Moonlight War


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Aviance said, "We can do whatever you're up to doing, we could chill, cuddle, whatever, really."

wow.. they call you by your real name? my teachers call me.. bruce at times.

Sorrow nodded.. "for all eternity.."

Alli smiled.. "cuddle.. and see if it leads anywhere.."

I didnt go to Sanford for SS, I went to Tusckawilla. Its Sammis school, my zone school, and the teachers think im retarded or somthing. I hate my name..Ariana, it sounds like such a p***y name.

He kissed her neck gently, signifying tha he loved her and wanted her, but for later. "Yay~"

My Spanish teacher calls me "Monica" that's my spanish name, I chose it.

Aviance giggled and said, "That sounds great." She kissed him, nibbling on his lower lip slightly.

ariana is a pretty name, but you think it doesn't fit your personality?

it's okay, i have a suckish name. Samantha- that's why everyone calls me Sam. it fits.

but why do they call you by your name? that's dumb

Sorrow smiled, "no need for a yay.."

Alli laid back.. "soo.."

Ariana is a lovely name.

Better than Rebecca. In my opinion.

Aviance laid on top of him, smirking. "Hmmm..." She rubbed her face against his neck.

I dont know. they dont accept nicknames or somthing. My teachers did, but whatever.

lol...Samantha, Matt and Austin are, like the most popular names.

I like Rebbecca, i dont know why.

"Yes need for yay.' He said. "I love you, forever...and like to hear the same."

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i like rebecca too. it's such a nice name..

but samantha- come on! one day i was in the office, and the principal yelled. 'samantha' there were 7 girls in the office, we all looked up. we all are named Samantha :unsure: it was soooo confusing

Sorrow smiled.. "fine.."

Alli liked this, he like it a lot. "you are so pretty."

Most Rebecca's, in the works of literature or tv that I have seen, are b******! Like the book, "Rebecca", I thought Rebecca was just an innocent woman who got murdered. Turns out she slept around, while she was married, and used her husband, and was mean.

And in Zoey 101, Rebecca was a girl who tired to control Chase. >[

Aviance whispered, "You're so sweet..." She rubbed against him, pushing him against the ground very slightly.

all the rebecca's in my school are nice. o_O;;

and no, it's not funny! we were in there for like ten minutes.. "who? which one?"

Sorrow smiled.. "we'll throw a little thing for them.."

Alli smiled.. "you are too."

Rebecca's in real life are nice. I don't see why there aren't any big tv or movie heroes named Rebecca. Grrr....

Aviance smiled, kissing his soft spot.

It's weird when you see people who dress like you.

Aviance whispered, "Yes?" She nibbled on his soft spot, gently.

omg omg.. like, 10 guys hugged me today. austin did.. he never hugs me! lol, i was shocked. and then like.. these 8th graders hugged me O_O

Sorrow nodded, giggling.

Alli held her close, in a gently embrace. "do.. what ever.."

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