"You promise?" his voice was shakey, rough, it moved in and out of a whisper. He had just brushed the edge of a breakdown, and it was hard to tell what would push him right off the edge.
He was sniffling, his hands little claws. "O-okay."
Vinn finally approached them, curious, almost monevolent glint in his eye. "so you two do know each other!" he said, sounding a little pleased with himself.
Vinn frowned, his brow furrowed. "Its not like im going to hurt him, I just want to know why, Catalin, you think changing your name made any difference when you ran into me."
"Its a long story..." he mumbled. "And I doubt aither of us would care to tell it. However, I would like to hear your story, Catalin. Is that correct?"
Catalin looked about ready to cry again. "Family died, and I went and ended up travelling with my dad." he said quietly. "Lost, I ran into them and Willards sister, Terra, and we became friends.... Daddy died. Then something happened and I almost died and was taken awayand I dont remeber a lot, but I ran away and into your trap... and oyu kept me. " He whispered.
Avi said to Alli, "After this whole war thing is over, we can move into a pretty house, and I'll cook for you every day! And we can do all the things we've wanted to do! And it'll be great!"
"I suppose. Theres nothing of intrest in him... That I know of, anyways." He smiled at Catalin, but the kid didnt seem to buy it. "Your a nice enough kid, anyways."
Avi threw her arms around him, then fell to the ground. She giggled childishly. "I win."
Jade said, "Well... lot's of things. I can tear holes in space and time, erase memories, time travel, and sometimes I change history. Not to mention, I can use corpses like puppets, and I'm a master of illusion. Of course, it wouldn't affect you, since you can't see. Or, well, not the visual illusions."
Catalin whispered, "can I go lay down now..." But he wasnt inclinded to lay down in his own cage. He didnt quite know what to do with Axie just being there, but he didnt think she would hurt him or get mad at him or anything, so he wanted to go lay down next to her.
He was just so happy (If happy is the right word) to be with people he knew again.
Croy laughed a bit. "Oh, your nothing special." He teased. "From where I come from, everyone is a freak. Im one of the least freakish."
f he had a power she didnt know about, he wasnt about to talk about it. "Just know I dont judge you based on that"