back in a bit for my Osu/Mesu update!

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February 23, 2011 (continued)

Osutchi and Mesutchi

Well, I’ve had these two paused on and off over the last few days but they finally evolved into adults, Minnie before Mickey again, to my surprise. I thought I had caught them up to each other, but apparently not. So I did the usual: pause Minnie until Mickey caught up. They may not be exactly in line because I tried pressing the mate button on both today. Minnie was all ready to go (you can see her moving around in the second picture doing the “mating dance”) while Mickey just stood there shaking his head and kicking up dust shyly. Go figure. :p Anyway, I’ve adjusted their time so that they can spend more time awake. I’d like to get them married pretty soon and finish up my part in the Valentine’s hatch.


I caught a picture of them sleeping in their "Debutchi" states once. They were drooling. :p


In other news, I won a brand new Angelgotchi hard case recently for about $16. I’m very excited to receive it. Pictures of it will be up once I get it (which may not be for a while, I chose SAL shipping since I’m in no hurry to get it and I trust this particular Ebay-er’s packaging skills). The person I’ve been contacting for the iD hasn’t responded but I know that it’s probably because she’s been busy. I’ll probably drop her a line tomorrow.

It’s back to studying for me! Gotta be ready for my pharmacology and medication administration exams this week. @_@ As always, thanks for reading! I may be back later for short updates if something happens.


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