OMG Characters!
Seems that there are 3 main Tamagotchi races on these new things. There are 6 different babies, 6 teens, and 9 adults (so far). For the other stages, there is no information yet.
Anyway, here are the families:
Mametchi Family:
-Male baby (The main baby we've seen, a Bebitch with Yellow Mimitchi ears)
-Female baby (ShiroBebitchi with Mametchi Ears)
-Not sure bout the 3rd, it looks like a panda thingy in a maid outfit
Memtchi Family:
-Male Baby (a ShiroHeartchi with pink slin, little ears and giant eyes)
-Female Baby (a Bebitchi with a yellow ball on his head)
-Ichigotchi (what the--?!)
-new teen, YoungMemetchi
-Something that looks like its in a weird red and pink outfit
-something that looks like a hamster with no arms and giant blue stripes
Kitchipatchi Family:
-Male Baby - Looks like Kutchitamatchi with a white thing on its heg, and has legs and brown skin
-Female Baby - the white KutchiTamatchi we've seen so far
-New teen, YoungKuchipatchi
-New teen, YoungDorotchi
-a...dinosaur kutchipatchi?!
0a Kutchitamatchi with arms, legs, red skin and weird red blobs on its head