Moonlight War


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Luneth squeaked, like he knew what was going on.

Axie got one to break the barriar. "....if..if only..." She paused. ", they wont...why hope..there is no hope...."

they staired, and one spoke up. "...Who are you."

Willard looked up at the man, quik to hide his small fangs.. "I.. I am Willard Orzo, this is my wife Axie.. and out children, Luneth and Kiara." His eyes were red from tears.

Kiara stared, she was just hungry.

Axie kept her head down. Maybe they would assume she was crying, or something. Because, it was hard for her, to be able to cry. the only way she pulled through with the few tears was the thought of her beloved, mangled and dead on the floor, the ground. Just, dead.

The men did not buy it so simply. "....why are you here?" The rest were not really ready to kill a heartbroken family, but they did have their guns raised.

Willard looked at him, his voice shaking.. "we-we lost everything, they chased us.. to here.. but, they didn't follow. We've been living here, because my wife was pregnant.."

Now, she could pull off a shakey voice. "..t..they, drove us...We...." She didn't even finish; Luneths squeaks were starting, and she had to hush him. "...Its hard.."

The guys were convinced. "..FIlthy creatures, they. Come with us, we will return you to Civilization." they offered.

Axie tried to hush erh daughter. "...dont...wast your, time with..." She hiccuped. "....Us. Humans...were not worth it. Were of no-"

One of the guys, not the leader, insisted that they follow, that if not they at least their children.

She hesitated, and then started to stand. picking up Kiara with her. she would feed her later- now was not the time, so she just stroked her and hid her face.

Luneth looked at his father, and started to whimper...which, was bad.

Axie walked to the men, glad she was pulling it off, and still stroking her little girl...some of the guys, staired.

Luneth looked as if he was frightend, like somthing would happen to him.

Axie sat down next to Willard, and looked pityfully down at Kiara, and the to Luneth....who didng seem to be hungry, but probably was. she picked them both up, and pulled her shirt down. "...Keep an eye on them." She whispered to Willard.

Willard immediateky looked at Axie.. "what's wrong?" He said, putting his hands on her cheeks, bringing their faces close.. he was doing this on purpose, to show the men who she was with.

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