My First V3 Tamagotchi Log!


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Also, im not going to collect suvenirs for cass anymore cos it's waisting my points! And.. Is this a colour?

Well, im tired... im going to bed now... seeya tomorrow. but not too early because i like to sleep till 11.. bye!


And thanks for reading! Read tomorrow's entries to see if the matchmaker comes! Er.. Does that even make sense? Ugh... I can't even tell, that's how tired i am!


omg SO SORRY!!!!!!! imsorryimsorryimsorry!!!!! i was at dance camp and paused my tama for a week and i have sooooooo much to say!! ill put it on separate posts to make it easier!!!

i bought a bow tie. cass is a girl! she cant wear a tie! that's just wrong!! but she does look cute.... and yah.. i have more...

i bought cass a chest and opened it... she...





turned into a baby and got really angry! and...










and i did something else... i forgot... so ill tell you the other thing! :D

i bought cass another chest. this is what happened....

I got an item....

it was...

a cake! :D not great, but at least it's...something!

poor cass.... i paused her just because i couldn't handle her... i've been too busy playing with Bella... my pet dog. Shes fun shes cute and i love her. i'm not saying that Cass isn't... But... Bella is... real! and you can actually play with her... and shes better than a virtual pet! so don't blame me when i don't update this log! :D

wow, cass aged! That's weird cos.. its not like she just woke up! ill post her stats now(on a new post). sorry if i'm making it harder for you by using heaps of posts, but i like things to be organized!


Happy&Hungry: Full

Training: |||||||||(9)

Age: 7yrs

Weight: 31lbs

Name: Cass(DUH!)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1gen.

Points: 930

Username Steph

Sorry if this is boring, but remember what i said before! :p :D :blink:

-Steff :eek:

stupid me, cass is on pause again. grr! sometimes i irk myself to a point where i just want to... oh, nevermind, there's always ... :furawatchi:


well.. not much to report, but please, can everyone stop Pming me so much? I mean, i like getting PMs, but not when they are totally inappropriate! like, i mean, one guy asked me for my msn address so that i could give him my picture! Okay, that is just... CREEPY!


I would NEVER give out my msn to someone i didn't know, let alone give them my picture, so please don't ask me to! Okay, people are sending me lots of PMs asking lots of questions, so i thought that i'd just answer them here.


What's your name? Stephanie


How old are you? If you were smart enough to look at my profile, you'd know!


Where do you live? Australia


What colour is your hair and is it curly or straight?(strange question.. ) Brown and wavy...


Are you fat or skinny? What the...


Some of these are really stupid questions, and some of them are just inappropriate....


Now that i have answered these, please stop asking me! I really don't want PMs asking me about non-log related things, okay?


That is all.



Guess what? This morning the matchmaker came!


Cass got married to a...


Well, i could have been worse...

They got a...

GIRL!!!! ;) i wanted a boy, but it doesn't matter... well i'm going to name her Emi, so.. yeah!

well im gonna go surf the boards now... byebye!


hey everyone.. hrm.. sorry i wasnt on this morning... or afternoon(its 5:30PM now.), but i was on neopets for most of the time. today i bought cass a plant and a shoval. i used the shoval first. I got a.........












Then i used the plant...


i got....






500 GPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p :p :p :p :p


Then i had like 780 and i made some more and bought the shirt; cass looked... cute, but not too cute. :p


-Stef :gozarutchi:

hey peeps, im back. hmm. nothing in the shop that i want or don't have. Cass is leaving tomorrow night... no! Don't go! :D

I'm going to make a memorial for her when it happens.. you are welcome to read it..


-Steph :gozarutchi:
