Moonlight War


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Vinn looked at him curiously, then turned and buised himself with the mess on his desk. "Nothing excrusiatingly painful for you. Most of the time youll be out anyways. Ill have you know that Rose and the sisters came here like that- I didnt make them that way."

Axie and Ruby had dipped into silence as both had nodded off.

"Ill get her back." He whispered to her, setting a hand on his shoulder with some effort concerning their height difference. "I promise. Do you trust me?"

vinn huffed and picked him up (Again, for such a stout little man he seemed strong beyond his size) and set Willard down next to his wife, int eh blanket. "Im not giving you a knife, because God knows what youll do with it." He said, sternly.

Catalin was by the open door of his cage, looking out to Willard, who was in obviouse distress. He didnt know what to do- Clueless was a word that fit his current set of mind.

vinn raised his lip into a snarl. "No you dont, Willard, dont be a fool! your wifes not even gone yet and your having a breakdown. snap out of it!"

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Vinn backed up a little, but his face was firm. "she is! But you cant do anything about that and neither can I! But at least they wont kill her!" He calmed down a bit, and his mouth was tight. "Once Allyster hits her first... period, their taking her too. dont think Axie's the only one.

He growled, "if- if you truley cared about us Vinn, you'd let us go." Willard started to sob, grabbing Axie. He buried his face into her stomach.

Vinn shook now, with anger reinstalled. "You want me to get killed?!?" He yelled, high pitched and cold. "Then none of you would have a chance! Useless to them, Relak and the sisters would probably be slain as soon as they came! Rose not much latter, and you wouldnt last long once they tested on you again. I have a sanctuary down here for you guys! Im trying! What else do you want!?? He continued to shake afterward, and stumbled around for his desk chair, having to sit down after his little outburst.

Axie had woken up, and Rose to, and they were totally confused. Axie, however, knew already that something was wrong with Willard and imidiatly pulled him up in her arms to be cradelled.

He was distressed- he need blood. He needed it fast. This was how he acted when he was severely hungry. "Vinn." He twitched, "j.. just get me blood."

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