omg, today was the award ceremony. i was supposed to get the writing award- but someone took me out, and replaced me. mrs. o'neill told me, and she looked dissapointed. instead, i got staid.. that i 'take work seriously' come on! i wrote freaking 'dude your mom is hot' in a storie! and then i got the rat pack award.. and most musically talented
Did the someone actually write? they might have won it farily. and lol...rat pack award. the only awards I got were the presidential fitness award and the deep-off award for English, were my ability to take apart songs and put them back into a story was 'deep' enough to put them into a compotition of sorts and win.
We don't do "most likely" awards until senior year. We do academic awards.
In eigth grade, because our dance was a hollywood theme, we had our own emmy's or whatever.
I got "Most likely to compose a movie soundtrack".
Aviance stopped playing and scooted close to him, kissing him gently. She pulled back slightly, smiling shyly. He made her feel like she had never felt before. She felt so pretty, so wonderful, around him.
their handmade except for the fitness ones, which go out all over the county or somthing. were to poor to get real award.
He moved so he was on top with his head on her heart (the very sound he had come to love the most) and his legs trailed off of hers. "Always fine with you."