My First V3 Tamagotchi Log!


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wow those coded costumesare so ugly! the first one makes you look fat and the second one makes you look ugly! :p :blink: :) :( :angry: :p

m'kay im back. Read a really good log! Much better than my own! B)


Well anyzz, let me sum up my "day of Cass"


Glad Cass is a pyonkotchi


She is cute


Her twin/ morphed twin is cute


i like memory but i hate sprint(remends me of bump!)


And... Yeah! I hope i get a boy this time...


Hmm... Names... Ok ill post a post with names that i like for tamas... B)


Stay Cool B) -Steffi

List of names i want for future tamas or names i am considering for tamas!


Boys( B) ): Kosh,moss,mosh,moose,duck,sye,kye,mud,dex,zed,zebra,beep,meep,mop,elf,egg,xac,xah,jax,jinxy,bone,qbert,crash,yui,moto,toko,toki,hiro,ETC.! ETC.!


Girls: Emi,rae,raoki,rixu,rilou,tam,tama,tammy,tamoo,tiau,tiara,yei,ami,annie,stef,stefi,star,saki,saku,dae,giou,kei,ling,lae,xiau,xia,xiou,baby,nami,mae,maou, ETC.! ETC.!


Ok and those are the names! B) i have MANY more, but it way too tired to write them all down!


If i get a buy, its name might be one of those, it might not and if i get a girl it will be emi or another one of those names... probably emi.. B)


Well anyzz... new post for credits.. B) (Not spam, organization!)



Written By: Stephanie L.

Star: Cass the Pyonkotchi------------------------------------


Well, seeyas tomorrow!!! I have a feeling nothing interesting will happen, but you never know! Btw, i think the day after tomorrow, Cass will get the matchmaker B) B) NOOOOOO! Cass, you're too young!




Well... I guess life goes on... Seeyazz...




*Cass Beeps*

wow! my log was on the SECOND page?! whoa, looks like all the people who live in America updated their logs while i was asleep! No fair! Lol :lol:


m'kay. on to ... more important things!


i currently have 1369 gp and the morning i had 1298 but then i accidently bought a burger! :unsure: lol! Its now been confirmed. i am naming Cass's daughter Emi, but if she gets a boy, then im still deciding...


Only God can help me now! oh yeah, happy easter everybody! :D i didnt get much chocolate... except this HUGE chocolate rabit!!!! it was like... the biggest ive ever seen! i ate a quarter and said, "i am never eating chocolate again!" but without a doubt, i will!


Anyzz(sometimes i irritate myself. I hate the word "anyzz" almost as much as i hate the word "thankies" it REALLY irritates me!), Nothing happened today. Cass is five. The matchmaker will probably come tomorrow...


I better decide on a boys name! Aww... it's like having a real child, instead of a virtual pet! Hmm... well i better get back to my list. I'll post if i have any news or if i find the right name. But until then,


Ciao! -Steffi

omg i know it's only like, 31 seconds later, but i've decided! I am going to name the boy Kye! Don't you just love that name? You don't? Well, too bad! It's MY tamagotchi and i'll name it whatever i want! And geez, you didn't have to be so mean about it! :D

Lol, jokes..

Ok, a girl, Emi

A boy, Kye

Wow, three letter names are so hot right now!

hmm... i was GONNA say something but i feel sick and so i forgot it! hmm... why did i post this? oh yeah, to remind me of what i was going to say....

oh yeah! i want to write up a list of characters i have nd havnt had and then ill do cass's stats!

Lol... it'll be... Fun? :D

btw, i dont mean just on v3, on the whole range of connexions i have!

toddlers i have had: Mizutamatchi

Teens i have had:eek:botchi,young mametchi,nikatchi,hinatchi,young mimitchi,hinotamatchi


nothing is happening with cass...except for the fact that she just exploded.

Just kidding! LOL! :)

well really, she's just bouncing around the screen smiling like she knows something.. :D

like my sig?

lol! it tells you what level of intelligence you're at. its different for everyone. :) :unsure: :lol: B)

yay! ok here's the story: i was searching the shop. this is what happened. hmm.. food,food,food,CHEST! So i bought the chest and opened it... inside, was..........

A pair of rollerskates! Not much, but it saved me the GP! :angry:

Ooh i hope cass will age tomorrow because i had her on pause for ages because i was doing dancing stretches,practicing dances, trying on various leotards and singlets, Etc. Etc.

Lol! Well anyway, do you thing Emi is a cute name? And what about Kye? Lol, you guys can PM me, you know!

-Steffi :lol:

*sigh* I'm feeling... really irritated at the moment because i have to wash my hair(this takes 2 hours), when i'm trying to... oh, never mind! Cass is now sleeping.


Well, I'm off to have a 2 hour shower, but i'll be back. Maybe. I donno, my mum will probably unplug the local area cord again and confiscate my laptop again :lol:


And one more thing, NOT HAPPY JAN!



sorry if im being too sarcastic and negative for you, but you don't have to read this...



oh and btw, my story is about Cass so i think it is okay to put it in here, seing as this is about cass and so is my story! :D

ok, guys im really sorry if im being a berk but i get rather moody around this time because im tired and cant comprehend things properly, so excuse my rudeness! :D
