Moonlight War


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Dx that's not good!

Marie grinned and said, "Good! I think it's very becoming, actually." She ruffled his hair with her free hand, then continued walking alongside him.

.... *shudder*

Marie smiled and said, "I think it makes you look a little bit rugged." She giggled and kissed him, then rubbed her face against his. "Besides, I like you just the way you are."

I don't know if I believe you

Marie scowled at him and said, "Just let me have mu own opinion of you, please!"

ew no! xD

Marie rolled her eyes and dragged him into the park, laughing. "You're so mean to me, Gale."


Marie giggled at his wink, her cheeks turning pink. "Yes. You're the meanest of all! Which is why I love you..."

xD YOU are not gross.

Creamed corn is gross

"I love you more," she murmured, smirking at him. "You handsome, sweet, kind man."

xD But it looks creepy!

Marie smiled and gave him another kiss, then sat down on one of the park benches. She patted the spot next to her, motioning for him to sit beside her.


Marie cuddled up to him under his arm, and said, "Last night... was it okay?" She blushed slightly, staring down at her lap.

Hmm.. I'll have to try it sometimes

Marie nuzzled her face against his chest, giving a soft sigh of content. "After we get married, do you want to travel? Like on a honeymoon?"

Okay, as long as you're sure...

Marie said, "Okay! That makes me happy. We could go anywhere we wanted, really, seeing as we have magic."

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